Download Demonstration - ECpE Senior Design

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Remote Control
Go Forward
Say “Hello”
Go Forward
Speaking to OSCAR
Must go
OSCAR matches our voice to pre-recorded audio samples
Artificial Intelligence
Open the door
How do I open a
Artificial Intelligence
Open the door
Steps to Open the door:
1. Find the door
2. Go to the door
3. Find and grab the
4. Twist and pull or push
Power and Drivetrain System
DC to AC inverter
supplies power to the
power strip
Standard Car Battery
Wheel Tachs
• Wheel motors are powered by battery
• Wheel motors drive a belt to rotate the
• Need two tachometers to figure out the
speed of each wheel
Computer and speakers are
connected to power strip
Computer System
• OSCAR has a regular home PC onboard
• OSCAR’s ‘brain’
• Runs software to control the robot
• Commands:
Forward, Backward, Left, Right, Say
• Commands are issued to OSCAR through
wireless Internet
Robot Control Software
• Designed to be easy to use
• 4 different functions:
• Movement
• Speech output
• Sensor feedback
• Script recording/playback
• Microphone listens for speech
• All commands are sent to the
computer on the robot wirelessly
SONAR System
How does OSCAR see his surroundings?
Outgoing sound wave
Incoming sound wave
OSCAR uses SONAR (SOund NAvigation And Ranging)
An Arm for OSCAR
• Designed to be retractable so it will fit in the top layer
• Currently, the team is gathering materials to build this
• Once built, circuits need to be built to control the motors
• Then, software can be written to control the arm
Goals for this year
Improve the
speech recognition
Improve SONAR software in order to
navigate OSCAR down the hall
Install the
Wheel Tachometers
Build the retractable arm and design a way to
control it with the computer
Now for a closer look at OSCAR