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Introduction to
The Unified Cycle Theory
Milankovitch – Precession, Obliquity, & Eccentricity
Sun & Stars – Reflected in sunspot and starspot cycles
Geomagnetic – Cycles in Earth’s magnetic field
EUWS -- Extra-Universal Wave Series cycles
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EUWS Cycles
• A harmonic sequence of cycles found
throughout the universe.
• Wavelengths are precisely separated by
a factor of 3.
• Verified and suspected wavelengths
range from 9.57-day to 22.2-gyr.
General Equation for EUWS Cycles
yi = dn * sine((2π(ti + tscale)/ λn) + θn)
[Puetz, 2010]
• n – Designates the cycle, where n = 0, 1, … 33.
• dn – Density of the nth EUWS cycle. At this time, values for dn
are unknown.
• λn – All wavelengths are derived from λ0 ~ 1.06-day ±1%.
Other periods are estimated at λn = 3n λ0 ±1%.
• θn – Indicates the phase of λn.
• ti – A point in time when the force of λn is estimated.
• tscale – The time-scale adjustment. Calendar, tscale = -2000-yr.
1950 as present, tscale = -50 years. 2000 as present, tscale = 0.
EUWS Cycles, Million Year Timescale.
Individual Myr components combined
into a single composite model.
The high-frequency oscillations are child cycles – not statistical noise.
Time-Series Plots
• “The 1st, and most important, step in any
time-series analysis is to plot the observations
against time.” Chris Chatfield, Ph.D., Dept. of
Mathematics, Univ. of Bath, UK.
• This analysis presents plots showing cycles in
star formation, sunspots, starspots, climate,
volcanic activity, geomagnetism, evolution,
and human behavior.
2.46-Gyr Cycle in Star Formation.
Issues – Large age-errors and many factors involved in star formation.
22.2-gyr cycle – Detected by 11.1-gyr ½-cycle between 13.83 Ga and 2.73 Ga.
822-Myr Cycle in Volcanism.
Positive -- Ages are well-dated, correlated to Super-Continents.
Negative -- Sampling inadequate prior to 3.0 Ga.
274-Myr Cycle in Volcanism.
A highly significant cycle – Many repetitions, closely
matching theoretical oscillations. Smaller peaks at
274-myr intervals. Larger peaks at 822-myr intervals.
91.3-Myr Cycle in Evolution
Negatives – The authors failed to provide age-error estimates.
One statistician questions the accuracy of the data.
Positives – Cross correlation with zircons and stromatolite-mats
shows that the age estimates are quite reliable.
30.4-Myr Cycle in Volcanism & Climate.
This is NOT an example of statistical noise. The climate variation represents
cycles within cycles within other cycles. Spectral analysis detects at least 10
different EUWS and Milankovitch cycles in this time-series.
10.1-Myr & 3.38-Myr Climate Cycles.
Larger spikes in climate change occur at 10.1-myr intervals.
Smaller oscillations take place at 3.38-myr intervals.
1.13-Myr Climate Cycle.
The 1.13-myr EUWS cycle is observed here for 24 repetitions,
using the Zachos climate proxy.
Theoretical 376-Kyr Cycle.
• Statistical tests on climate data failed to
confirm the 376-kyr cycle.
• For climate time-series only, Milankovitch
cycles interfere with EUWS cycles in the
range from 20-kyr to 1-myr.
• A time-series measuring volcanic activity
must be found to test the 376-kyr cycle.
125-Kyr Climate Cycle.
Negative – Interference from 95-kyr Eccentricity cycle.
Positive – 125-kyr EUWS cycle still visible.
41.8-Kyr Cycle in Volcanism.
Available evidence suggests that volcanic cycles cause climate cycles:
(1) Precession periods are absent from volcanic dust time-series.
(2) Volcanism leads climate change.
Double 41.8-Kyr Cycle in Geomagnetism.
