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Primitive Data Types
 What word does it sound like?
 Name that will be used to describe anything a
programmer is required to define.
classes, methods, constants, variables;
 Examples
 Name of objects
marker, pencil
turnRight, forward, move
Rules for Identifiers
 Must start with a letter
 After the letter, can be any combination
of letters, numbers, or _
 No SPACES!!!
 Cannot be a reserved word (words with
special meanings in java [see handout])
Example Identifiers
 Are these okay?
 myPerson
 m_person
 person1
 my
 1person
 person#1
Example Identifiers
 These are fine
 myPerson
 m_person
 person1
 These are NOT
 my Person
 1person
 person#1
Java is Case Sensitive
 Person ≠ person ≠ perSon
Good Identifiers
 Don’t use single letters
 Make
them descriptive
grades instead of g
 Variable names should be meaningful
but concise
 gpa
instead of
Some Conventions
 Class names start with capitals
 DrawingTool
 Variable names start with lowercase
 marker
 Multiple word names have a capital letter at
the beginning of each new word
 Constants (value never changes) are in all
Data Types
 Depending on what you want to store in
java, you need to tell it what type it is.
 Why do you think it matters if something
is a number or a letter?
Type Matters
 Math
 You
can’t add the number 5 to the word
 Depending on the type, java has to
make a given amount of space for it.
Primitive Data Types
 int – integers – whole numbers
 -5
 double – decimals
 3.14
5.0 -1.2 6.02e23
scientific notation - 6.02e23 = 6.02x10^23
 boolean – true or false
 char – holds one character
 ‘a’
Invalid Numbers
 Don’t do this
 $5.06
 #3.0
 86%
You Might Also see
 long and short are like int
 float is like double
Declaring variables
 Remember me?
 DrawingTool marker;
 Other variables are the same:
 int number;
 number = 86;
 int number = 86;
 You only declare the type once!
 First time> DrawingTool marker;
 After> marker.
 The characters are secretly stored as
integer values. Thus ascii value 65 is
the captial ‘A’
 One way to print out to the screen
 System.out.print
 Print and don’t skip a line
– prints HelloWorld
 System.out.println
 Print and skip a line
– prints Hello
int number = 5;
char letter = 'E';
double average = 3.95;
boolean done = false;
System.out.println("number = " + number);
System.out.println("letter = " + letter);
System.out.println("average = " + average);
System.out.println("done = " + done);
System.out.print("The ");
Run output:
number = 5
letter = E
average = 3.95
done = false
The End!
What does + mean?
 Inside
System.out.println("number = " + number);
means add the words “number = “ to the
value of number
Escape Characters
Java Escape Sequence
Horizontal tab
Single quote
Double quote
Null character
System.out.println(“This is a\ntest and only\’ a test.”);
Run output:
This is a
test and only’ a test.
Interesting Differences
System.out.println( 2 + 2);
//Output: 4
System.out.println(“2 + 2”);
//Output: 2 + 2
System.out.println(“2” + “2”);
//Output: 22
char letter = 'A';
int number = 75;
System.out.println("letter = " + letter);
System.out.print("its ASCII value = ");
System.out.print("ASCII value 75 = ");
Run output:
letter = A
its ASCII value = 65
ASCII value 75 = K
Assignment (=)
 The = sign works RIGHT to LEFT only!
 a = 5;
Means the variable a gets the value 5
5 = a; DOES NOT WORK!!!
a = 3;
b = 5;
a = b;
a now equals?
b now equals?
Variables with =
 On the LEFT side, mean save the
answer here
= 5 + 3;
 On the RIGHT side, means look up the
= 6;
 a = b + 2;
You can do math
 a = 5 + 3;
 Adding
is +
 Subtracting is –
 Multiplication is *
 Division is /
 Modulus is %
Careful with division
 If you divide by an integer, java will
round down
 15/4
= 3!
 If you divide by a decimal, java will give
you an exact answer
 15/4.0
= 3.75
Careful How you Save
 If you save a decimal in to an int, the
decimal part of the number will be lost
 int
x = 3.14;
Mod (%)
 Remember how you learned division?
 13/4
= 3R1
 Mod just means give me the remainder
from dividing.
 13%4 = 1