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ConcepTest 17.1a Electric Potential Energy I
1) proton
A proton and an electron are in
a constant electric field created
by oppositely charged plates.
You release the proton from
the positive side and the
electron from the negative side.
Which feels the larger electric
2) electron
3) both feel the same force
4) neither – there is no force
5) they feel the same magnitude
force but opposite direction
ConcepTest 17.1b Electric Potential Energy II
A proton and an electron are in
a constant electric field created
by oppositely charged plates.
You release the proton from
the positive side and the
electron from the negative side.
Which has the larger
1) proton
2) electron
3) both feel the same acceleration
4) neither – there is no acceleration
5) they feel the same magnitude
acceleration but opposite direction
ConcepTest 17.1c Electric Potential Energy III
1) proton
A proton and an electron are in
a constant electric field created
by oppositely charged plates.
You release the proton from
the positive side and the
electron from the negative side.
When it strikes the opposite
plate, which one has more KE?
2) electron
3) both acquire the same KE
4) neither – there is no change of
5) they both acquire the same KE
but with opposite signs
ConcepTest 17.6 Equipotential of Point Charge
1) A and C
Which two points have
the same potential?
2) B and E
3) B and D
4) C and E
5) no pair
ConcepTest 18.1
Which is the correct way to
light the lightbulb with the
Connect the Battery
4) all are correct
5) none are correct
ConcepTest 18.2
Ohm’s Law
across a certain conductor
1) Ohm’s law is obeyed since the current
still increases when V increases
and you observe the current
2) Ohm’s law is not obeyed
increases three times. What
3) This has nothing to do with Ohm’s law
You double the voltage
can you conclude?
ConcepTest 18.3a
Wires I
Two wires, A and B, are made of the
1) dA = 4 dB
same metal and have equal length,
2) dA = 2 dB
but the resistance of wire A is four
times the resistance of wire B. How
do their diameters compare?
3) dA = dB
4) dA = 1/2 dB
5) dA = 1/4 dB
ConcepTest 18.3b
Wires II
A wire of resistance R is
1) it decreases by a factor 4
stretched uniformly (keeping its
2) it decreases by a factor 2
volume constant) until it is twice
3) it stays the same
its original length. What happens
4) it increases by a factor 2
to the resistance?
5) it increases by a factor 4
ConcepTest 18.4
1) the power
When you rotate the knob of a
2) the current
light dimmer, what is being
3) the voltage
changed in the electric circuit?
4) both (1) and (2)
5) both (2) and (3)
ConcepTest 18.5a
Two lightbulbs operate at 120 V, but
1) the 25 W bulb
one has a power rating of 25 W while
2) the 100 W bulb
the other has a power rating of 100 W.
3) both have the same
Which one has the greater
4) this has nothing to do with
ConcepTest 18.5b
Two space heaters in your living
room are operated at 120 V.
Space Heaters I
1) heater 1
Heater 1 has twice the resistance
2) heater 2
of heater 2. Which one will give
3) both equally
off more heat?
ConcepTest 19.1a
Series Resistors I
1) 12 V
Assume that the voltage of the battery
is 9 V and that the three resistors are
identical. What is the potential
difference across each resistor?
2) zero
3) 3 V
4) 4 V
5) you need to know the
actual value of R
ConcepTest 19.1b
Series Resistors II
1) 12 V
In the circuit below, what is the
2) zero
voltage across R1?
3) 6 V
4) 8 V
5) 4 V
R1= 4 W
R2= 2 W
12 V
ConcepTest 19.2a
Parallel Resistors I
1) 10 A
In the circuit below, what is the
2) zero
current through R1?
3) 5 A
4) 2 A
5) 7 A
R2= 2 W
R1= 5 W
10 V
ConcepTest 19.2b
Points P and Q are connected to a
Parallel Resistors II
1) increases
battery of fixed voltage. As more
2) remains the same
resistors R are added to the parallel
3) decreases
circuit, what happens to the total
4) drops to zero
current in the circuit?
ConcepTest 19.3a
Current flows through a
Short Circuit
1) all the current continues to flow through
the bulb
connected across the
2) half the current flows through the wire,
the other half continues through the
bulb, what happens?
3) all the current flows through the wire
lightbulb. If a wire is now
4) none of the above
ConcepTest 19.3b
Two lightbulbs A and B are
connected in series to a
constant voltage source.
When a wire is connected
across B, bulb A will:
Short Circuit II
1) glow brighter than before
2) glow just the same as before
3) glow dimmer than before
4) go out completely
5) explode
ConcepTest 19.4a
Circuits I
The lightbulbs in the circuit below
1) circuit 1
are identical with the same
2) circuit 2
resistance R. Which circuit
produces more light? (brightness
 power)
3) both the same
4) it depends on R
ConcepTest 19.4b
The three lightbulbs in the circuit all have
Circuits II
1) twice as much
the same resistance of 1 W . By how
2) the same
much is the brightness of bulb B greater
3) 1/2 as much
or smaller than the brightness of bulb A?
(brightness  power)
4) 1/4 as much
5) 4 times as much
10 V
ConcepTest 19.7
Junction Rule
1) 2 A
What is the current in branch P?
2) 3 A
3) 5 A
4) 6 A
5) 10 A