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Business Math
Chapter 2: Fractions
2.1 Fractions
Learning Objectives
Identify types of fractions
Convert an improper fraction to a whole or mixed
Convert a whole or mixed number to an improper
Reduce a fraction to lowest terms
Raise a fraction to highest terms
Cleaves/Hobbs: Business Math, 7e Copyright 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 All Rights Reserved
2.1.1. Identify types of fractions
A fraction is used to
identify parts of a
whole. It describes
the relationship
between the part and
the whole.
There are four parts:
and one is shaded or
1 in 4 which is ¼.
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Key Terms
Denominator-the number appearing below the
fraction line.
Numerator- the number appearing above the
fraction line.
Fraction line- horizontal line dividing numerator
and denominator.
Proper fraction- a fraction has a value than is
less than “1” (⅔, for example.)
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Look at the fraction
2 is the numerator
3 is the denominator
Is it a proper fraction?
Yes, because the value of the fraction is
less than “1”.
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Identify the fraction
What part of the area
is shaded?
The fraction is 3/7.
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Improper fraction
The numerator is a greater value than the
denominator, and therefore is greater than “1”.
Proper or improper?
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Convert an improper fraction to
a whole or mixed number
Divide the numerator or the improper fraction by
the denominator.
If the remainder is zero, the quotient is a whole
If the remainder is not zero, the improper fraction
will be expressed as a mixed number.
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Try these examples
86 ⅔
33 ¾
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Write a mixed number as an
improper fraction
Find the numerator of the improper fraction.
Multiply the denominator of the mixed number
by the whole number part.
Add the product from the previous step to the
numerator of the mixed number.
Use the denominator of the mixed number.
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Look at this example.
Convert 10 ¾ to an improper fraction
The numerator of the fraction is “3.”
Multiply the whole number, which is “10” by the
denominator which is “4”; the result is 40.
Add the numerator to product; 40 + 3 = 43.
Retain the same denominator.
43/4 is the improper fraction equivalent.
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Reduce a fraction to
lowest terms
Inspect the numerator and denominator to find
any whole number by which both can be evenly
Carry out the operation until there is no one
number that both can be evenly divided by.
Tip: Check if the denominator can be divided by
the numerator: 3/15, for example, can be
reduced to 1/5 when 3 is divided into 15.
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Reduce to lowest terms
18/ 30
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Find the greatest common
divisor of two numbers
The most direct way to reduce a fraction to
lowest terms is to use the GCD.
The GCD is the largest number by which the
denominator and the numerator can be evenly
For example, the GCD of 15 and 20 is 5. Any
number greater than 5 would result in a
quotient with a remainder.
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How to find the GCD
For example: find the GCD of 42 and 28.
Divide the larger number by the smaller number:
42 divided by 28 = 1 R 14
Divide the divisor by the remainder of the
previous operation (28) by (14)
28 divided by 14 = 2 R 0.
When the R = 0, the divisor from that operation
(14, in this case) is the GCD.
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Try these examples.
30, 36
GCD = 6
GCD = 5
30, 125
GCD =17
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Raise a fraction to higher terms
¾ is equal to ?
Look at the two denominators and divide.
“4” goes into 8 two times.
Multiply “3” by “2” to get the equivalent
¾ = 6/8
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Try these examples.
Determine the equivalent fraction in
higher terms:
4/5 = ?/25
7/8 = ?/40
3/5 = ?/60
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2.2. Adding and subtracting
To add fractions with like denominators:
Add the numerators
The denominator remains the same
Convert an improper fraction to a mixed number,
if necessary
¼ + ¾ + ¼ = 5/4 or 1 ¼
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Adding fractions with
different denominators
You must first find the lowest common
denominator (LCD).
Smallest number that can be divided evenly by
each original denominator.
For example: ¾ and ⅝ [using inspection]
Convert ¾ to an equivalent fraction in eighths
and then add.
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Adding fractions with
different denominators
Find the LCD for 4/5, 1/2 and 1/8.
It is not as apparent which number might be the
LCD given the denominators of 5, 2 and 8.
You can use prime numbers to find the LCD
Prime number: a number greater than 1 that
can be divided evenly by only itself and 1
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Find the LCD
using prime numbers
Prime numbers
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Find the LCD
Multiply the prime numbers from the first column
together (2x2x2x5) to get the LCD.
The LCD is 40.
Convert the fractions to the equivalent using 40
as the denominator.
4/5 becomes 32/40.
½ becomes 20/40.
