Download Image Trend version 5.0 - Fauquier County Fire & Rescue

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Version 5.0
Field Bridge
Webpage Module I
• The Virginia OEMS has been using State Bridge [VPHIB] for over 11 months
now. Their initial push was to insure all Virginia agencies were preparing
and submitting Patient Care Reports correctly and in a timely manner.
• They feel this task is now complete and are now beginning the next step of
reviewing the quality of data submitted.
• Most agencies across Virginia found that they were submitting data at
much less than 100% complete.
• We were tasked with determining the states data requirements and
creating validation rules that were inline with these requirements.
• As a result, there are many more fields that require data.
• This training is designed to show you each screen and tab and answer any
questions about the system.
Ground Rules
Narratives – One must be created for ALL calls.
CAD Interface – If you are unable to pull CAD data into the laptop:
Check the SPRINT connection. Sometimes Sprint lies, it says you are connected, but you are not. Try
If Sprint has been verified and connected and you are still unable to load the data, contact system
“Not Applicable” or “Not Known”.
Transports, Refusals, Cancelled, Stand-bys… etc .etc.
The state has decided this is not appropriate data submission for some fields. They have been
removed as options in these fields. .
Some field names have been changed in an attempt to make the data “flow” better.
National Emergency Medical Services Information System.
NEMSIS is the national repository that will be used to
potentially store EMS data from every state in the
Virginia Pre-Hospital Information Bridge
VPHIB is used for a variety of uses including:
system planning, system evaluation, grants
management, support legislative inquiries,
contribute to other state and national databases,
monitor triage programs and more.
The ImageTrend State Bridge enables State EMS
agencies to securely collect, analyze and report on
statewide EMS data
Rescue Bridge is fire and EMS solution
incorporating ePCR, fire inspections, pre-planning
and inventory data collection and management in
a paperless environment.
Field Bridge is a pre-hospital patient care data
collection and reporting application. Designed to
assists EMS personnel in quickly generating
complete electronic ePCRs in a mobile
National Fire Information Reporting System:
A standard national reporting system used by
U.S. fire departments to report fires and other
incidents(EMS) to which they respond to.
Virginia Fire Information Reporting System:
The Virginia Department of Fire Programs (VDFP)
manages these reports. VFIRS is the statewide system
for tracking all emergency responses with fire
departments in Virginia.
Log into
Field Bridge
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Log into Field Bridge
– Username
– Password
– Verify Database you are signing
You can SYNC here or once you have
signed in.
SETTINGS is where you would SYNCALL.
SYNC-ALL will reload the entire database.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
• Field Bridge SYNC actually
loads updated database items
from the Rescue Bridge server
located in Minnesota.
– Items in this SYNC include but
are not limited to:
• New or updated member
• New or updated validation rules.
• New or updated medications.
• New or updated apparatus.
• Many more items.
– Items not loaded are:
• Records generated on other
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
• Now you are ready for the next
• If you staff units, you can pre-fill
some information that will
forward to the ePCR when you
open a new one.
– They are:
• Current Unit:
– Select from the dropdown the
unit you will be staffing.
• Current Shift:
– Select from the dropdown:
» Career, Volunteer, Combo
• Current Crew:
– Select Add Personnel
– Select from the dropdown the
personnel riding and their
position on the unit.
Starting A Call
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
• When a call comes in:
from the top left screen.
• A popup of calls, including
your unit number, will
• You can also select [All]
which will display all calls
and units for several days.
To Scene Tab
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
• ePCR is now open and ready
for input.
• RED tabs indicate missing
data that’s required by the
State of Virginia for ePCR
• ALL “To Scene” TABS need
to be completed for ALL
calls. Even Cancelled Calls.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Personnel Tab
• If you entered crew on the
dashboard, this will auto fill.
• You can also add or remove
personnel here if desired.
• You should verify correct
personnel and positions
have been added.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Dispatch Information Tab
• If everything is working with
CAD and the server, this
data is automatically loaded
with the exception of
several type of calls.
• There is a open Image Trend
problem ticket on these
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Dispatch Information Tab
• If you have to fill any of
these fields these out due
to CAD service interrupts,
PLEASE enter the Incident
number as YYXXXXX.
(Max of 7 characters)
• Rip and Tear will display the
incident as 2011-12345
• DO NOT ENTER the “-” or
the “20” for 2011.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Incident Address Tab
• If everything is working with
CAD and the server, this
data is automatically loaded
with the exception of
several fields.
– They are:
• Postal Code:
• First Due Zone:
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Incident Address Tab – Postal Code
• Postal Code:
– If you are unsure of the
postal code, you can use
the :Postal Code
reference” dropdown and
select the correct code.
– You will find the most used
postal codes in and around
the Fauquier County area.
