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Simple Present Tense Form
 base form of the verb
 ex. listen We listen to Vicki in class every
 Third person singular He, She, It add –s
 ex. She listens to pop music. Myint listens
to rock n’ roll music.
Adverbs of Frequency
 Adverbs of frequency go before the main
 Ex. My laptop usually works well.
 Adverbs of frequency go after the verb to be
 Ex. He is usually frustrated with his laptop.
Simple Present Questions
 Yes/No Questions
 With verb to be move the verb “to BE” in
front of the subject I am sick. Are you sick?
 With other verbs I love ESL 182LS! Add
DO in front of the subject ex. Do you like
ESL 182LS?
Simple Present Questions
 Wh-questions Who, What, Where, When,
Why, How
 Add question word + DO ex. I love ESL
182LS! What do you love?
 Wh-question about the subject- DO is NOT
needed ex. Vicki loves the students in ESL
182LS! Who loves the students?
Simple Present Tense Meaning
 General or permanent situations
 ESL 182LS has wonderful students!
 Repeated actions
 Isabel asks questions in class everyday.
Irregular verbs BE and HAVE
 I am
 You Are
 He/She/It has
We are
You are
They are
 I have
 You have
 He/She/It has
We have
You have
They have
 Add do + not to the simple form of the verb
Jan does not have a brother.
Jan doesn’t have a brother.
I do not have a sister.
I don’t have a sister.
Your Turn
 Write 3 facts about yourself or a friend.
 Write 2 statements about a repeated
situation/habit in your life.
 Write 2 negative facts about yourself or a
 Write 1 yes/not question about one of your
 Write one wh-question about one of your
Present Continuous Form
 Form verb “to BE” + verb + -ing
ex. is listening Jose is listening to Vicki.
 Only verb to BE changes form with subject
ex. I am listening. You are listening. She is
listening. We are listening. They are
Present Continuous
 To form the negative form of present
continuous add NOT after the BE form
 Ex. Natasha is NOT talking to her best
friend because she ate her doughnut.
Present Continuous Questions
 Yes/No Questions
 Move the verb “to BE” in front of the subject
ex. Harold is sleeping in class today. Is
Harold sleeping in class today?
Present Continuous Questions
 Wh-questions add the question word and
move the verb “to BE” in front of the subject
ex. Where is Harold sleeping?
 Wh-questions about the subject remove the
subject ex. Who is sleeping in class?
 Negative wh-questions add NOT after the
Be form Who is NOT sleeping in class?
Present Continuous
 An action is happening right now
 Ex. Kevin is yawning.
 An action is happening around the time of
 Ex. Marina is taking ESL 182RW.
Non-Action Verbs
 Usually we cannot use non-action verbs with
present continuous
 Non-Action Verbs
 Emotions-love, hate, like, wish, want
 Mental States-know, believe, remember,
 Possessions-have, belong, own
 Senses-see, hear
Non-Action Verbs
 Phung wants a new job.
 NOT-Phung is wanting a new job.
 Vicki has a puppy.
 NOT Vicki is having a puppy.
Non-Action Verbs
 Some non-action verbs also have an active
 Smell- She smells good! She is smelling a
 Taste- The candy tastes sweet. He is tasting
the soup.
 Feel
 Look
 Think
Your Turn
 Write a sentence telling what you are doing
right now.
 Write a sentence telling what you are doing
this semester.
 Write a sentence for the action and nonaction meaning of “think”.