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Presented byMd. Bashir Uddin
Roll: 1215502
Dept. of BME
KUET, Khulna-9203
Engineering sciences + Biomedical sciences +
Clinical practice = Biomedical Engineering
Engineering + Biology + Medicine
= Biomedical Engineering
Design and problem solving skills of engineering +
Medical & Biological sciences
= Biomedical Engineering
Engineering technology
for the solution of
Biomedical Engineering
Applications of
Biomedical Engineering
Applications are almost endless and
developing every day that it includes:
Cardiac monitors to clinical computing
Artificial hearts to contact lenses
Wheel chairs to artificial tendons
Modeling dialysis therapy to modeling the
cardiovascular system.
Biomedical Engineers
Solution of Medical
& Clinical Problems
Improve Healthcare Diagnosis,
Monitoring and Therapy.
Designing medical instrument
Contribute in the development, manufacturing and
testing of medical products
Maintain and enhance life of medical instrument
Designing prostheses
Designing replacement parts for people
Creating systems to allow the handicapped to
function, work and communicate
Managing the technology in the hospital system.
Saling biomedical instruments
Biomedical engineers come from one of the
traditional engineering disciplines, such as electrical
or mechanical engineering.
Biomedical engineers are exposed to many fields of
study in engineering, medicine and biology. Due to
this broad experience biomedical engineers find
employment in:
Diagnostic Centers
Government bodies
Academic areas
Research etc.
New fields of
Biomedical Engineering
Medical electronics
Clinical engineering
Rehabilitation engineering.
Medical instrumentation is
the application of electronics
and measurement
techniques to develop
devices used in diagnosis
and treatment of disease.
Computers are an important and increasingly essential
part of medical instrumentation
Examples of medical instrumentation include: heart
monitors, microelectrodes, defibrillators, glucose
monitoring machines etc.
Biomaterials are defined as the materials
used for medical implantation includes both
living tissue and artificial materials.
Examples of biomaterials include:
Heart replacement valves
Artificial lungs
Artificial kidneys
Dental adhesives
Bone cement
Replacement bones/joints
Heart prosthetics
Biomaterials must have following properties:
Chemically inert (not reacting violently with the
body's chemical composition)
Mechanically strong enough to withstand the
repeated forces of a lifetime of use.
‘Human Physiology’ is
the study of the body
and its functions in each
of the different systems
in any living body
Modeling is used in the analysis of experimental
data and in formulating mathematical descriptions
of physiological events
Examples: Biochemistry of
metabolism and the control of
limb movements
Collection and analysis of data (signal) from patients
The manipulation and dissection of the data or
signal provides the physician and experimenter the
vital information on the condition of the patient.
Biomedical Engineers apply signal-processing
methods to the design of medical devices that
monitor and diagnose certain conditions in the
human body.
Examples: Heart arrhythmia detection software and
brain activity
Medical Imaging combines
knowledge of a unique physical
phenomenon (sound, radiation,
magnetism etc.) with high-speed
electronic data processing,
analysis and display to generate
an image.
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultrasound and computed
tomography (CT).
Biomechanics applies both fluid mechanics and
transport phenomena to biological and medical
It includes the study of motion, material deformation,
flow within the body, as well as devices, and
transport phenomena in the body, such as transport
of chemical constituents across biological and
synthetic media and membranes.
Efforts in biomechanics have developed the artificial
heart, replacement heart valves and the hip
Rehabilitation engineering is the systematic
application of engineering sciences to design,
develop, adapt, test, evaluate, apply, and distribute
technological solutions to problems confronted by
individuals with disabilities.
Functional areas of rehabilitation engineering may
include mobility, communications, hearing, vision,
and cognition, and activities associated with
employment, independent living, education, and
integration into the community.