An extremely strong cycle in geomagnetism exits at EXACTLY double
the EUWS period of 41.8-kyr. This may indicate a polar component .
13.9-Kyr Cycle in Volcanism & Climate.
Lead-Lag Analysis -- Volcanic activity leads climate change by ~ 5-kyr.
This suggests that volcanic cycles contribute to climate change.
4.64-Kyr Cycle in Volcanism & Climate.
Volcanic activity leads Antarctic climate by ~ 1.55-Kyr. Below, Antarctic
climate data was shifted by 1.55-Kyr to better illustrate the correlation.
1.55-Kyr Climate Cycle.
Similar to falling dominos, EUWS cycles unleash a chain of events.
Turkish climate slightly leads Greenland climate.
516-Year Cycles in Civilizations.
Originally discovered by Dr. Raymond Wheeler and reported as a 510year cycle. My independent analysis confirmed Dr. Wheeler’s research.
516-Year Cycle in Chinese Dynasties.
The major dynasties of China unified the region near theoretical peaks.
After the peaks, wars tore China into regional clans until the next cycle.
172-Year Commodity Price Cycle.
By piecing together available commodity data, a picture emerges
of periodic commodity tops for the last 6 peaks of the 172-yr cycle.
57.3-Year Sunspot Cycle.
Several EUWS cycles are detectable in sunspot activity. The 516-yr and
57.3-yr cycles are found in sunspots reconstructed by Sami Solanki.
19.1-Year Financial Panic Cycle.
For unknown reasons, the EUWS cycles affect human behavior. Financial
panics occur every 19.1 years. These recurring panics can be traced back to
1720, when the Mississippi Bubble and the South Sea Bubble imploded.
19.1-Year Commodity Price Cycle.
A commodity index from ancient Babylonia also reveals the
19.1-yr panic cycle. This is the only known ancient price index.
6.37-Year EUWS Cycle.
• A time-series could not be found to confirm
the 6.37-year EUWS cycle.
• The 11-Year Schwabe cycle interferes with
detecting EUWS cycles in sunspots.
• Fed monetary policy interferes with EUWS
detection in stock and commodity markets.
2.12-Year Sunspot Cycle.
The 2.12-yr EUWS frequency appears in sunspot oscillations.
258-Day Stock Market Cycle.
Regular, highly significant beats occur at 258-day intervals in stocks.
258-Day & 86.1-Day Stock Cycles.
Larger peaks are evident at 258-day intervals.
Smaller peaks occur at 86.1-day intervals.
86.1-Day & 28.7-Day Starspot Cycles.
The 86.1-day and 28.7-day EUWS cycles are detectable on a
distant star. Both cycles also appear as minor sunspot periods.
9.57-Day Cycle in Stocks
The shortest detectable EUWS cycle is the 9.57-day cycle in stocks.
Conclusion 1 – EUWS Primary Impacts:
• Volcanic Cycles – Strong evidence.
• Star Formation Cycles – Moderate evidence.
• Big Crunch / Big Bounce Cycle – Circumstantial evidence.
• Starspot & Sunspot Cycles – Moderately strong evidence.
• Asteroid Impact Cycles – Weak, but circumstantial evidence.
• Mass Behavior Cycles in Humans -- Moderately strong
Conclusion 2 – EUWS Secondary Impacts:
• Volcanic cycles create Ecosystem cycles:
Dust in the atmosphere
Various atmospheric gases (methane and carbon-dioxide)
Climate cycles – Causes sea levels to rise and fall
Structure of continents
• Ecosystem cycles cause Evolutionary cycles:
Cycles in evolution and mass-extinctions follow EUWS
periods of 822-myr, 274-myr, 91.3-myr, and 30.4-myr.
• The 822-Myr cycle syncs with Super-Continent formation:
Every 822-myr, magmatic super-plumes occur.
Tectonic plate movements eventually break them apart.
The Unified Cycle Theory
Introduction is finished.