1/8 becomes 5/40.
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Add the numerators
32/40 + 20/40 + 5/40 = 57/40
If the numerator is greater than the denominator,
it is an improper fraction and can be expressed
as a mixed number.
It would be 1 17/40
Inspect the fraction to determine if it is
expressed in lowest terms.
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Subtracting fractions
with like denominators
Subtract the smaller numerator from the greater
The denominator remains the same.
5/8 – 3/8 = 2/8
Reduce to lowest terms, if necessary.
2/8 = 1/4
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Subtracting fractions with
different denominators
As in addition, to subtract fractions you must
have a common denominator.
Use the same methods of inspection or prime
numbers to determine the LCD.
Carry out the operation.
Reduce to lowest terms as needed.
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Subtracting fractions with
different denominators
5/12 -1/3 = ?
Find the LCD, which is 12.
Change 1/3 to an equivalent fraction.
1/3 = 4/12
Carry out the operation:
5/12- 4/12 = 1/12
Reduce to lowest terms, if needed.
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Try these examples
7/8 – ½ =
2/3 – 1/5 =
4/5 -1/6 =
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Subtracting mixed numbers
10 ⅛ – 7 ½ =
Convert the fraction portion of each mixed
number to equivalent fractions.
10 1/8 -7 4/8 =
Borrow “1” from the whole number to carry out
the operation.
9 9/8 – 7 4/8 = 2 5/8
Reduce to lowest terms, if necessary.
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Try these examples
Maria has 6 ⅛ cups of flour, but only needs 4 ¼
cups for her recipe. How much will she have
 1⅞
Julia needs 3 ⅔ yards of tape to finish a display.
Bob brought her a 5 ⅞ yard piece from the
supply room. How much will be left?
 2 and 5/24
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2.3 Multiplying and
Dividing Fractions
Multiply fractions and mixed numbers
Divide fractions and mixed numbers
1/2 divided by 1/3 = ?
3/5 x 7/8 = ?
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Multiply fractions
and mixed numbers
Find the numerator of the product: multiply the
numerators of the fractions.
Find the denominator of the product: multiply
the denominators of the fractions.
Reduce to lowest terms
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Look at this example.
3 x 8 = 24
The product is 7/24.
Reduce to lowest terms, if necessary.
2/3 x 3/4 = ?
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To keep things simple, if possible, reduce before
The “3” in the denominator in the first fraction
and the “3” in the numerator in the second
fraction cancel each other out and become “1”.
The answer is ¼.
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Multiply mixed numbers
and whole numbers
Write the mixed numbers and whole numbers as
improper fractions.
Reduce numerators and denominators as
Multiply the fractions.
Reduce to lowest terms and / or write as a whole
number or mixed number.
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Try this example.
1 2/3 becomes 5/3
3 ¾ becomes 15/ 4
5/3 x 15/4 = ?
The “3” can be reduced to “1” and the “15” to “5”
before multiplying.
Multiply: 25/4.
Convert to a mixed number.
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Are products always larger
than their factors?
No. When the multiplier is a proper fraction, the
product is less than the original number.
5 x 3/5 = 3
This is also true when the multiplicand is a
whole number, fraction or mixed number.
2½ x ½ = 1¼
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The relationship between multiplying and
dividing fractions involves a concept called
Two numbers are reciprocals if their product is
equal to 1.
2 is the reciprocal of ½.
What is the reciprocal of ⅓?
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Divide fractions or mixed numbers
Write numbers as fractions.
Find the reciprocal of the divisor.
Multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the
Reduce to lowest terms, and/or write as a whole
or mixed number.
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Here’s an example.
3¼ ÷ ⅔=?
To carry out this operation,
 Convert
3 ¼ to an improper fraction
 Change
⅔ to its reciprocal which is 3/2
 Change
from division to multiplication
13/4 x 3/2 = 39/8
39/8 = 4 ⅞
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Try this problem.
Madison Duke makes appliques. A customer has
ordered five appliques. Madison has ¾ yard of
fabric and each applique requires 1/6 of a yard.
Does she need more fabric?
¾ ÷ 1/6 becomes ¾ x 6
Simplify by dividing 4 and 6 by 2.
Multiply 3/2 x 3.
The answer is 4 ½; therefore she can only make
4 appliques and she needs more fabric.
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Try this problem
A home goods store is stacking decorative
boxes on shelves. If each box is 6 ⅔
inches tall, and the shelf space is 45
inches, how many boxes will fit on each
 Six
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