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Noadswood Science, 2012
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
To be able to calculate the yield from chemical reactions
Conservation Of Mass
What does conservation of mass mean?
Mass is never lost or gained in chemical reactions
Mass is always conserved – the total mass of products at the end of the
reaction is equal to the total mass of the reactants at the beginning
This fact allows you to work out the mass of one substance in a reaction if
the masses of the other substances are known…
Often in chemical reactions is appears that mass has been lost / gained –
why could this be?
In practice, it is not always possible to get all of the calculated amount of
product from a reaction:  Reversible reactions may not go to completion
 Some product may be lost when it is removed from the reaction mixture
 Some of the reactants may react in an unexpected way
 The reactants could react with something which was not measured (i.e.
oxygen within the air would add mass to the final product)
 Some of the products might be hard to measure (i.e. a gas could be given
off from the reaction)
Reacting Masses
To calculate the mass in reactions there are three steps:  Write out the balanced equation
 Work out the Mr (off the bits you want)
 Apply the rule ‘divide to get one, multiply to get all (first to the
substance given, then to the one with no information)’!
E.g. what mass of magnesium oxide is produced when 60g of magnesium is
burned in the air?
Reacting Masses
E.g. what mass of magnesium oxide is produced when 60g of magnesium is burned in the air?
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
Relative formula: (2 x 24) → 2 x (24 + 16)
Apply the rule: divide to get one, multiply to get all
48g Mg reacts to give 80g MgO
÷ 48
÷ 48
1g Mg reacts to give 1.67g MgO
x 60
x 60
60g Mg reacts to give 100g MgO
Reacting Masses
To calculate the mass in reactions there are three steps:  Write out the balanced equation
 Work out the Mr (off the bits you want)
 Apply the rule ‘divide to get one, multiply to get all (first to the
substance given, then to the one with no information)’!
E.g. if we have 50g of CaCO3, how much CaO can we make?
Reacting Masses
E.g. if we have 50g of CaCO3, how much CaO can we make?
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
Relative formula: 40 + 12 (3 x 16) → 40 + 16
Apply the rule: divide to get one, multiply to get all
÷ 100
100g CaCO3 reacts to give 56g CaO
÷ 100
1g CaCO3reacts to give 0.56g CaO
x 50
x 50
50g CaCO3reacts to give 28g CaO
Reacting Masses
To calculate the mass in reactions there are three steps:  Write out the balanced equation
 Work out the Mr (off the bits you want)
 Apply the rule ‘divide to get one, multiply to get all (first to the
substance given, then to the one with no information)’!
E.g. what mass of carbon will react with hydrogen to produce 24.6g of
Reacting Masses
E.g. what mass of carbon will react with hydrogen to produce 24.6g of propane?
3C + 4H2 → C3H8
Relative formula: 3 x 12 → (3 x 12) + (8 x 1)
Apply the rule: divide to get one, multiply to get all
÷ 44
36g C reacts to give 44g C3H8
÷ 44
0.82g C reacts to give 1g C3H8
x 24.6
x 24.6
20.1g C reacts to give 24.6g C3H8
The amount of product made is called the yield – in a chemical reaction no
atoms are lost or gained but sometimes the yield is not what you would
Theoretical yield: maximum products that are made if reactants react
Actual yield: the amount of product which actually forms
Percentage Yield
The yield of a reaction is the actual mass of product obtained – the
percentage yield can be calculated: Percentage yield = mass product obtained x 100
theoretical mass
For example, the maximum theoretical mass of product in a certain
reaction is 20g, but only 15g is actually obtained…
