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When People Ignore
How to be heard
AND believed by
your prospects
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Before we get started…
Increase profits
Increase sales
Increase marketing ROI
Increase conversion rates
Increase lead quality
Increase response rates
Increase traffic
Principles of Persuasion
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
A Growing Problem
• Reaching and persuading
people is harder than ever
– Access to information
– Consumer mistrust
– Marketing clutter
– Media fragmentation
– Micro-niches
• Generalist = Charlatan
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
A Growing Problem
• Marketers are
misplacing their focus on
refining tactics before
first refining their
message is more
important than the
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Marketing Physics
Marketing success –
moving prospects to
action - hinges on
three high-level
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Principle #1: Overt Benefit
• Old news: Sell benefits –
not features
• NEW NEWS: The benefit
must be overt
– More is not better
• (2 max)
– People must “get it”
• 10 words or less
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Overtness 101
• Why did you get into the business?
– Straight talk wins. No BS.
– Be specific. No generic promises.
– Offer rational OR emotional benefits –
not both.
– Narrow your audience.
Focus = credibility
– It rarely pays to be clever.
– Beware of assuming knowledge
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Overtness 101
• Beware of the 7 Deadly Claims:
– “Superior Customer Service”
– “Easy to Use”
– “Most Experienced”
– “We’re #1”
– “100% Risk-Free”
– “Cutting Edge”
– “Best Value”
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Principle #2: Reason to Believe
• Benefits are almost useless without
addressing HOW will you make good on
your promise?
• More is better. Especially
online and on
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Building Believability
• 5 proven strategies to
reasons to believe:
– Kitchen logic
– Personal experience
(the demo)
– Pedigree
– Testimonial
(friends are best)
– Guarantee
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Building Believability
• TIP: Score your reasons vs. your competition
– Break from the industry norms. The more a
strategy is used, the less credible it becomes.
• TIP: Anything unique about your
development/production process offers a
potential reason to believe.
• TIP: Don’t let sloppiness kill your credibility.
• TIP: Admit a weakness.
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Principle #3: Dramatic Difference
uniqueness to be
compelling, it must be
dramatic and related to
your overt benefit.
• Without uniqueness,
you have a commodity.
And price will be the
deciding factor.
– Is there a meaningful difference vs. existing options?
– Is it worth the price?
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
What Should You Do?
• STOP focusing on
marketing tactics first
• STOP working against the
laws of marketing physics
– Narrowly define your target
– Identify and focus on your
most compelling benefit
– Triple your reasons to believe
• Cultivate empathy for
your prospects
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
What Should You Do?
• Write your copy as though
you’re speaking to a single
– Use active not passive voice
– Be specific and concrete
– Be authentic and candid
• About Us: Present the real
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
What Should You Do?
• Proof your copy and test your site
• Hire a great designer
• Simplify your customer policies
– Take some risk
• Give them something to talk about
– A remarkable experience
• Give customers a voice (user reviews)
– Publish some negative remarks along with
the positive
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.
Thank You
Tom Blue
Managing Partner
(804) 400-4953
[email protected]
© Copyright 2008 Accelerated Growth Partners, LLC All rights reserved.