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CPR Training
Taking this CPR Certification Course
today can save someone's life tomorrow.
Did you know that over a million-and-a-half heart attacks
happens every year, and more than 20% of people die
before even reaching a hospital.
Latest data shows that cardiac arrest is becoming the
number one cause of death.
When the heart stops, the absence of oxygenated
blood can cause permanent brain damage in only a few
Death will occur within approximately 8-10 minutes.
Statistics show that the earlier CPR is initiated, the
greater the chances of survival.
In fact, chances of survival are doubled if help is
provided within four minutes.
This few minutes can be the difference between life
and death.
CPR – How does it work?
The air we breathe in travels to our lungs where oxygen is picked up by our
blood and then pumped by the heart to our tissue and organs.
When a person experiences cardiac arrest - whether due to heart failure in
adults and the elderly or an injury such as near drowning, electrocution or
severe trauma in a child - the heart goes from a normal beat to an
arrhythmic pattern called ventricular fibrillation, and eventually ceases to
beat altogether.
This prevents oxygen from circulating throughout the body, rapidly killing
cells and tissue.
In essence, Cardio (heart) Pulmonary (lung) Resuscitation (revive,
revitalize) serves as an artificial heartbeat and an artificial respirator.
CPR may not save the victim even when performed
correctly, but if started within 4 minutes of cardiac
arrest and defibrillation is provided within 10 minutes,
a person has a 40% chance of survival.
Invented in 1960, CPR is a simple but effective procedure
that allows almost anyone to sustain life in the first critical
minutes of cardiac arrest.
CPR provides oxygenated blood to the brain and the heart
long enough to keep vital organs alive until emergency
equipment can arrive.
CPR- Things to Remember
• Remember that dialing 911 may be the most
important step you can take to save a life.
• If someone is with you ask them to dial 911.
• If you are alone, try to call for help before
beginning CPR on an adult and after a minute
on a child.
CPR- Things Not to Do
DO NOT leave the victim alone.
DO NOT try make the victim drink water.
DO NOT throw water on the victim's face.
DO NOT prompt the victim into a sitting
• DO NOT try to revive the victim by slapping his
CPR- Use Common Sense!
• When faced with an emergency situation we
may act impulsively and place ourselves in
harm’s way.
• Although we want to act quickly we must first
make sure the scene is safe before
approaching the victim.
• Before starting any rescue efforts, you must
make sure the victim is not responsive.
• The American Heart Association’s guidelines
dictate that Adult CPR is performed on any
person over the age of 8.
• If you think that the victim has any spinal or
neck injury, do not move or shake them.
Learn the ABC’s of CPR
• Airway
• Breathing
• Circulation
CPR- Getting Started
Non Responsive Adult
Shake the victim gently and shout “Are you Okay?”
If there is no response call 911!
“A” is for Airway
If the victim is unconscious and is unresponsive, you need to make sure
that his airway is clear of any obstructions.
The breaths may be faint and shallow - look, listen and feel for any signs of
If you determine that the victim is not breathing, then something may be
blocking his air passage. The tongue is the most common airway
obstruction in an unconscious person.
With the victim lying flat on his back, place your hand on his forehead and
your other hand under the tip of the chin.
Gently tilt the victim's head backward. In this position the weight of the
tongue will force it to shift away from the back of the throat, opening the
If the person is still not breathing on his own after the airway has been
cleared, you will have to assist him breathing.
“B” is for Breathing
With the victim's airway clear of any obstructions, gently support his chin
so as to keep it lifted up and the head tilted back.
Pinch his nose with your fingertips to prevent air from escaping once you
begin to ventilate and place your mouth over the victim's, creating a tight
As you assist the person in breathing, keep an eye on his chest.
Try not to over-inflate the victim's lungs as this may force air into the
stomach, causing him to vomit.
If this happens, turn the person's head to the side and sweep any
obstructions out of the mouth before proceeding.
Give two full breaths.
Between each breath allow the victim's lungs to relax - place your ear near
his mouth and listen for air to escape and watch the chest fall as the victim
If the victim remains unresponsive (no breathing, coughing or moving),
check his circulation.
“C” is for Circulation
In order to determine if the victim's heart is beating, place two fingertips
on his carotid artery, located in the depression between the windpipe and
the neck muscles, and apply slight pressure for several seconds.
If there is no pulse then the victim's heart is not beating, and you will have
to perform chest compressions.
Chest Compressions
When performing chest compressions, proper hand placement is very
To locate the correct hand position place two fingers at the sternum (the
spot where the lower ribs meet) then put the heel of your other hand next
to your fingers.
Place one hand on top of the other and interlace the fingers.
Lock your elbows and using your body's weight, compress the victim’s
The depth of compressions should be approximately 1½ to 2 inches remember: 2 hands, 2 inches.
If you feel or hear slight cracking sound, you may be pressing too hard.
Do not become alarmed and do not stop your rescue efforts!
Damaged cartilage or cracked ribs are far less serious then a lost life.
Simply apply less pressure as you continue compressions.
Count aloud as you compress 30 times at the rate of about 3 compressions
for every 2 seconds.
Finish the cycle by giving the victim 2 breaths.
This process should be performed four times - 30 compressions and 2
breaths - after which remember to check the victim's carotid artery for
pulse and any signs of consciousness.
If there is no pulse, continue performing 30 compressions/2 breaths,
checking for pulse after every 4 cycles until help arrives.
If you feel a pulse (i.e. the victim's heart is beating) but the victim is still
not breathing, rescue breaths should be administered.
Deliver one rescue breath every five seconds (remember to pinch the nose
to prevent air from escaping).
After the first rescue breath, count five seconds and if the victim does not
take a breath on his own, give another rescue breath.
Please Review
In case of an emergency you may be the victim's only chance of survival.
Until an ambulance arrives and professional assistance is available, you
can increase that chance by 40% simply by remembering and effectively
administering Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
Check for responsiveness by shouting and shaking the victim. Do not
shake or move the victim if you suspect he may have sustained spinal
Call 9-1-1.
Remember your A-B-C:
• Airway: tilt the head back and lift the neck to clear the airway.
• Breathing: pinch the victim's nose and give 2 breaths, watching for the
chest to rise with each breath.
• Circulation: if there is no pulse, perform 30 chest compressions - 2 hands,
2 inches.
4. Check for pulse and if necessary perform the cycle again.
Congratulations! You've completed the first step toward proficiency in
A brief quiz that follows is intended to reinforce what you've learned
about Adult CPR.
We strongly recommend that you take and pass the test yourself before
proceeding to the next section.
If You Do Not Feel Ready To Take
The Test Go Back And Start Over!
Start Back Over at the Beginning!!
Take Adult CPR Test
When you have finished the Adult CPR test
please proceed to the Child CPR portion of
this training.
Please email the completed test to
[email protected]