Download Overview of Windows Driver Development

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Overview of Windows
Driver Development
Steps in Driver Development
Step 1: Understand Driver and OS Basics
Step 2: Determine Device-Specific Driver
Which OS your driver will run on
Step 3: Make Driver Design Decisions
Step 4: Build, Test, and Debug the Driver
Step 5: Provide a Driver Package
which device installation components you must provide &
what Windows expects during device installation.
Step 6: Distribute the Driver
Driver and Operating System
 Outline
Overview of System Components
User-Mode Drivers & Kernel-Mode Drivers
Layered Driver Architecture
Device Drivers and File System Drivers Defined
Windows Driver Model (WDM) Defined
Operating System Concept
(98,Me does not supported)
User Mode Driver & AP:
* can use the routines of Win32 API.
* The Win32 AIP, in turn, call exported driver and OS kernel routines
Kernel Mode Driver :
•can use the routines of windows component
in OS kernel
I/O, configuration, Plug&Play
Memory management
The major internal components of
the NT-based OS
Components of a Driver Package
Supporting a device involves the following
The device
Driver files
Installation files
Other files
Driver Files
Components of a Driver Package
 The driver files provides the I/O interface
for a device
 a dynamic-link library with the .sys file
 Exception: Boot Drivers (由 txtsetup.oem 指定)
 Installation
the OS loader loads the driver at boot time
before the executive system receives control.
Ex: disk driver
 Setup copies
the .sys file  %windir%\system32\drivers
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