- If you need one added,
see your administrator.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Incident Address Tab – First Due Zone
• First Due Zone:
– Select the correct “FIRST
DUE ZONE”. Use the zone
for the dispatched box
– Example
» Box 0101 would be
zone 01-Warrenton.
» Box 0701 would be
zone 07-Catlett.
» Etc….
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Response Information Tab
• Response Information has
several fields we are unable to
– They are:
• Location Type
• Primary Role of Unit
• The other fields [DEFAULT] but
should be reviewed.
– They are:
Response Request.
Vehicle Type.
Response Mode to Scene.
Response Urgency.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Response Information Tab – Location Type
• Location Type:
– Select the correct type.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – Response Information Tab – Primary Role of Unit
• Primary Role of Unit:
– Select the correct role.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – NFIRS – Incident Type
• Incident Type:
– Select the correct type from
the dropdown.
– Most used EMS selection are
now at the TOP.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
To Scene – NFIRS – Primary Action Taken
• Primary Action Taken:
– Select the correct action from
the dropdown.
– Most used EMS selection are
now at the TOP.
Patient Information Tab
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information
• Patient Information
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Response Disposition
Select the correct option
– Treated and Transported ALS/BLS - if you
– Treated, Transferred - care if you flew the pt, or
turned over to another agency.
– Treated, Transported by Law Enforcement.
– Treated, Transport by POV.
– Treated and Released if you treated and released.
Patient Refused Care – Must obtain a signature
and reason why they refused. State says: All
refusals are AMA.
– Dead at Scene – If confirmed code.
– No Treatment Required – if no treatment
– No Patient found – if unable to locate a patient.
– Unable to locate a patient – if unable to locate.
– Standby Only – All Fire calls with no patient.
– Cancelled – If cancelled.
Remember - - - Must complete ALL fields on “To
Scene” tab and reload CAD times before closing a
cancelled call.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Patient Demographics
• Enter Last Name and select
above. This will search
under your agency to see if
this patients data is already
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Patient Demographics – Repeat Patient
• If your agency transported within
the last 6 months, their name
should drop down as shown here.
• Place curser over the correct one
and double click or select the
OPEN button to the right of the
• The data will automatically
populate the correct fields.
• The Past Medical Hx will populate
as well as long as it was entered
by the last provider.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Patient Demographics
• All fields in RED are
required if you treated in
any way, for Patient
Refusals, or for DOAs.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Patient Demographics
Last Name – Please not all CAPS or all small letters.
(example-Jones… not jones or JONES) .
First Name – Same rules as Last name.
Enter your Unit Number – (example- M1, A1-1, )
If you transport more that one patient, please add a unique number at the
end of your unit number. (example- M1-1,M1-2. or A1-1-1, A1-1-2)
Race – Select from dropdown.
Ethnicity – Select from dropdown.
Gender – Select from dropdown.
SSN – Try to obtain, but if you can not, please enter
999-99-9999, Do Not Enter 0’s or 8s.
Date of Birth – MM/DD/YYYY
Age will auto calculate.
Address – If the patient is home, you can select the “GET
INCIDENT ADDRESS” bar above and it will auto fill from
the dispatched address.
Postal code – will auto fill as well. If home address is
different, just enter the postal code and select the “ SET
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Past Medical History
Medical History selection box –
Other medical history –
If Female and between 12 and 50, State requires this
Patient Medications –
Select from dropdown
Enter any history that is not in the dropdown.
History obtained by–
Selecting the (+) will give you a dropdown to select
from. Place curser over the correct selection and click
once, then move to another and click once again. If
you want to remove a selection, just place curser over
and click again.
Select “Add Patient Medication” and select from
dropdown. If medication is not listed, [email Butch,
the name of the drug and It will be added to the list]
Patient Drug Allergies –
Select “Add Patient Medication” and select from
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Barriers to Patient Care
• If any barriers to patient
care, change here.
• We currently [DEFAULT] to
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – First Responder Agencies / Prior Aid
• We [DEFAULT] all fields. If
any differences just change.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Patient Information – Vehicular Information
If vehicle accident was indicated and
injury was indicated ALL fields are
Select from the dropdowns of each box.
Vitals, Meds, Procedures Tab
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures
Vitals, Meds, Procedures
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Provider Impression
Must enter provider impression.
– Select from dropdown
Must also enter secondary
impression. State Required.
– Can use Not Applicable in this
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Patient Condition
Onset Date/Time –
Chief Complaint – Required
Select from dropdown.
Anatomic Location Complain – Required
Select from dropdown.
Other Symptoms – Required
Required – [DEFAULT] to NO.
Primary Symptom – Required
If complain.
Alcohol/drug Use – Required
If applicable.
Duration of Secondary Complaint
Select from dropdown.
