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Expected impact of Climate Change on flooding in
the Dender Basin.
Results MSc thesis: Adaptive measures to
reduce climate change impacts on flood
Niels Van Steenbergen & Jeroen Verbelen
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
3 climate scenarios
CCI-HYDR Perturbation Tool
Perturbation factors
Composite hydrograms (T= 5, 10, 25, 100, 250)
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
• Conceptual model
• Hydrodyn. model
– Linear reservoir
– Calculation time
10² s
– Simplification
– Calibration
– Measures
– Saint Venant
– Calculation time
104 s
– Accurate
– Detailed
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
• Conceptual model of the upstream Dender basin
Q river
H river
Q flood
H floodplain
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
• Floodmapping of conceptual model
Method of fictive floodbranches
Floodbranch in the lowest point
Water height as boundary of the floodbranch
Extrapolation of water height in polygon
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
• Simulation results (climate scenarios: red = low, orange =
mean, green = high, blue = normal) (T=10)
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
• Simulation results (climate scenarios: red = low, orange =
mean, green = high, blue = normal) (T=10)
Expected impact of CC in Dender Basin
• Simulation results (climate scenarios: red = low, orange =
mean, green = high, blue = normal) (T=10)
Adaptation scenarios considered and the expected
impact on flooding in the Dender basin.
Results MSc thesis: Adaptive measures to
reduce climate change impacts on flood
Niels Van Steenbergen & Jeroen Verbelen
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Adaptation scenarios
– Baseline scenario = Situation before the flood 20022003
– Scenario 1 = dikes built in 2003
– Scenario 2 = scenario 1 + adapted weirs
– Scenario 3 = scenario 2 + flood control reservoirs
• Marke + Molenbeek Zandbergen
• Spatially concentrated
• Assumption on filling and emptying
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Scenario 1: dikes
T = 25 year
Climate Scenario = Mean
Blue = Baseline
Red = Scenario 1
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Scenario 2: weirs
T = 25 year
Climate Scenario = Mean
Red + Green = Scenario 1
Green = Scenario 2
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Scenario 3: flood control reservoir
T = 25 year
Climate Scenario = Mean
Green + Orange = Scenario 2
Orange = Scenario 3
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Other inundation parameters
– Water rise rate
– Water velocity in floodplains
 Historical events
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Other inundation parameters
– Rise rate (1995)
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Other inundation parameters
– Water velocity in floodplains (2002-2003)
• Criterion : < 2 m/s
Adaptation Scenarios in Dender Basin
• Conclusions
– Calculation time
– Measures
• Dikes: most positive influence, but can cause
problems upstream
• Weirs: positive influence, but can cause problems
• Flood control reservoirs: small influence, but most
desirable measure
Improvement of efficiency
- Other possible measure:
- Lowering dikes in non-built area’s
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