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WLI Regional Knowledge Exchange
Workshop on Decision-support Tools
and Models
Irrigation Systems
23-27 September 2013
Djerba, Tunisia
Last year: In relation to Irrigation
• Irrigation, different techniques of irrigation,
(supplementary irrigation and drip irrigation)
wheat, maize, tomato, cauliflower, Bersim,
• Determine water productivity
• Drip irrigation vs surface irrigation
• Subsurface and drip irrigation vs traditional
irrigation - flooding
Last year: In relation to Irrigation
Abyan Delta
They flood twice by year: winter and summer
Social and political problems
After problems, characterization of the sites and socioeconomic
Landuse planning
Transfer of techniques for the research station of Delta Abian
Output for decision makers regarding plan of agricultural use
depend on flood and groundwater quality
• On irrigation: Supplementary irrigation after flooding, use one
irrigation supplementary to increase yield: from water wells, Pipe
irrigation: surface irrigation
• Cotton is the main crop; and Sesame, Banana, papaya
Last year: In relation to Irrigation Systems
Irrigation water managements strategy
Field experiment on vegetables crops on drip irrigation
Soil salinization, yield, water productivity
Cost benefit analysis
How to improve water productivity through deficit irrigation,
Full crop water requirement, deficient irrigation,
Climate change impact: potato crop: calibration of Aqua crop on new
version that includes salinity
Use new models in the future
Two crops: wheat and Citrus
Experimental and farmer scale: water stress, climate stress and salinity
Farmer scale: increase water productivity (Open channel and
Aquacrop: apply to salinity and heat stress
Last year: In relation to Irrigation Systems
• Managing the irrigation schemes
• Four steps: monitoring the system, looking for the data, model building
and build some scenarios to improve the water productivity
• Tow types of soils; new and old land, one location in each system
• 240 ha old lands
• 70 ha new lands
• Winter crop: wheat and Alfalfa in old system
• Summer crops, trees and orcahrd, alfalfa: new system
• Monitor the water and the cropping patterns for two years
• Scenarios based on different soil compaction
• Survey and samples and soil samples
• Does the farmer knows about the compaction; according to the farmer
apicultural practices and their effect on soil compaction
• New land: drip irrigation
• Old land: surface irrigation
Last year: In relation to Irrigation Systems
• Surface irrigation in Qaa: two seasons: winter
season and summer
• Wells in north of El Qaa
• Distribution efficiency
• Two experiment on grapes and eggplants
• Deficit irrigation on eggplant
• Conservation agriculture, supplemental irrigation
• Farrow irrigation for wheat
• Eggplant: drip irrigation
• Grape new irrigation
Iraq (workplan 2014 and challenges)
• Water productivity (upscale the benchmark)
• Grow different crops with same irrigation
system – barley and other crops
• How to select of suitable model for our area?
Yemen 2014
• Complete landuse planning
• Transfer techniques to the farmer
• Conduct workshop to discuss with decision
makers the findings
• Select scenarios and models to decision
• Looking for models
Tunisia 2014
Same experiments
Organize workshop for farmers in the field
Demonstrate or the farmer the crop practices
For citrus: Implement field experiments on deficit irrigation
Aquacrop validation on climate change
Impact of climate change on crop production
Outscaling? We will communicate to stackeholder, to decision makers to
support our program. May come to the next year and beyond
Climate change: Heat effect on our production is being under study for
now and then we may choose scenarios
Source of water is far: climate change has to tackle the water supply also
We have problem the salinity problem from marine water intrusion for
citrus area
We have people working on the watershed scale
Egypt 2014
Continue the assessment of the system
Work on the downstream: the branch canals to the farmers
Is your model is scalable to more canals
It is possible because the canal system are the same all over
We can not disseminate the model for the next year
Soil compaction: we will have good result of this year could be disseminated for
the next year
Soil degradation in the old land
Water productivity optimizer model
No scaling up???
50% of the area is rice and 20% is alfalafa and other are vegetables
Water is not a limiting factor but it is becoming a limiting factor nowadays:
economical forces: energy problem.
Farmers do not like to change the crop patterns
Change the water management to save water on farm level
Distribution of the water is the problem: upstream takes more water while the
downstream farmers have water from the drainage channels
First communication with the ministry and then they will take decisions to be
transferred to farmers
Scale up is possible
Data is the problem and update data
Lebanon Workplan 2014
Potato under drip irrigation (mulching)
Estimate the evapotranspiration
WEAP or SWAT model
Drought resistant varieties of Tomato
Cactus for fruits
Upscaling: to watershed scale
Upscaling: require another benchmark area
WMS model on the hydrology of the area
Limitation and issues (specific problem
or common to all countries)
• Convincing the decision makers
• How to provide the capabilities to the work:
depend on supporters and decision makers
• Security problem on the work
• How WLI can help:
• Support to convince decision makers
• Help in modeling
• How to communicate with other WLI partners
Limitation and issues (specific problem
or common to all countries)
Security problems
Help to prepare in landuse planning
Training on GIS and modeling
Limitation of ETo data
Limitation and issues (specific problem
or common to all countries)
• Purchase of equipment takes time with
ICARDA approval
• We need suitable modeling for heat, salinity
and climate change: or training on modeling
• How to select appropriate modeling
Limitation and issues (specific problem
or common to all countries)
• Insecurity: vandalism
• WLI is asking for a lot of a reporting: no time
for that (common concern for all countries)
• Funding is not sure
• Regional level for modeling the funds are
available???? But not clear.
Limitation and issues (specific problem
or common to all countries)
• Security problem: close to Syria boarder
• Training on modeling
Workshops, meetings (famers and
decision level) and Articles plans for
next year
• Need discuss with other colleagues (Iraq)
• Yemen (one workshop with farmers)
• Tunisia: workshop for decision makers for the
north, center and south; plus one on the
modeling; three publications or more
• Egypt: field days 2; workshop: national scale
one; one or two publications
• Lebanon: 1 or 2 field days; one or two
Thank you