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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
(Pitt) (CMU) The Present, Near Term, and Future of Real-time Public Health Surveillance Michael Wagner, MD, PhD Director, RODS Laboratory University of Pittsburgh The Present (Using RODS as an example) Data: ED and Acute Care ADT Gender Age Home Zip MSH|^~\&||xxx||RODS|200307181731||ADT^A04|2003071XXXX XXXX|P|2.3<CR> PID|||||||^05|M|||^^^^15301|||||<CR> Date and time of registration PV1||E|||||||||||||||||98765432|||||||||||||||||||||| ||200307181731||<CR> DG1||||CARBON MONOXIDE EXPOSURE<CR> IN1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||^^^^<C Chief complaint R> HL7 admission/discharge/transfer message about a patient registration in an emergency department Data: OTC Sales • ~7500 products (UPC codes) used for selftreatment of infectious diseases • 18 analytic classes at present (“categories”) Cold Relief Adult Liquid (709 products) Cold Relief Adult Tablet (2467) Cold Relief Pediatric Liquid (323) Cold Relief Pediatric Tablet (74) Cough Syrup Adult Liquid (592) Cough Syrup Adult Tablet (32) Cough Syrup Pediatric Liquid (24) Nasal Product Internal (371) Throat Lozenges (364) Antifever Pediatric (274) Antifever Adult (1340) Bronchial Remedies (43) Chest Rubs (78) Diarrhea Remedies (165) Electrolytes Pediatric (75) Hydrocortisones (185) Thermometer Pediatric (125) Thermometer Adult (313) Numbers in parenthesis are the number of UPC codes in the category Analysis: What we do now to detect Influenza, Crypto, Anthrax Chief Chief Chief Chief Complaint Complaint Complaint Complaint Chief Chief Chief UPC Chief code Complaint Complaint Complaint Complaint Bayes Classifier Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Category mapping Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Pediatric Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Electrolyte Syndrome Univariate BARD Spatial WSARE Scan Algorithms that perform spatial and temporal analysis to detect overdensities of cases in a zip codes or larger regions Spatial Scanning of Electrolyte Sales • Ultra fast version typically turns multiday analysis into less than an hour. • Searches all rectangular regions. Role in surveillance: find clusters of illness with shapes such as oriented rectangles. More info: BARD (Bayesian Aerosol Release Detector) Approach • BARD automates the analysis done by Messelson et al of the meteorological conditions in Sverdlovsk in the days prior to the outbreak. • The method uses a computational inversion of the well-known Gaussian dispersion model, although any dispersion model can be used. Role in surveillance: detect patterns of disease activity consistent with the weather and the incubation time of Anthrax (or other organism that can be released as an aerosol) : Meselson et al, 1994 Science More info: BARD Tech report WSARE (“What’s Strange About Recent Events”) Approach REPRESENTATIVE SURVEILLANCE DATA Date Time Hospit ICD9 Prodrom Gender Age Home Many al e Location more… 6/1/03 9:12 1 781 Fever M 20s NE … 6/1/03 9:45 1 787 Diarrhea F 40s SE … : : : : : : : : : WSARE Approach Standard Approach Select in advance which subpopulations to monitor (e.g., each county, zip) Monitor hundreds of thousands of subpopulations Do not pay close attention to effect of multiple testing Pay close attention to effect of multiple testing • Search over hundreds of thousands of subpopulations • For each subpopulation, use as good of a model as can be created to predict expected counts • Compute p value, taking into account multiple testing All Historical Data Today’s Environment What should be happening today? Today’s Cases What’s strange about today, considering its environment? And how significant is this? Evaluation Detailed comparison on 2,000 simulated scenarios and Western PA ED Data Role in Surveillance Standard WSARE2.0 Detect small clusters of illness in healthcare workers, age groups, workplaces … WSARE2.5 WSARE3.0 More info: Evaluations Performance of Bayesian parser Sens. Spec. Respiratory 5 60-77% 90-94% GI 4 63-74% 90-96% Neurological 3 68-72% 93-95% Rash 3 47-60% 99% Botulinic 