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t Tests
Hypothesis Testing
The most basic and commonly used procedures
One Sample t Test
Two Sample t Test
Compare a single mean to a fixed number
Compare two population means based on independent samples from
the two populations or groups
Paired t Test
Compare two means based on samples that are paired in some way
One Sample t Test or z test
Compare sample results with a known value
Mean weight of male Geography majors vs mean weight male
UA students
The advertised tension strength of garbage bags vs your
SAT scores for a random sample vs the mean SAT value
from 3 years ago
Government specification on the percentage of fruit juice
that must be in a drink before it can be sold as fruit juice
Considerations for 1 sample t Test
If the sample size is small (< 15), t test should
only be used if there is minimal skewness and
outlier impact
If the sample size is moderate (15 – 40), t test
can be used in most cases unless there are
extreme outliers
If the sample size is large (> 40), t test may be
used safely
2 tailed or 1 tailed test
1 tailed
If you are interested in rejecting the null hypothesis if the
population mean differs from the hypothesized value in a
direction of interest
2 tailed
Ho: µ = µo (the pop mean is = to the hypothesized value
Ha: µ > µo (the pop mean is > µo)
Ho: µ = µo (the pop mean is = to the hypothesized value
Ha: µ ≠ µo (the pop mean is ≠ to µo)
SPSS reports 2 tailed p value
Divide by 2 for 1 tailed test
2 Sample t Test
Determine whether the unknown means of 2
populations are different from each other based
on independent samples from each population
Equal Variance
Unequal Variance
2 Sample Considerations
Comparison of means
Data should not be categorical even if it is recoded
Independent Samples
2 samples from same population
 2 samples from different populations
Check for normality with smaller samples
Equal variances
Levene’s test
Sample sizes from both groups are similar
paired t Test
Before and after
Two measurements on the same subject
Control group vs treatment group
Ho: µd = 0 (population meqan of the differences is 0)
 Ha: µd ≠ 0 (population mean of the difference is not
Data analyzed are differences within pairs
Paired t Test considerations
Pairing observations may increase the ability to
detect differences
Normality of difference scores
One Sample Test Practice
Calculate Test Statistic
Calculation of the test statistic requires four components:
The average of the sample (observed average)
The population average or other known value (expected average)
The standard deviation of the average
The number of observations.
T stat- compare to table
Having calculated the t-statistic, compare the t-value with a
standard table of t-values to determine whether the t-statistic
reaches the threshold of statistical significance.
SE = s / sqrt( n )
t = (x - μ) / SE
We are testing to see if a sample mean score of
freshman GY101 students is less than the class
mean of 70 on exam 1.
Freshman test scores
your list of numbers: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 19
SD calculation example
mean: (1+3+4+6+9+19) / 6 = 42 / 6 = 7
list of deviations: -6, -4, -3, -1, 2, 12
squares of deviations: 36, 16, 9, 1, 4, 144
sum of deviations: 36+16+9+1+4+144 = 210
divided by one less than the number of items in the list: 210 / 5 = 42
square root of this number: square root (42) = about 6.48
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