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Hand Hygiene: Preventing the
spread of germs and illness
Hand Hygiene
• According to the CDC, scientists estimate
that people are not washing their hands
often enough nor well enough
• Up to 80% of all infections may be
transmitted by hands.
• Hand washing is proven to be effective in
decreasing the spread of infections
caused by viruses and bacteria
Hand Hygiene Quiz
True or False:
• A person’s hands are the most common transmitters of
• You can see infectious microorganisms if you look
• Wearing gloves is the single most important way to
prevent the spread of infection.
• If infectious materials get on you, the sooner you wash it
off the less chance you have of becoming infected.
• You don’t need to wash your hands while you are caring
for only one student
Hand Hygiene Answers
Answer guide:
• A person’s hands are the most common transmitters of
disease. (T)
• You can see infectious microorganisms if you look
carefully. (F)
• Wearing gloves is the single most important way to
prevent the spread of infection. (F)
• If infectious materials get on you, the sooner you wash it
off the less chance you have of becoming infected. (T)
• You don’t need to wash your hands while you are caring
for only one student (F)
Hand washing
is the
most effective
for reducing
the spread
of germs.
Hand Washing
• Wash your hands often with soap and water,
especially after you cough or sneeze.
• Alcohol based hand cleaners (>60%) are
also effective.
When to Wash Your Hands
• After blowing your nose
• After using the bathroom
• If you have been near someone who is sick
• Before/after preparing food
• Upon entering your home
Effective Hand Washing
1. Wet hands with water
2. Rub vigorously with soap for 10-15 seconds.
Friction helps remove dirt and germs
i.e. singing Happy Birthday twice or reciting
the ABCs
3. Rinse with warm water
4. Dry hands completely with a clean, dry paper
No Soap and Water?
Hand sanitizer is a good option
• If soap and clean water are not available, use
an alcohol-based hand rub to clean your hands
• Alcohol-based hand rubs significantly reduce
the number of germs on skin and are fast-acting
• When using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer o Apply product to the palm of one hand
o Rub hands together
o Rub the product over all surfaces of hands and
fingers (between fingers, too) until hands are dry
Why Practice Good Hygiene?
• Helps prevent health problems
• Helps prevent the spread of germs
• Germs spread:
o from person to person
o from people to things
o from things to people
• Helps keep you healthy
• Helps you feel your best
• Helps you be a good role model
Hand Hygiene
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when
you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the
trash after you use it.
• Cough into your sleeves not your hands
Limit and Avoid Contact
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• If you are sick, stay home for 7 days after your
symptoms begin or until you have been
symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer.
This is to keep from infecting others and
spreading the virus further.