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MSN 510 Notes
2. Fundamental Concepts in
Image Formation and Processing
Summary: Huygens-Fresnel Principle
The Fourier Transform
Diffraction from a single aperture
Coherence of a lightwave: White light vs laser
What is a Lens?
Fourier Transforming property of a lens
Optical Filtering
The Eye
Magnifying Glass
A Simple Microscope
Huygens-Fresnel Principle
• Each Point acts as a point source
• Complex wave amplitude is calculated by
adding up all contributions from source
Radiation pattern
• A polar plot of the intensity of from a
source (measured far away from the
The Fourier Transform
• We write a 1D or 2D function as the sum
of sinusoids.
Convolution and fourier transforms
• Formal Definition
Diffraction from a single aperture
• Slit
Diffraction and FT
• A measure of how sinusoidal the light is
– Or the length over which it interferes with itself
What is a lens?
Ray transfer matrices
Free Space
Thin lens
Interesting Example
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