Percentage yield = 15⁄20 × 100
= 75%
Precipitation is the formation of an insoluble solid when two solutions are
mixed - e.g. barium sulfate is produced by precipitation from barium nitrate
and sodium sulfate solutions
Write a word and symbol equation for this reaction…
barium nitrate + sodium sulfate  barium sulfate + sodium nitrate
Ba(NO3)2 + Na2SO4  BaSO4 + 2NaNO3
Using the standard procedure carry out the precipitation reaction…
Pour 50cm3 water into a 100cm3 beaker
Weigh 2.6g barium nitrate
Combine the two and stir (until all barium nitrate is dissolved)
Pour this into the 250cm3 beaker
Measure out 75cm3 sodium sulfate into a 100cm3 beaker
Add the two solutions together
Stir well (notice the white precipitate)
Filter the mixture using a funnel and filter paper (make sure you weigh your
filter paper) - wash the residue with a little water
Dry the precipitate - weigh to find our yield (- filter paper)!…
Calculating Yield
Calculate the maximum theoretical yield of barium sulfate and then work
out your own percentage yield for the experiment…
Ar of barium = 137; sulfur = 32; nitrogen = 14; and oxygen = 16
barium nitrate + sodium sulfate  barium sulfate + sodium nitrate
Ba(NO3)2 + Na2SO4  BaSO4 + 2NaNO3
Theoretical Yield
Ba(NO3)2 + Na2SO4  BaSO4 + 2NaNO3
Relative formula (barium nitrate and barium sulfate): 137 + (2 x 14) + (2 x (3 x 16)) → 137 + 32 + (4 x 16)
Apply the rule: divide to get one, multiply to get all
261g Ba(NO3)2 reacts to give 233g BaSO4
2.61g Ba(NO3)2 reacts to give 2.33g BaSO4
Maximum theoretical yield for experiment = 2.33g BaSO4
Percentage Yield
The yield of a reaction is the actual mass of product obtained – the
percentage yield can be calculated: Percentage yield = mass product obtained x 100
theoretical mass
In this experiment the maximum theoretical yield is 2.33g – if you got, for
example, 1.25g then
Percentage yield = 1.25⁄2.33 × 100
= 53.6%
Empirical Formula
Empirical formula is a simple expression of the relative numbers of each
type of atom in it…
The following steps are used to calculate empirical formula:  List all the elements in the compound
 Write underneath them their experimental masses or percentages
 Divide each mass or percentage by the Ar for that particular element
 Turn the numbers until you get a ratio by multiplying / dividing them by
well chosen numbers
 Get the ratio in its simplest form…
Empirical Formula – Example
Find the empirical formula of the iron oxide produced when 44.8g of iron react with 19.2g of
oxygen (Ar iron = 56; oxygen = 16)
Iron (Fe)
Oxygen (O)
Experiment mass
÷ Ar for each
44.8/56 = 0.8
19.2/16 = 1.2
x 10
Simplest formula is 2 atoms of Fe to 3 atoms of O (Fe2O3)
Empirical Formula – Example
Find the empirical formula of sulfur oxide if 3.2g of sulfur reacts with oxygen to produce 6.4g
sulfur oxide (Ar sulfur = 32; oxygen = 16)
Conservation of mass tells us that the mass of oxygen equals the mass of sulfur oxide minus
the mass of sulfur – the mass of oxygen reacted = 6.4 - 3.2 = 3.2g
Sulfur (S)
Oxygen (O)
Experiment mass
÷ Ar for each
3.2/32 = 0.1
3.2/16 = 0.2
x 10
Simplest formula is 1 atoms of S to 2 atoms of O (SO2)
A mole is a number – 6.023 x 1023
When you get precisely this number of atoms of carbon-12 it weighs 12g
That number of atoms or molecules of any element or compound will
weigh exactly the same number of grams as the relative atomic mass of the
element or compound: 
Iron has an Ar of 56 – 1 mole of iron weighs 56g
Nitrogen has a Mr of 28 (2 x 14) – 1 mole of nitrogen weighs 28g
Carbon dioxide has a Mr of 44 (12 + 2 x 16) – 1 mole of carbon dioxide
weighs 44g
To work out the number of moles in a given mass: -
Number of moles = Mass (g) of element or compound
Mr of element or compound
How many moles are there in 42g of carbon?
42/12 = 3.5 moles