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America in World
War II
Prelude to Global
War and the Road to
Victory in Europe
• Review Quiz
• Homework: Read pgs. 444-49, answer #2
and Read pgs. 451-54, answer
• Triumph of the Will Video
• Prelude to War and the War in the Pacific
• Project-PPT
• Review
• Objective: To explain the significance of
Triumph of the Will
Prelude to War
• Germany marched troops
into the Rhineland.
• Annexed Austria and
Czechoslovakia, and
invaded Poland.
• Italy suspends elections.
• Establishes dictatorship,
and invades Ethiopia.
• Japan Seized Manchuria.
• Invaded China and
Indochina, and attacked
Pearl Harbor.
Invasion Speech
• Totalitarian:
• Government that controls
every part of life.
• Fascism:
• Belief in nation above an
• Axis Powers:
• Germany, Italy, Japan.
• Appeasement:
• Giving into demands for peace.
• Blitzkrieg:
• “Lightening War”
• Allies:
• US, Britain, and the Soviet
Prelude to
Road to Victory in Europe
• Early Axis Dominance:
• Atlantic-Germans used
Submarine warfare, AfricaRommel gained territory, USSRGermans gained territory.
• Allied Offensives:
• Africa-Defeated Rommel, ItalyMussolini overthrown.
D-Day Accounts 1, 2
• Victory in Europe:
Liberation of Paris
• France-D-Day, GermanyGermans defeated at the Battle
Battle of the Bulge
of the Bulge.
• What did Hitler do after he sent troops
in to the Rhineland?
• What do Fascists believe?
• What nations were in the Axis Powers?
• What does Blitzkrieg mean?
• What nations were in the Allied
• What Battle did the Allies win in
America in World
War II
War in the Pacific
and the Holocaust
• Political Cartoon
• Homework:
Read pgs.470-73, answer #3
and Read pgs. 475-81,
answer #3.
• Pearl Harbor Videos, Newspaper, and Artifact
• Timeline/Cartoon
• Review Homework
• Work on War in the Pacific/The Holocaust
• Project
• Review
• Objective: To explain the significance of WW II.
• Which two battles changed the
course of the war in the Pacific?
• Midway and Guadalcanal
• Nazi persecution of Jews:
• Nuremberg Laws passed, SA
and Gestapo organized,
concentration camps began,
• How did Americans react to Pearl
• Who did Germany attack to cause
Britain and France to declare war on
• What countries did Japan conquer in
its’ empire?
• What battle turned the tide in the
Pacific to America’s side?
• What did the Nuremberg Laws say?
America in World
War II
War in the Pacific, the
Holocaust, Women at War, and
Saving Private Ryan
Homework: PPT due Wednesday!
Review Homework
Review from previous day: War in the Pacific, the
• Work on:
– Women in the Army, Resources of the Allies and Axis
– Women at War and Justice.
• If Time: Project
• Review
• Objective: To explain the significance of WW II.
• What were benefits and drawbacks of
women during the war?
• Benefits: Extra $, learn new skills;
Drawbacks: Discrimination, lower wages,
and care for children.
• How did African, Mexican, Native, and
Japanese Americans experience the war:
• African: New jobs, but still discrimination,
and ghettos; Mexican: New jobs, suffered
violence, and barrios; Native: Assimilated
culturally, military; Japanese: Intense
discrimination, camps.
• Battle of the Coral
• Prevented Japanese
• Battle of Midway:
• Allies take offensive.
• Battle of Okinawa:
• Opened up Allied
invasion of Japan.
• Manhattan Project:
Bombing over Japan
• Atomic Bomb!
• Nuremberg Laws:
• Stripped Jews of citizenship, forbade marriage of Jews
and non-Jews.
• Gestapo:
• Arrested political opponents of the Nazis.
• Kristallnacht:
• “night of the broken glass”
• Evian Conference:
• All but 29 nations refused to ease immigration laws for
• Wannsee Conference:
• Announce plans to destroy Jews.
• Death Camps:
• Mass Murder.
• Nuremberg Trials:
• Trial of leading 24 Nazis, people responsible for own
• Rosie the Riveter:
• A fictional young
women that was used
to attract women to
the work force.
• Seniority:
• Status derived from
the length of one’s
service in a job.
African Americans:
Jim Crow Laws, segregation.
Mexican Americans:
Terrible working conditions,
job opportunity.
Native Americans:
Adjusted to white culture, job
Japanese Americans:
Interment camps,
discrimination. Click Here
Born in US, but parents
immigrated from Japan.
Internment camps:
Complex confining people
during the war. Click Here
• What were some of the obstacles faced
at D-Day?
• What was the Manhattan Project?
• Who were the Gestapo?
• What did the Nuremberg Laws say?
• Who was Rosie Riveter?
• What group of people did Americans
place in internment camps?
America in World
War II
Women at War, Geography, the
Death of Hitler, and a
Japanese Internment Camp.
• Review:
– Women in the Army, Resources of the Allies and
Axis nations.
– Women and the war and Justice. (Click Here)
Death of Hitler
Family Feud!
Quiz tomorrow!
Objective: To explain the significance of
Mac on Japan’s Surrender
• Why did Hitler kill himself?
• What resources do the Allies
• What group of people did
Americans place in internment
• What were they like?