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The Greek God of War Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and this Greek Goddess The Lame God of Fire, Blacksmiths & Forges The Underworld was guarded by this mythical beast The Twin Gods in Greek Mythology are named: Before the Earth was created this was all that existed This mythical beast has the body of a horse and the head and torso of a man The ancient Greeks developed myths in order to: These young and beautiful female spirits of trees, water & other aspects of nature were lesser gods in the sense that they were neither human nor immortal. Cronos tried to get rid of his first 5 children by doing this: This jealous goddess was the wife of Zeus Cronos and his cousin Atlas were members of this race of beings: These smelly birdlike creatures had women’s faces Medusa was one of these mythical creatures Helen of Troy’s father was this Greek God This goddess sprang full grown from Zeus’ head This messenger god brings the dead into the underworld. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades rule each of these places, respectively This horse has wings Zeus’ father was: This young weaver lost a contest to Athena and was turned into a spider. Poseidon’s fork-like weapon is called the following: According to Greek myths, these one-eyed creatures were one of the first three races of beings This Greek God kidnapped Persephone Who was Hydra? Who was Hermes? Who was Hades?