* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
EC-211 DATA STRUCTURES LECTURE 15 Radix Sort 329 457 657 839 436 720 355 720 355 436 457 657 329 839 720 329 436 839 355 457 657 329 355 436 457 657 720 839 Graph Data Structure v2 v1 v4 • A graph consists of a set of vertices V and a set of edges E v3 v5 v7 v8 • Undirected graph: v6 – E consists of unordered pairs: Edge (u, v) is the same as (v, u) • Undirected graphs are drawn with nodes for vertices and line segments for edges Directed Graph (Digraph) v2 v1 v4 v3 v5 v7 v8 v6 • A directed graph, or digraph: – E is set of ordered pairs, and not necessarily a symmetric set. Even if edge (u, v) is present, the edge (v, u) may be absent • Directed graphs are drawn with nodes for vertices and arrows for edges Terminology v2 v1 3 v4 v7 1 • A path is a sequence of vertices v1,v2,…,vn, such that there is an edge for each pair of consecutive vertices v3 • The length of a path of n vertices -2 5 2 is n-1 (i.e. the number of edges) may have weights v5 v6 • Edges associated with them 4 -1 • The cost of a path is the sum of the weights of the edges along v8 the path Terminology v2 v1 v4 v3 v5 v2 v1 v4 v6 v3 v5 v6 v7 v7 v8 v8 • A (simple) cycle is a path v1,v2,…,vn=v1, where the first and the last vertices are the same • Above, v2, v8, v6, v3, v5, v2 is a (simple) cycle in the undirected graph, but not (even a path) in the digraph Further terminology • An undirected graph G is connected if, for each pair of vertices u, v, there is a path that starts at u and ends at v v1 • A digraph H that satisfies the above condition is strongly connected v7 • Otherwise, if the directed graph H is not strongly connected, but the undirected graph G with the same set of vertices and edges is connected, H is said to be weakly connected v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v8 v2 v1 v4 v3 v5 v7 v8 v6 Further terminology • A complete graph contains an edge for every pair of vertices • On the other extreme, sparse graphs contain very few edges Graph Applications • • • • • Computer network routing Airline scheduling Route selection for traffic Task scheduling Etc. Representing Graphs Two ways to represent graphs: – Adjacency matrix • Answer “does edge (i, j) exist?” in O(1). • Space used: O(N2) where N = number of vertices. • Finding all neighbors of a vertex can be slow for large, sparse graphs. – Adjacency list • Answer “does edge (i, j) exist?” in O(N). • Much better space usage for large, sparse graphs. • Finding all neighbors of a vertex is fast. Graph Representation: Adjacency Matrix • Let G be a graph with N vertices, where N > 0 • Let V(G) = {v1, v2, ..., vn} • The adjacency matrix AG is a two-dimensional n × n matrix such that the (i, j)th entry of AG is 1 if there is an edge from vi to vj; otherwise, the (i, j)th entry is zero Adjacency matrix example v2 v1 v4 v3 v5 v7 v0 v6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 F F T F F F F T 1 F F F F F F F F 2 F F F F F T F F 3 F F F F F F F F 4 F T F F F F F F 5 F F F T F F F F 6 T F F T F F F F 7 F F F F F F F F Graph Representation: Adjacency Lists • Array A of size n, such that A[i] is a pointer to the linked list containing the vertices to which vi is adjacent • Each node has two components, (vertex and link) Adjacency List Implementation of Graph Graph Traversals — Introduction • Depth-first search (DFS). – Like preorder tree traversal. – When we visit a vertex, give priority to visiting its unvisited neighbors (and their unvisited neighbors, etc.). • Breadth-first search (BFS). – Visit all of a vertex’s unvisited neighbors before visiting their neighbors. Graph Traversals — DFS DFS has a nice recursive formulation: – Given a start vertex, visit it, and mark it as visited. – For each of the start vertex’s neighbors: • If this neighbor is unvisited, do a DFS with this neighbor as the start vertex. 1 2 3 5 4 6 We get a DFS tree (shown in bold above). DFS is convenient if we think about traveling through the graph, minimizing the number of edges we cross. Graph Traversals — DFS We can, as usual eliminate recursion using a Stack. – “Last visited, first explored.” – Then we have an iterative DFS algorithm using a local Stack. TRY – Write a recursive function to do a DFS on a graph, given an adjacency matrix. DFS Algorithm DFS Algorithm contd. Graph Traversals — BFS To do a BFS, replace the Stack with a Queue. – “First visited, first explored.” BFS is not as nice in several ways. – No elegant recursive formulation. – Not a convenient way to travel around a graph. 1 2 4 3 5 6 But BFS is useful. – BFS is good for finding the shortest paths to other vertices. – Also, looking for things “nearby first”. TRY – Rewrite the DFS function to do BFS. BFS Algorithm BFS Algorithm contd. Breadth First & Depth First Spanning Trees Breadth-first Depth-first Shortest Paths in Weighted Graph v2 v1 3 v7 v3 5 v4 1 • The shortest path from a vertex u to a vertex v in a graph is a path w1 = u, w2,…,wn= v, where the sum: -2 2 v5 -1 v8 v6 4 Weight(w1,w2)+…+Weight(wn-1,wn) attains its minimal value among all paths that start at u and end at v • The length of a path of n vertices is n-1 (the number of edges) • Theorem: If a graph is connected, and the weights are all non-negative, shortest paths exist for any pair of vertices – Similarly for strongly connected digraphs with non-negative weights – Shortest paths may not be unique Cycles and negative weights Negative weights may prevent the existence of shortest paths on graphs with cycles In a connected graph, shortest paths exist if and only if no negative cost cycles exist How to compute shortest paths • case 1: unweighted edges 2 v2 v1 v4 4 v7 v3 1 v5 1 v6 3 v8 2 Shortest path from v3 to v4 • conceptually equivalent to have all edges of same weight • shortest path is the minimum number of edges; • Approach: Breadth-First Search Shortest Path – Dijkstra’s Algorithm vertexSet = {}, Parent[ ] = none for all nodes C[start] = 0, C[ ] = for all other nodes while ( not all nodes in vertexSet ) find node v not in vertexSet with smallest C[v] add v to vertexSet for each node J not in vertexSet adjacent to v if ( C[v] + cost of (v,J) < C[J] ) C[J] = C[v] + cost of (v,J) Parent[J] = v Optimal solution computed with greedy algorithm Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Example Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Example contd.