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Matakuliah : J0114/Manajemen Pemasaran
: 2008
Segmenting, Targeting and Product Positioning
Pertemuan 10
Learning Outcomes
•Students can choose proper targeted segments
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Material Outline
• Basis segmentation
• Ways of selecting market
• Purpose of selecting market
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Basis Segmentation
• Demographics:
– Age and life cycle stage:
• McDonalds targets different age groups from children, teens and adults.
• Marketers must be careful to guard against stereotypes when using age and
– Gender:
• Clothing
• Cosmetics
• magazines
– Income:
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Commercial banks
Financial services
Basis Segmentation
• Psychographic Segmentation:
– Divide buyers into different groups abase on lifestyle,
– People in the same demographic group can have very different
psychographic makeups comprising their activities, interests,
and opinions.
• Geographic Segmentation
• Behavioral Segmentation:
– Divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, attitudes,
uses, or responses to a product.
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Basis of Segmentation
• Read Marketing text book, Kotler & Amstrong, Exhibit.
8.1 Page 197
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Basis Segmentation
– Occasions:
• Buyers can be grouped according to occasions when they get the
idea to buy.
• Example: Valentine’s day, Christmas’ day, Mother’s day.
– Benefits sought:
• Buyers can be grouped according to the different benefit that they
seek from the product.
• Example: toothpaste market, soap segments
– Usage rates:
• Markets can also be segmented into light, medium and heavy
product users.
• Example: airlines, hotels.
– User status:
• Markets can be segmented into groups of nonusers, ex-users,
potential users, first users, and regular users.
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Ways of Selecting Market
• Evaluating Market Segments:
– Segment size and growth
– Segment structural attractiveness
– Company objectives and resources.
• The largest, fastest-growing segments are not always
the most attractive ones for every company.
• The company also needs to examine number of
competitors, strength of competitors within the segment,
availability of substitute products.
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Ways of Selecting Market
• Selecting target market segments:
– Undifferentiated marketing
A firm targets the whole market with one offer.
Example: coca cola
It relies on mass distribution and mass advertising
It aims to give the product a superior image in people’s mind
– Differentiated marketing:
• A firm decides to target several market segments and designs
separate offers for each.
• Example: Toyota, Nike
• Differentiated marketing also increases the costs of doing business.
• The company must weigh increased sales against increased costs
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Ways of Selecting Market
– Concentrated marketing:
It is appealing as company resources are limited.
Example: Swarovski, a global leader in crystal ornaments
Company can gain greater knowledge of consumer needs.
Thus it makes the firm position to be strong.
It involves higher than normal risks since company may suffer if its
segment turns sour.
– Micro marketing:
• Is the practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to suit
the tastes of specific individuals and locations.
• It is called individual and local marketing
• Example: amazon, Kinokuniya, Japanese bookstore chain.
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Purpose of Selecting Market
To gain more sales and profits
To gain more brand loyalty
To be stronger against competitors
To build long lasting business
Companies need to consider many factors:
– Product life cycle
– Market variability
– Competitor’s marketing strategy
Bina Nusantara
• Markets can be divided into smaller groups of consumers by
geography, demography, psychography, and behavior.
• Evaluating Market Segments:
– Segment size and growth
– Segment structural attractiveness
– Company objectives and resources.
• The largest, fastest-growing segments are not always the most
attractive ones for every company.
• As companies set up some purposes or goals for targeting new
segments, they have to consider:
– Product life cycle
– Market variability
– Competitor’s marketing strategy
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