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‫فوق كل تحفظ احفظ قلبك الن منه مخارج الحياة‬
)23 : 4 ‫(ام‬
Keep your heart with all
diligence, For out of it spring
the issues of life (Pro 4 : 23)
َّ ‫داود‬
David Count the People ‫ع ْد الشعب‬
‫” فقال الملك ليواب رئيس الجيش الذي عنده طف في جميع اسباط‬
‫اسرائيل من دان الى بئر سبع وعدوا الشعب فاعلم عدد الشعب فقال‬
‫يواب للملك ليزد الرب الهك الشعب امثالهم مئة ضعف وعينا سيدي‬
“ So the king said to Joab the commander of the
army who [was] with him, "Now go throughout
all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba,
and count the people, that I may know the
number of the people“. And Joab said to the
king, "Now may the LORD your God add to the
people a hundred times more than there are, and
may the eyes of my lord
َّ ‫داود‬
David Count the People ‫ع ْد الشعب‬
‫الملك ناظرتان ولكن لماذا يسر سيدي الملك بهذا االمر فاشتد كالم‬
‫الملك على يواب وعلى رؤساء الجيش فخرج يواب ورؤساء الجيش‬
)4 - 2 : 24 ‫ صم‬2( “ ‫من عند الملك ليعدوا الشعب اي اسرائيل‬
the king see [it] But why does my lord the king
desire this thing?“. Nevertheless the king's word
prevailed against Joab and against the captains of
the army. Therefore Joab and the captains of the
army went out from the presence of the king to
count the people of Israel. ” (2Sam 24 : 2 – 4)
َّ ‫داود‬
David Count the People ‫ع ْد الشعب‬
‫“ وضرب داود قلبه بعدما عد الشعب فقال داود للرب لقد اخطات‬
” ‫جدا في ما فعلت واالن يا رب ازل اثم عبدك الني انحمقت جدا‬
)10 : 24 ‫ صم‬2(
“ And David's heart condemned him after he
had numbered the people. So David said to the
LORD, "I have sinned greatly in what I have
done; but now, I pray, O LORD, take away the
iniquity of Your servant, for I have done very
foolishly ” (2Sam 24 : 10)
‫“ فاجاب بطرس وقال له وان شك فيك الجميع فانا ال اشك ابدا قال له‬
‫يسوع الحق اقول لك انك في هذه الليلة قبل ان يصيح ديك تنكرني ثالث‬
‫مرات قال له بطرس ولو اضطررت ان اموت معك ال انكرك هكذا قال‬
)35 – 33 : 26 ‫ايضا جميع التالميذ “ (مت‬
“ Peter answered and said to Him, "Even if all are
made to stumble because of You, I will never be
made to stumble“. Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I
say to you that this night, before the rooster crows,
you will deny Me three times“. Peter said to Him,
"Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny
You!" And so said all the disciples. ”
(Mathew 26 : 33 – 35)
Rebekah & Jacob
‫رفقة ويعقوب‬
‫” واما رفقة فكلمت يعقوب ابنها قائلة اني قد سمعت اباك يكلم عيسو‬
‫اخاك قائال ائتني بصيد واصنع لي اطعمة الكل واباركك امام الرب قبل‬
‫وفاتي فاالن يا ابني اسمع لقولي في ما انا امرك به اذهب الى الغنم‬
‫وخذ لي من هناك جديين جيدين من المعزى فاصنعهما‬
“ So Rebekah spoke to Jacob her son, saying, "Indeed
I heard your father speak to Esau your brother,
saying. Bring me game and make savory food for me,
that I may eat it and bless you in the presence of the
LORD before my death‘. "Now therefore, my son,
obey my voice according to what I command you. "Go
now to the flock and bring me from there two choice
kids of the goats, and I will make
Rebekah & Jacob
‫رفقة ويعقوب‬
‫اطعمة البيك كما يحب فتحضرها الى ابيك لياكل حتى يباركك قبل‬
‫وفاته فقال يعقوب لرفقة امه هوذا عيسو اخي رجل اشعر وانا رجل‬
‫املس ربما يجسني ابي فاكون في عينيه كمتهاون واجلب على‬
‫نفسي لعنة ال‬
savory food from them for your father, such as he
loves. "Then you shall take [it] to your father, that he
may eat [it,] and that he may bless you before his
death“. And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother,
"Look, Esau my brother [is] a hairy man, and I [am]
a smooth-[skinned] man. "Perhaps my father will
feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and
I shall bring a curse on myself and not
