Download Problems to try - Cliff Lane Primary

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How many triangles can you see in this
how would you
balance these 6
5kg, 11kg, 29kg,
19kg, 7kg and 23kg
How many squares are there on a
A train which Is 200m long enters
a 1 km long tunnel.
If the train is travelling 100 metres
per second how long before the
end of the train leaves the
• I have 4 counters numbered
• Use each counter once only.
• What is the largest number I
can achieve by making 2 digit
numbers and multiplying
There are some goats and ducks
around a pond. They have 40
heads and 88 feet between them.
How many goats are there? How
many ducks are there?
The security door at the football college
has a door code of 1966.
The door can, in fact be opened by any
combination of these numbers (e.g.
6196). How many different combinations
are there to open the door?
In an Indian restaurant 2 samosas and 3
pakoras cost £3.10, but 3 samosas and
2 pakoras cost £2.90.
How much is one pakora?
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