3 17-30% 99% Hemorrhagic 1 75% 98% Constitutional 1 46% 97% Example of a Detectability Analysis Public Water Drinking Advisory Antidiarrheal Sales Number Studies Syndrome Case Study of OTC Monitoring Sensitivity Case studies 10% 1% 0.1% Affected Days into outbreak RODS Deployments Jurisdiction Hospitals (real time/total) Platforms Pennsylvania 50/53 Utah 27/27 Ohio 10/13 Solaris/ Oracle (All these jurisdictions are using the Pittsburgh server facilities) Atlantic City, NJ Michigan Taiwan Houston, TX El Paso, TX Los Angeles, CA Mississippi (OTC) 3/3 2500 visits/day Unix/Oracle 0/190+ Unix/Oracle 1/1, 2 more pending Aug ‘04 Windows/Oracle 6 pending Aug ‘04 Windows/MSSQL pending Windows/MSSQL (1 from U Miss) Linux/Oracle The Present (summarized) • Data • More widely collected • Real-time HL7 transmission of chief complaints from emergency departments • OTC data with 12-24 hour delay • Web based disease reporting • Less widely collected • Call center • Electronic lab reporting • School absenteeism • Algorithms • • • • Univariate Multivariate Spatial scanning Aerosol detection • Deployments (not just RODS) • Many jurisdictions • Spotty in terms of data coverage • Evaluation • Understanding of methodology is good • Understanding of detectability in its infancy The Near Term (next two years) More Data Means Enables More Specific Case Detection What we do now Chief Chief Chief Chief Complaint Complaint Complaint Complaint Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Spatial and temporal analysis to detect overdensity of cases in a zip code or larger region Future Chief Chief Chief Pneumonia Chief Complaint Chief Complaint Chief Complaint Chief Complaint on X-ray Complaint Chief Complaint Complaint Complaint Chief Chief Chief Temperature Chief Complaint Complaint Complaint Complaint Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory SARS Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome Spatial and temporal analysis to detect small number of cases in a hospital or hotel One Year of Daily Counts of Febrile Illness in Beijing The Hospital Message Router* Electronic Health Record Lab Radiology Message Router Scheduling/ Registration Transcription Billing Pharmacy Hospital IT Infrastructure *aka Interface Engine aka Integration Engine Algorithms that Process Multiple Data Streams Red: Cough Sales Signal Blue: ED Respiratory Visits Cough Sales This is an anomaly One Sigma 2 Sigma ED Respiratory Visits Near term summarized (next 2 years) • Data • Clinical: Laboratory results (Micro), radiology, temperatures, outpatient data military • Integration of data from Biowatch sensors and military healthcare • Algorithms • That process multiple data streams • That ntegrate water supply routes into surveillance • For building monitoring • More complete deployments in major cities and across border • Evaluations of detectability, studies of behavior of sick individuals The Future Approaching the theoretical limits of detectability (first case on day of infection ): Detecting small outbreaks and detecting bigger outbreaks earlier • Through better surveillance data • More an better biosensors • Earlier detection of patients with fever, constitutional symptoms • Passive—embedded chips, smart toilets, • Active—self reporting • Widespread use of microchip arrays for diagnosis • Environmental and intelligence data to set priors • Decision support at the point of care • … and algorithms that can extract all information from knowledge and data • Social networks • Food distribution information • … PANDA 2 Approach Aggregate Observations PANDA2 is designed to be able to fuse ALL data and knowledge to achieve the very earliest detection. One Patient The method involves using causal networks that models the relationships between causes of disease outbreaks and the health state of individuals in the population, as well as aggregate observations about the population (e.g., levels of OTC sales) These causal networks represent prior knowledge about disease presentation as well as knowledge about the spatio temporal spread of outbreaks A city-wide model More info: Uncertainty in AI paper