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moonOS 3.5 and moonOS 4
Chanrithy Thim
[email protected]
moonOS project
What is moonOS?
moonOS is a young Linux based operating system
and build top of Free and Open Sources software.
moonOS works well on its own without the need
for any other operating systems but it also
cohabitant well, auto-detects and communicates
well with other operating systems.
moonOS is available in freedom, that mean
people can use it, copy, redistribute or modify by
their way without inform to moonOS project.
What is Linux?
The Linux kernel is the heart of the moonOS
operating system. A kernel is an important part of
any operating system, providing the
communication bridge between hardware and
Linux was brought to life in 1991 by a Finnish
student named Linus Torvalds. And now Linux
develop by a lot of people around the world.
Some feature of moonOS
Powered by Ubuntu and latest Free & Open
Sources software.
Friendly and powerful for home user
Made for all Cambodian specially
Always be Nice
moonOS project started on lately 2008.
The first version of moonOS was released in 2008
in 2 edition (KDE and Enlightenment).
The second version was released in 2009 in 2
edition (Enlightenment and LXDE). Everyone
know moonOS start from this version.
The third version was release in 2009 and come
only 1 edition (Enlightenment). This is a
successful version of moonOS.
Introduction to moonOS 3.5
moonOS 3.5 is a special version made for
Barcamp Phnom Penh [3] only as moonOS 4
replacement sine moonOS 4 is not ready yet.
It is use GNOME as main desktop
It may be not list on moonOS release history
moonOS 3.5 feature
Fully support multimedia codec
Come with a lot of driver for desktop and laptop
Look nice and friendly
Introducing new system font for Khmer language
called "Chantrea UI"
Wine also include for using some Micro$oft
Window$ applications
Need help?
Visit moonOS Forum at to ask questions.
Our community will be help and solved your
problem quickly.
What about moonOS 4???
moonOS 4 is not ready yet!
What! Why?
Some reason
Only me work on development.
No programmer or designer help yet
All exist tools has been rewriting to Python
instead of Gambas2
A lot of plan and feature uncompleted
System has been building from scratch and unlike
all older release anymore.
Can you show some new feature of
moonOS 4?
New File Hierarchy System.
New packages installer
New LiveCD installer
New Interface
Khmer language supported
Very easy for offline user
New File Hierarchy System? Really?
Exactly! moonOS will be hiding old Unix File
Hierarchy System from end-user and use its own
So no more /bin, /boot, /dev, /etc, /home, /lib to
bother you.
It should be replace with /Programs, /System,
/User, /Volumes instead.
Why? What about old people?
Because all those files are not easy to manage,
understand and so complicated. It is not friendly.
Still have an option for old people who deeper
using Linux. All old Unix FHS is available in
/System/.Legacy like this:
New packages and LiveCD installer
Yeah, moonOS also come with new installer for
both packages and LiveCD.
New packages installer will be helping people
easy to install software without Internet. The best
choice for Offline country like Cambodia.
New LiveCD installer will be helping people easy
to choose their own applications and desktop
environment selection during installation.
Khmer language supported
We are has been working on translation sine last
month. So we could get moonOS to support
Khmer language as well.
We need your help!
moonOS looking for:
Web master
Document editor
As Volunteer!
Thanks you for your time!!!