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MATLAB Matrix Manipulation and graphics Matrix Generation in MATLAB 11 22 33 44 66 A= 55 68 92 35 47 68 B= 43 46 56 38 97 59 37 69 91 46 73 27 24 66 55 68 92 C = 43 46 56 D= 69 91 46 47 97 27 A = [4 3 4; 4 6 8; 3 6 6] B = [35; 22 ; 40] E = 55 68 92 35 47 68 66 G= 55 68 92 35 47 F= 57 70 94 37 49 59 47 37 97 24 27 C = A(2:4,1:3) D = A(:,end) E = A(2, :) F = [ E ; E+2 ] G = [B D] Colon Notation [Starting Point : Step : Ending Point] A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] A = [1:7] B = [1 3 5 7 9 11 13] B = [1:2:13] C = [10 9 8 7 6 5] C = [10: -1 : 5] Common Matrices in MATLAB ones(3,4) : All ones (3x4) zeros(2) : All zeroes (2x2) eye(3) : Identity (3x3) rand(4,5) : Random numbers between 0 and 1 (4x5) magic(4) : Dührer’s matrix (4x4) Array and Matrix Operations A’: Transpose of Matrix A inv(A): Inverse of Matrix A det(A): Determinant of Matrix A eig(A): Eigenvalues of Matrix A A.*A : “.” denotes element by element (array) multiplication of A by B. Same approach can be used for element by element division and exponention. CAUTION: To do a matrix multiplication A*B, the number of columns in A must be equal to the number of rows in B To do an array multiplication both matrices must have the same number of rows AND columns Size of a Matrix or an Array Solution of Linear Equations Simple Plots Plot(x,y): plots x vs y Plot(x1,y1,x2,y2) :Used to show multiple plots in the same figure. Subplot(rows,columns,number) Other useful commands: Hold Grid Title(‘ ‘) axis([ , , , ]) Xlabel(‘ ‘) ylabel(‘ ‘) Type Help plot for details