Rebekah & Jacob
‫رفقة ويعقوب‬
‫بركة فقالت له امه لعنتك علي يا ابني اسمع لقولي فقط واذهب خذ‬
)13 – 6 : 27 ‫لي “ )تك‬
a blessing“. But his mother said to him, "[Let] your
curse [be] on me, my son; only obey my voice, and
go, get [them] for me ” (Gen 27 : 6 - 13)
‫” فاخذت مريم منا من طيب ناردين خالص كثير الثمن ودهنت قدمي‬
‫يسوع ومسحت قدميه بشعرها فامتال البيت من رائحة الطيب فقال‬
‫واحد من تالميذه وهو يهوذا سمعان االسخريوطي المزمع ان يسلمه‬
“ Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of
spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped
His feet with her hair. And the house was filled
with the fragrance of the oil. Then one of His
disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's [son,] who
would betray Him, said,
‫لماذا لم يبع هذا الطيب بثالث مئة دينار ويعط للفقراء قال هذا ليس‬
‫النه كان يبالي بالفقراء بل النه كان سارقا وكان الصندوق عنده‬
‫وكان يحمل ما يلقى فيه فقال يسوع اتركوها انها ليوم تكفيني قد‬
)7 – 3 : 12 ‫حفظته “ (يو‬
"Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three
hundred denarii and given to the poor?“. This he
said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he
was a thief, and had the money box; and he used
to take what was put in it. But Jesus said, "Let her
alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial ”
(John 12 : 3 – 7)
‫” فذهب الرسول ودخل واخبر داود بكل ما ارسله فيه يواب وقال‬
‫الرسول لداود قد تجبر علينا القوم وخرجوا الينا الى الحقل فكنا‬
‫عليهم الى مدخل الباب فرمى الرماة عبيدك من على السور فمات‬
‫البعض من عبيد الملك ومات عبدك اوريا الحثي ايضا فقال داود‬
“ So the messenger went, and came and told David all
that Joab had sent by him. And the messenger said to
David, "Surely the men prevailed against us and
came out to us in the field; then we drove them back
as far as the entrance of the gate. "The archers shot
from the wall at your servants; and [some] of the
king's servants are dead, and your servant Uriah the
Hittite is dead also“. Then David said
‫للرسول هكذا تقول ليواب ال يسوء في عينيك هذا االمر الن السيف ياكل هذا‬
‫وذاك شدد قتالك على المدينة واخربها وشدده فلما سمعت امراة اوريا انه قد‬
‫مات اوريا رجلها ندبت بعلها ولما مضت المناحة ارسل داود وضمها الى بيته‬
‫وصارت له امراة وولدت له ابنا واما االمر الذي فعله داود فقبح في عيني‬
)27 - 22 : 11 ‫ صم‬2( ”‫الرب‬
to the messenger, "Thus you shall say to Joab: 'Do not
let this thing displease you, for the sword devours one as
well as another. Strengthen your attack against the city,
and overthrow it' So encourage him“. When the wife of
Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she
mourned for her husband. And when her mourning was
over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she
became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that
David had done displeased the LORD ” (2Sam 11 : 22 – 27)
The Pharaoh
‫” فدعا فرعون موسى وهرون مسرعا وقال اخطات الى الرب‬
‫الهكما واليكما واالن اصفحا عن خطيتي هذه المرة فقط وصليا الى‬
‫الرب الهكما ليرفع عني هذا الموت فقط فخرج موسى من لدن‬
“ Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in
haste, and said, "I have sinned against the LORD
your God and against you. "Now therefore, please
forgive my sin only this once, and entreat the
LORD your God, that He may take away from
me this death only“. So he went out from
The Pharaoh
‫فرعون وصلى الى الرب فرد الرب ريحا غربية شديدة جدا فحملت‬
‫الجراد وطرحته الى بحر سوف لم تبق جرادة واحدة في كل تخوم‬
“ ‫مصر ولكن شدد الرب قلب فرعون فلم يطلق بني اسرائيل‬
)20 - 16 : 10 ‫(خر‬
Pharaoh and entreated the LORD. And the
LORD turned a very strong west wind, which
took the locusts away and blew them into the Red
Sea. There remained not one locust in all the
territory of Egypt. But the LORD hardened
Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the children
of Israel go. ” (Exod 10 : 16 – 20)
‫ انا الرب فاحص‬،‫“ القلب اخدع من كل شيء وهو نجيس من يعرفه‬
،‫القلب مختبر الكلى ألعطي كل واحد حسب طرقه حسب ثمر اعماله‬
‫حجلة تحضن ما لم تبض محصل الغنى بغير حق في نصف ايامه‬
)11 - 9 : 17 ‫يتركه وفي اخرته يكون احمق ” (ار‬
“ The heart [is] deceitful above all [things,] And
desperately wicked; Who can know it?. I, the
LORD, search the heart, [I] test the mind, Even
to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings. " [As] a
partridge that broods but does not hatch, [So is]
he who gets riches, but not by right; It will leave
him in the midst of his days, And at his end he
will be a fool ”. (Jer 17 : 9 – 11)
‫فاحص القلوب والكلى هللا البار‬
)9 : 7 ‫(مز‬
The righteous God tests the hearts and minds
(Psa 7 : 9)
)7 : 16 ‫صم‬1( ‫االنسان ينظر الى العينين واما الرب فانه ينظر الى القلب‬
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the
LORD looks at the heart (1Sa 16 : 7)
‫اختبرني يا هللا واعرف قلبي امتحني واعرف افكاري وانظر ان كان في‬
)24- 23 : 139 ‫طريق باطل واهدني طريقا ابديا (مز‬
Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know
my anxieties; And see if [there is any] wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting (Psa 139 : 23-24)
)20 : 11 ‫كراهة الرب ملتوو القلب ورضاه مستقيمو الطريق (ام‬
Those who are of a perverse heart are an
abomination to the LORD (Pro 11 : 20)
‫ان سمعتم صوته فال تقسوا‬
)15 : 3 ‫قلوبكم (عب‬
If you will hear His
voice, Do not harden
your hearts
(Heb 3 : 15)
‫قلوب غير‬
‫قبل الكسر يتكبر قلب االنسان وقبل‬
)12 : 18 ‫الكرامة التواضع (ام‬
Before destruction
heart of a man is
haughty, and before
honor is humility
(Pro 18 : 12)
)45 : 6 ‫االنسان الشرير من كنز قلبه الشرير يخرج الشر (لو‬
An evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart
brings forth evil. (Luk 6 : 45)
‫كنز القلب‬
of the Heart
‫من الداخل من قلوب الناس تخرج االفكار‬
)21 : 7 ‫الشريرة زنى فسق قتل (مر‬
"For from within, out of the
heart of men, proceed evil
thoughts, adulteries,
fornications, murders,
(Mar 7 : 21)
‫االنسان الصالح من كنز قلبه‬
‫الصالح يخرج الصالح واالنسان‬
‫الشرير من كنز قلبه الشرير‬
‫يخرج الشر فانه من فضلة القلب‬
)45 : 6 ‫يتكلم فمه (لو‬
"A good man out of
the good treasure of
his heart brings forth
good; and an evil man
out of the evil
treasure of his heart
brings forth evil. For
out of the abundance
of the heart his mouth
speaks (Luk 6 : 45)
)26 : 23 ‫نق اوال داخل الكاس والصحفة لكي يكون خارجهما ايضا نقيا (مت‬
“ first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the
outside of them may be clean also” (Mathew 23 : 26)
‫محبة حقيقية‬
Real Love
‫احبوا بعضكم بعضا من‬
‫قلب طاهر بشدة‬
)22 : 1 ‫ بط‬1(
“love one another
fervently with a
pure heart”
(1Pet 1 : 22)
‫توبة مستمرة‬
‫القلب النقي‬
‫صالة دائمة‬
‫كلمة هللا‬
God’s Word
‫الن كلمة هللا حية وفعالة وامضى‬
‫من كل سيف ذي حدين‬
)12 : 4 ‫(عب‬
“For the word of God
[is] living and
powerful, and sharper
than any two-edged
sword” (Heb 4 : 12)
)1 : 18 ‫ينبغي ان يصلى كل حين وال يمل (لو‬
“men always ought to pray and not lose heart”(Luk 18:1)
)4 : 12 ‫لم تقاوموا بعد حتى الدم مجاهدين ضد الخطية (عب‬
“You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving
against sin.” (Heb 12 : 4)
‫انتظار الدينونة‬
Judgment Day
‫جهاد مستمر‬
Spiritual Struggle
‫اما منتظروا الرب فيجددون‬
)31 : 40 ‫قوة (اش‬
But those who wait
on the LORD Shall
renew their strength
(Isa 40 : 31)
‫القلب النقي‬
‫فرحين في الرجاء صابرين في‬
‫الضيق مواظبين على الصالة‬
)12 : 12 ‫(رو‬
“rejoicing in hope,
patient in tribulation,
continuing steadfastly
in prayer”(Rom 12 : 12)
‫حساب النفس المستمر‬
Constant Self-Revision /
)28 : 11 ‫ كو‬1( ‫ليمتحن االنسان نفسه‬
“But let a man examine himself”(1Co 11 : 28)