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The WRC and CSIR in association with TUT, invites you to a special public lectures by two eminent
scientists and practitioners, Prof Sandy Cairncross from London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine (LSTHM) and Prof Paul Hunter from University of East Anglia (UEA), on the “benefits and
impact of improved water supply, sanitation and Hygiene Education”. The lectures will have a
specific focus on children in water supply interventions and the impacts of Watsan (with emphasis on
the health benefits), as well as what professionals and other activists should look out for.
Venue: CSIR Knowledge Commons – Pretoria, South Africa
1st March 2010 (Monday) 9:30 for 10:00 to 13:00pm
Please RSVP by 25th February 2010 to [email protected] and advise for any
special dietary requirements.
Prof Sandy Cairncross – Sanitation and Health
Dr Sandy Cairncross is a leading specialist in environmental interventions for
disease control and technical and policy aspects. Most of his career has been
spent in research and teaching, and about a third in developing countries
implementing water, sanitation and public health programmes. He built water
supplies in Lesotho and Southern Africa. He also leads the Environmental
Health Group, whose current research relates to hygiene promotion, sanitation,
water supply, wastewater irrigation and other related topics - particularly their
health impact.
Prof Paul Hunter – Water and Health
Professor Hunter, is a physician and a international authority on water and
health. He developed an early interest in infection elated to food and water and
has been involved in the investigation of many food and waterborne outbreaks.
His main research interests are in waterborne disease and environmental
epidemiology and provides clinical advice on the diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of infection and infectious diseases in hospitalized patients and
patients in the community; as well as advises Environmental Health Officers,
occupational physicians and others on medical and environmental aspects of
microbial diseases.
Public Lecture
1 March 2010