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Matthew 5:27-28
27 "You have heard that it was said to those
of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' 28
But I say to you that whoever looks at a
woman to lust for her has already
committed adultery with her in his heart.
Nothing Good About Adultery
Name one good thing about adultery
Marriage better?
Happier children?
Adultery – wrecks homes, destroys lives,
harms children, ruins reputations
Today we are looking at the “almost” adultery –
adultery in the heart, mind and thought – but not
an actual act of fornication.
A problem of the heart
Without physically touching anyone else, it is
possible to commit adultery.
Sexting (Texting sexual messages)
Phone sex
Posting suggestive photos on Facebook
Sending sexual photos from your phone
Using video phones (Skype)
Ogling people of the opposite sex
A problem of the heart
Like many other sins – lust begins on the inside
It will eventually work its way out
This is a “heart” problem
A powerful, very real problem
A Godly man falls
Step #1 – He wasn't where
he was supposed to be.
2 Samuel 11:1 It
happened in the
spring of the year, at
the time when kings
go out to battle, that
David sent Joab and
his servants with him,
and all Israel; and
they destroyed the
people of Ammon and
besieged Rabbah.
But David remained
A Godly man falls
Step #1 – He wasn't where
he was supposed to be.
Step #2 – He looked at
something he shouldn't have
2 Samuel 11:2 Then
it happened one
evening that David
arose from his bed
and walked on the
roof of the king's
house. And from the
roof he saw a woman
bathing, and the
woman was very
beautiful to behold.
A Godly man falls
Step #1 – He wasn't where
he was supposed to be.
Step #2 – He looked at
something he shouldn't have
Step #3 – He asked a
question he had no business
2 Samuel 11:3 So
David sent and
inquired about the
woman. And
someone said, "Is this
not Bathsheba, the
daughter of Eliam, the
wife of Uriah the
A Godly man falls
Step #1 – He wasn't where
he was supposed to be.
Step #2 – He looked at
something he shouldn't have
Step #3 – He asked a
question he had no business
At first this sounds
The lust is well hidden
at this point
Outwardly – David
has done nothing
A Godly man falls
Step #1 – He wasn't where
he was supposed to be.
Step #2 – He looked at
something he shouldn't have
Step #3 – He asked a
question he had no business
Step #4 – He sought
something that wasn't his to
2 Samuel 11:4a
Then David sent
messengers, and took
I am alone. She is alone.
God wants me to be
No one will ever know.
It is really her fault.
A Godly man falls
Step #1 – He wasn't where
he was supposed to be.
Step #2 – He looked at
something he shouldn't have
Step #3 – He asked a
question he had no business
Step #4 – He sought
something that wasn't his to
Step #5 – He did something
he never should have done.
2 Samuel 11:4b and she
came to him, and he lay
with her, for she was
cleansed from her
impurity; and she
returned to her house
James 1:15 Then, when
desire has conceived, it
gives birth to sin; and
sin, when it is full-grown,
brings forth death.
three Decisions
(1) I must avoid lust producing situations
(1)This a personal choice – know your limits
(2)There is a line that you must not cross
(3)This means – TV shows I don't watch
(4) Psalm 101:3a I will set nothing wicked before my
(5)Radio stations, movies, places, books, parties –
There are things I don't participate in.
three Decisions
(1) I must avoid lust producing situations
1 Peter 4:3-4 3 For we have spent enough of
our past lifetime in doing the will of the
Gentiles--when we walked in lewdness, lusts,
drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and
abominable idolatries. 4 In regard to these,
they think it strange that you do not run with
them in the same flood of dissipation,
speaking evil of you.
Three Decisions
(1) I must avoid lust producing situations.
(2)I must avoid provoking lust in others
(1)Lasciviousness = Causing lust to be
produced in another (Galatians 5:19)
(2)Dress, wink, suggestive comments
(3)Sometimes we send out mixed messages
Three Decisions
(1) I must avoid lust producing situations.
(2)I must avoid provoking lust in others
(3)I must purposely choose purity
(1)Keep the ability to blush – Jeremiah 6:15a
Were they ashamed when they had committed
abomination? No! They were not at all
ashamed; Nor did they know how to blush.
(2)This decision must be made in ADVANCE.
Physical adultery is a sin.
 Spiritual adultery is a sin.
 Adultery in the heart is also a sin.
 Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart
with all diligence, For out of it
spring the issues of life.
 How is your heart today?