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More Object Representations
Parametric instancing
Hierarchical modeling
Constructive Solid Geometry
Sweep Objects
Blobs and Metaballs and other such things
Production rules
Parametric Instancing
• Many things, called primitives, are conveniently described
by a label and a few parameters
– Cylinder: Radius, length, does it have end-caps, …
– Bolts: length, diameter, thread pitch, …
– Almost anything you buy from a catalogue
• This is a modeling format:
– Provide something that knows how to draw the object given the
– Depends on the rendering style
– Can be an exact representation
Rendering Instances
• Generally, provide a routine that takes the parameters and
produces a polygonal representation
– May include texture maps, normal vectors, colors, etc
– OpenGL utility library (GLu) defines routines for cubes, cylinders,
disks, and other common shapes
– Renderman does similar things, so does POVray, …
• The procedure may be dynamic
– Adjust the polygon resolution according to distance from the
OpenGL Support
• OpenGL defines display lists for encapsulating commands
that are executed frequently
list_id = glGenLists(1);
glNewList(list_id, GL_COMPILE);
draw some stuff
And later
Display Lists (2)
• The list can be:
– GL_COMPILE: things don’t get drawn, just stored
– GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE: things are drawn, and also
• The list can contain almost anything:
– Useful for encapsulating lighting set-up commands
• The list cannot be modified after it is compiled
– The whole point is that the list may be internally optimized, which
precludes modification
– For example, sequences of transformations may be composited
into one transformation
Display Lists (3)
• When should you use display lists:
– When you do the same thing over and over again
• Advantages:
– Can’t be much slower than the original way
– Can be much much faster
• Disadvantages:
– Doesn’t support real parameterized instancing, because you can’t
have any parameters!
– Can’t use various commands that would offer other speedups
• For example, can’t use glVertexPointer()
Hierarchical Modeling
• A hierarchical model unites several parametric instances
into one object
– For example: a desk is made up of many cubes
• Generally represented as a tree, with transformations and
instances at any node
• Rendered by traversing the tree, applying the
transformations, and rendering the instances
• Particularly useful for rigid-body animation
– Human is a hierarchy of body, head, upper arm, lower arm, etc…
– Animate by changing the transformations at the nodes
Hierarchical Model Example
left arm
rotate about shoulder
upper arm
translate (l,0,0)
rotate about (0,0,0)
lower arm
Vitally Important Point:
•Every node has its own
local coordinate system.
•This makes specifying
transformations much
much easier.
OpenGL Support
• OpenGL defines glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix()
– Takes the current matrix and pushes it onto a stack, or pops the
matrix off the top of the stack and makes it the current matrix
– Note: Pushing does not change the current matrix
• Rendering a hierarchy (recursive):
Apply node transformation
Draw node contents
Regularized Set Operations
• Hierarchical modeling is not good enough if objects in the
hierarchy intersect each other
– Transparency will reveal internal surfaces that should not exist
– Computing properties like mass counts the same volume twice
• Solution is to define regularized set operations:
– Just a fancy name
– Every object must be a closed volume (mathematically closed)
– Define mathematical set operations (union, intersection, difference,
complement) to the sets of points within the volume
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
• Based on a tree structure, like hierarchical modeling, but
– The internal nodes are set operations: union, intersection or
difference (sometimes complement)
– The edges of the tree have transformations associated with them
– The leaves contain only geometry
• Motivated by computer aided design and manufacture
– Difference in particular is like drilling or milling
– Other operations reduce the number of primitives required
– A common format in CAD products
CSG Example
Fill it in!
cylinder cylinder
Rendering CSG
• Normals and texture coordinates typically come from
underlying primitives (not a big deal with CAD)
• Some rendering algorithms can render CSG directly
– Raytracing (later in the course)
– Scan-line with an A-buffer
– Can do 2D with tesselators in OpenGL
• For OpenGL and other polygon renderers, must convert
CSG to polygonal representation
– Must remove redundant faces, and chop faces up
• Basic algorithm: Split polygons until they are inside, outside, or on
boundary. Then choose appropriate set for final answer.
– Generally difficult, messy and slow
– Numerical imprecision is the major problem
CSG Summary
• Advantages:
– Good for describing many things, particularly machined objects
– Better if the primitive set is rich
• Early systems used quadratic surfaces
– Moderately intuitive and easy to understand
• Disadvantages:
– Not a good match for polygon renderers
– Some objects may be very hard to describe, if at all
• Geometric computations are sometimes easy, sometimes
• A volume representation (hence solid in the name)
– Boundary (surface representation) can also work
Sweep Objects
• Define a polygon by its edges
• Sweep it along a path
• The path taken by the edges form a surface - the sweep
• Special cases
– Surface of revolution: Rotate edges about an axis
– Extrusion: Sweep along a straight line
General Sweeps
• The path maybe any curve
• The polygon that is swept may be transformed as it is
moved along the path
– Scale, rotate with respect to path orientation, …
• One common way to specify is:
– Give a poly-line (sequence of line segments) as the path
– Give a poly-line as the shape to sweep
– Give a transformation to apply at the vertex of each path segment
• Difficult to avoid self-intersection
Rendering Sweeps
• Convert to polygons
Break path into short segments
Create a copy of the sweep polygon at each segment
Join the corresponding vertices between the polygons
May need things like end-caps on surfaces of revolution and
• Normals come from sweep polygon and path orientation
• Sweep polygon defines one texture parameter, sweep path
defines the other
Spatial Enumeration
• Basic idea: Describe something by the space it occupies
– For example, break the volume of interest into lots of tiny cubes,
and say which cubes are inside the object
– Works well for things like medical data
• The process itself, like MRI or CAT scans, enumerates the volume
• Data is associated with each voxel (volume element)
• Problem to overcome:
– For anything other than small volumes or low resolutions, the
number of voxels explodes
– Note that the number of voxels grows with the cube of linear
Octrees (and Quadtrees)
• Build a tree where successive levels represent better
resolution (smaller voxels)
• Large uniform spaces result in shallow trees
• Quadtree is for 2D (four children for each node)
• Octree is for 3D (eight children for each node)
Quadtree Example
top left
top right bot left
bot right
Octree principle is the same, but there are 8 children
Rendering Octrees
• Volume rendering renders octrees and associated data
– A special area of graphics, visualization, not covered in this class
• Can convert to polygons by a few methods:
– Just take faces of voxels that are on the boundary
– Find iso-surfaces within the volume and render those
– Typically do some interpolation (smoothing) to get rid of the
artifacts from the voxelization
• Typically render with colors that indicate something about
the data, but other methods exist
Spatial Data Structures
• Octrees are an example of a spatial data structure
– A data structure specifically designed for storing information of a
spatial nature
• eg Storing the location of fire hydrants in a city
• In graphics, octrees are frequently used to store
information about where polygons, or other primitives, are
located in a scene
– Speeds up many computations by making it fast to determine when
something is relevant or not
– Just like BSP trees speed up visibility
• Other spatial data structures include BSP trees, KD-Trees,
Interval trees, …