Secondary Complain –
Free form text.
Duration of that complain – Required
Unit of measure –
Handy, but not required
Select from dropdown
Organ System Complaint – Required
Select from dropdown.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Patient Condition
• Trauma Information
Possible Injury – Required
Cause of Injury –
Select from dropdown.
Injury Intent –
Select from dropdown
Mechanism of Injury –
Select from dropdown
Select from dropdown.
Height of Fall (feet) –
Enter number of feet. If from standing position (enter 1 foot).
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Vitals, Meds, Procedures, EKGs
– Vitals, Meds, Procedures, EKGs tab
– Enter your Medications.
• Select the Add Med button.
– Enter your Procedures.
• Select the Add Proc button.
– Enter your Vitals
• Select the add vitals button.
– Enter your EKG assessment.
• Select the Add EKG button
Each are defined in the next few
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Medications, Procedures, EKGs – ADD VITALS TAB (1)
Blood Pressure–
Pulse –
Select from dropdown.
Patient Position –
Select from dropdown.
BP Location –
Select from dropdown
Resp. Rhythm –
Select from dropdown
Pulse Rhythm –
Enter number
SpO2 Qualifier –
Enter rate.
SpO2 –
Enter pulse.
Resp –
Enter numbers
Select from dropdown.
Make sure date / time is correct
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Medications, Procedures, EKGs – ADD VITALS TAB (2)
Pain Scale –
Blood Glucose –
Will [DEFAULT] to PCP. Make sure correct name displayed.
Response Level –
Select from dropdown.
Crew –
Enter a number.
Temp Method –
Enter a number.
Temp F C –
Enter number
Currently not available. .
Enter number. If meter says High or low, check the
appropriate box .
Enter numbers .
Select from dropdown.
Make sure date / time is correct
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Medications, Procedures, EKGs – ADD VITALS TAB (3)
Response Level –
Stroke Scale –
Select from dropdown.
Airway –
Select from drop down if appropriate.
Breathing –
Select from dropdown.
Select from dropdown.
Prior to arrival –
Select from dropdown.
Revised trauma Score –
Pediatric Trauma Score –
Enter number.
Enter number.
Make sure date / time is correct
Click Save or Save and New
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Medications, Procedures, EKGs – ADD PROC TAB
Procedure Name –
Size of Equipment –
Make sure correct name is displayed.
Authorization –
Select from dropdown.
Crew Id –
Select from dropdown
Prior to Arrival –
Select from dropdown
Patient Response –
Enter a number
Success –
Select from dropdown
Attempts –
Enter if appropriate.
Location –
Select from dropdown
Select from dropdown
Authorizing Physician –
Complication –
Select from box.
Comments –
Short free form to make any comments.
Make sure date / time is correct
Click on Save or Save and New.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Medications, Procedures, EKGs – ADD MED TAB
Medication Name –
Dosage –
Select from box.
Comments –
Select from dropdown
Authorizing Physician –
Complication –
Make sure correct name is displayed.
Authorization –
Select from dropdown.
Crew Id –
Select from dropdown
Prior to Arrival –
Select from dropdown.
Response to Medication –
Select from dropdown
Route –
Enter number.
Dosage Unit –
Select from dropdown
Short free form to make any comments.
Make sure date / time is correct
Click on Save or Save and New.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Medications, Procedures, EKGs – ADD EKG TAB
Select the correct EKG method –
Interpretation –
Enter number.
Pacing Rate –
Select from dropdown
Total Number of Shocks –
Make sure correct name is displayed.
Shock or Pacing Energy –
Select from dropdown.
Crew Id –
Select from dropdown.
Type of Shock –
Select from dropdown.
AED, Pacing, Co2 Mode
Select from dropdown
Cause for Change –
Select from dropdown.
EKG Lead –
Select from dropdown
EKG Ectopy –
Place curser over correct dot and click.
Enter number.
Make sure date / time is correct
Click on Save or Save and New.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures - Assessments
• You can select:
– Medical
– Injury
– Burn
• Note – If you select any of
the three, you will get a
picture of a anatomically
correct human.
• Open with caution in public.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Assessments – Medical
• Click on the anatomical
location of the medical
incident and add
• Open with caution in public.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Assessments – Injury
• Click on the anatomical
location of the injury and
add information.
• Open with caution in public.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Assessments – Burn
• Click on the anatomical
location of the burn.
– One click causes 1st
– Two clicks displays 2nd
– Three clicks displays 3rd
• System also calculates BSA
as you click.
• Open with caution in public.
Image Trend Ver. 5.0
Vitals, Meds, Procedures – Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac Arrest –
– If yes, Change it to YES.
Required fields will change to RED,
however ALL fields should be reviewed if
Cardiac Arrest = YES.