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November 29th, 2013
AFD Presentation & focus on
Financing of Water / IRWM projects
[email protected]
 AFD General presentation
 Water & Sanitation
 Potential collaboration in Turkey
AFD spearheads France’s development aid
 €7 billion of new funding in 2012
 AFD counts as one of the world’s main development finance
 AFD is renowned for:
 its ability to mobilize French expertise,
 its effective partnerships,
 its contribution to international discussions about aid issues,
 its presence in the field.
Activity in more than 70 countries
€7 billion for developing and emerging
countries and France’s Overseas Provinces
Water a priority sector for AFD
For the period 2010-2015, AFD aims to commit €600m every year
to water and sanitation
AFD focus on Water in the Mediterranean
promoting IWRM based on a more effective use, the concerted allocation
of resources between uses via an economic approach and the mobilization of
unconventional resources
supporting sectoral policies thanks to capacity development, technical
cooperation and setting up partnerships with other donors or through
decentralized cooperation
de-polluting the Mediterranean by improving sanitation, under the Union
for the Mediterranean (UfM) and its H2020 Initiative. This sea is indeed
threatened by the discharge of untreated urban wastewater, which has
environmental, health and economic impacts
AFD focus on Water in Emerging countries
 recover and use greenhouse gases from wastewater treatment
 reduce the energy consumption of drinking water and sanitation
services, particularly by fighting against network losses
 protect biodiversity thanks to the development and upgrading of
sanitation systems
 preserve ecosystems that have been weakened by climate change,
thanks to the sound management of water resources at the local and regional
e.g. in COLOMBIA
Integrated Water Ressource Management
 AFD is contributing (100 MUSD) to the establishment of an effective IWRM
policy in Colombia thanks to budget support cofinanced with the Andean
Development Corporation (CAF).
 This support includes a mechanism of progress indicators established
jointly by the Colombian Government and AFD.
 Moreover, as part of its decentralized cooperation, the Adour-Garonne
Water Agency has established an institutional partnership, which will allow
exchanges between the French and Colombian IWRM models.
AFD’s activities at a glance in Turkey
 in Turkey since 2004. Total assets portfolio: > € 1 Billion
 3 main missions in line with Turkish policies on climate change and
 Ensure sustainable growth of territories by reducing carbon footprint
 Promote a rebalancing of territorial development
 Preserve regional public goods
 Partners:
 public sector: central government, State-owned companies/banks and
local authorities
 private sector: banks and companies (via Proparco)
 Tools:
 AFD grants long-term loans on preferential conditions
 AFD finances studies and technical support for projects via grants
AFD and Turkey :
Opportunity of collaboration on IWRM
How to work together to support the current water reform in Turkey?
Grant funds for technical cooperation can be utilized for institutional support
through :
 knowledge sharing
 local capacity-building
 expert consultancy services
Large capacity to mobilize French expertise: OIEau, private consultants and
Loan to finance the implementation of an Action Plan on a Pilot River Basin
 Loan to the state (Treasury)
 Loan to the municipalities (SKI)
 Credit line to a bank
AFD and Turkey :
Opportunity of collaboration on IWRM
Technical Cooperation :
Support the conversion of River Basin Action Plans into River Basin Management Plan
Support the development of governing models for IWRM, organization of water users
consultations, economic analysis (value for water) etc.
Investments financing :
Identify priority investments (Action Plan) in the river basin that could be financed with a
 River basin identified for collaboration
 Fields : flood, wastewater treatment plants, improvement of the level of service for
water delivery, non revenue water, sewage sludge management; protection plans for
water resources etc.
Work in collaboration with other IFIs: World Bank & European Union (IPA funds)
The way AFD works
 Need of a request from the Turkish Treasury for the financing
 What matters:
 Transparency
 Quality and sustainability of the works : importance of the bidding
process and selection criteria for the works
 High environmental and social standards (Support green economic
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