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Analyzing Two Samples
for Differences in
Meristic/Mensural Means I
8 February 2016
The t-Test for
Paired Data,
Equal Variances
Paired t-Test
DV meristic/mensural
Two DV records per subject
Ex: H0: There is no difference in stem
diameter between hemlocks on tip-up
mounds and on adjacent flat areas.
Paired t-Test
Compares mean difference between
observations (x) to a hypothesized mean of
t = x/(SD/√N)
SD is standard deviation of differences
N is number of pairs
df = N1
*Or, another hypothesized mean difference may be substituted via subtraction from x
in the formula for t
Tellería et al., 1995
Spanish Juniper Woodland Birds
Manter et al., 2000
Firs, Fungi, and CO2
The t-Test for
Unpaired Data,
Equal Variances
t-Test—Equal Variances
DV meristic/mensural
One DV record per subject, two independent
sets of subjects to compare
Data pass test for equality of variance using Ftest
Ex: H0: There is no difference in carapace
length between Oklahoma and Arkansas
razorback musk turtle females
The F-test for Equality of Variances
Divide larger variance by smaller variance
Compare to F-test tabular values (Table B)
Calculated F < Ftabular:
Variances not shown to differ
Calculated F > Ftabular:
Variances differ significantly—don’t use t-test that
assumes equal variances!
The F-test for Equality of Variances
Var1 = 8.31, N1 = 21
Var2 = 7.29, N2 = 21
F=1.14, dfnum=20, dfden=20, Ftabular[0.05]=2.12
Data pass test (p0.40)
Var1 = 14.46, N1 = 26
Var2 = 5.52, N2 = 25
F= 2.62, dfnum=25, dfden=24, Ftabular[0.05]=1.96
Data fail test (p=0.01)
Var1 = 31.6, N1 = 29
Var2 = 18.4, N2 = 31
F=1.72, dfnum=28, dfden=30, Ftabular[0.05]=1.87
Data pass test (p0.075)
t-Test for Equal Variances
__ __
/√[Vpooled(1/N1+1/N2)], where
Vpooled = [(N11)V1+(N21)V2]/(N1+N22)
df = N1+N22
The t-Test for
Unpaired Data,
Unequal Variances
t-Test—Unequal Variances
DV must be meristic or mensural
One DV record per subject, two independent
sets of subjects to compare
Data fail test for equality of variance using Ftest
Less powerful than t-test for equal variance
t-Test for Unequal Variances
__ __
df = (V1/N1+V2/N2)2 [(V1/N1)2/(N11)+ (V2/N2)2/(N21)]
(Not necessarily a whole number—round to nearest whole number to look
up critical value of t in Table C, or integrate between values)
Negro et al., 1998
Kestrel Carotenoids
One Tail or Two?
Two-tailed test
No a priori assumption which group will have larger
Ex: Female crickets preferring or avoiding male groups
One-tailed test
Good a priori reason to believe A may have larger mean
than B
Ex: Bees learning to associate shape with food
One Tail or Two?
Two-tailed tests have twice the p values of
one-tailed tests
Ferguson and Fox, 1984
Juvenile Side-Blotched Lizards
Standard Error
SE = SD/√N
SE decreases as N
Shows up as tic
marks on bar
relates to p-value
in test for
Fig. 5-10 p. 128
Confidence Interval on the Mean
Range of probable population mean under a set
level of confidence
95% CL = Sample mean ± 1.96(SE)
95% of samples with mean and variance like the one
drawn will be drawn from populations with their true
mean within this range
98% CL = Sample mean ± 2.33(SE)
99% CL = Sample mean ± 2.58(SE)