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Distributed Computing
Introduction to Operating Systems: Module 17
Distributed Computing
 Process
 Scheduling
 Synchronization
 Deadlock
 Message
 Send/receive
 Publish/subscribe
 Remote
(message bus)
Procedure Calls
 Stub/skeleton
 Registration
 Explicit
The application programmer is responsible for assigning a
computer to the schedulable unit
 Transparent
The OS seamlessly assigns a computer to the schedulable unit
 Normally this is the only computer which executes the work until
it is completed
 Load
Migrate processes to improve performance
 The cost of migration is steep!
Process Migration
 Transfer
of sufficient amount of the state of a process from
one machine to another
The process executes on the target machine
 Load
Move processes from heavily loaded to lightly load systems
 Load can be balanced to improve overall performance
 Communications
Processes that interact intensively can be moved to the same node
 Move process to where the data reside when the data is large
 Availability
Long-running process moves when its machine will be down
Initiation of Migration
 Operating
When goal is load balancing
 Process
When goal is to reach a particular resource
 Data
 Another process
 What
is Migrated?
Must destroy the process on the source system and create it on the
target system
 Process control block and any links must be moved
What is Migrated?
 Eager
(all):Transfer entire address space
 No
trace of process is left behind
 If address space is large and if the process does not need
most of it, then this approach my be too expensive
 Precopy:
Process continues to execute on the
source node while the address space is copied
 Pages
modified on the source during precopy operation
have to be copied a second time
 Reduces the time that a process is frozen and cannot
execute during migration
What is Migrated?
 Eager
(dirty): Transfer only that portion of the
address space that is in main memory and have
been modified
 Additional
virtual pages are transferred on demand
 Source machine is involved for the life of the process
 Copy-on-reference:
Pages are only brought over on
 Variation
of eager (dirty)
 Has lowest initial cost of process migration
Negotiation of Migration
 Migration
policy is responsibility of Starter utility
 Starter utility is also responsible for long-term
scheduling and memory allocation
 Decision to migrate must be reached jointly by two
Starter processes (one on the source and one on the
 System
evict a process that has been migrated to it
 If a workstation is idle, process may have been
migrated to it
 Once
the workstation is active, it may be necessary to
evict the migrated processes to provide adequate
response time
 Time-stamped
 Each
message contains local time of its source
 Time of receipt is combined with the time stamp to
determine relative order of activities
 What
if local times are out of synch?
 Use a virtual time stamp
 Lamport,
Ricart algorithms
 Semaphore without shared memory
 More
complicated than we are prepared to address in an
undergraduate course
Distributed Mutual Exclusion (DME)
 Uses
timed stamped messages
 Lamport's
timestamp, Ricart's algorithm
 Assumptions
 The
system consists of n processes; each process Pi
resides at a different processor
 Each process has a critical section that requires mutual
 Requirement
 If
Pi is executing in its critical section, then no other
process Pj is executing in its critical section
 Each
system on the network maintains a counter
which functions as a clock
 Each site has a numerical identifier
 When a message is received, the receiving system
sets is counter to one more than the maximum of its
current value and the incoming time-stamp
 If
two messages have the same time-stamp, they are
ordered by the number of their sites
 For this method to work, each message is sent from
one process to all other processes
 Ensures
all sites have same ordering of messages
 For mutual exclusion and deadlock all processes must
be aware of the situation
DME: Fully Distributed Approach
 When
process Pi wants to enter its critical section, it
generates a new timestamp, TS, and sends the message
request (Pi, TS) to all other processes in the system.
 Like bakery algorithm
 When
process Pj receives a request message, it may reply
immediately or it may defer sending a reply back
 When process Pi receives a reply message from all other
processes in the system, it can enter its critical section
 After exiting its critical section, the process sends reply
messages to all its deferred requests
DME: Fully Distributed Approach
 The
decision whether process Pj replies immediately to a
request(Pi, TS) message or defers its reply is based on three
If Pj is in its critical section, then it defers its reply to Pi
 If Pj does not want to enter its critical section, then it sends a
reply immediately to Pi
 If Pj wants to enter its critical section but has not yet entered it,
then it compares its own request timestamp with the timestamp
If its own request timestamp is greater than TS, then it sends a reply
immediately to Pi (Pi asked first)
 Otherwise, the reply is deferred
Benefits of Fully Distributed Approach
 Freedom
from deadlock is ensured
 Freedom from starvation is ensured, since entry to the
critical section is scheduled according to the timestamp
ordering. The timestamp ordering ensures that processes
are served in a first-come, first served order.
 The number of messages per critical-section entry is
2 x (n – 1)
This is the minimum number of required messages per
critical-section entry when processes act independently and
Three Undesirable Consequences
 The
processes need to know the identity of all other
processes in the system, which makes the dynamic addition
and removal of processes more complex
 If one of the processes fails, then the entire scheme
This can be dealt with by continuously monitoring the state of all
the processes in the system
 Processes
that have not entered their critical section must
pause frequently to assure other processes that they intend
to enter the critical section
This protocol is therefore suited for small, stable sets of
cooperating processes
Deadlock in Resource Allocation
 Mutual
 Hold and wait
 No preemption
 Circular wait
Deadlock Prevention
 Circular-wait
condition can be prevented by
defining a linear ordering of resource types
 Hold-and-wait condition can be prevented by
requiring that a process request all of its required
resource at one time, and blocking the process until
all requests can be granted simultaneously
Deadlock Avoidance
 Distributed
 Every
deadlock avoidance is impractical
node must keep track of the global state of the
 The process of checking for a safe global state must be
mutually exclusive
 Checking for safe states involves considerable
processing overhead for a distributed system with a
large number of processes and resources
Distributed Deadlock Detection
 Each
site only knows about its own resources
 Deadlock
may involve distributed resources
control – one site is responsible for
deadlock detection
 Hierarchical control – lowest node above the nodes
involved in deadlock
 Distributed control – all processes cooperate in the
deadlock detection function
 Centralized
Message Passing
 Send/Receive
 Works
much the same as in single system
 Can be synchronous or asynchronous
 Publish/Subscribe
 Agents
publish (broadcast) messages to “subjects”
 Agents subscribe to subjects
 Normally asynchronous, with little fault tolerance
 Defined
as an “endpoint for communication”
 Concatenation of IP Address + Port
 All Ports < 1024 are considered “well-known”
- TELNET uses port 23
- FTP uses port 21
- HTTP server uses port 80
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
 Sockets
 RPCs
 Client
are considered low-level.
offer a higher-level form of communication
makes procedure call to “remote” server
using ordinary procedure call mechanisms
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
 Java’s
OO version of RPCs
 A thread
 An
may invoke a method on a remote object
object is considered “remote” if it resides in a
separate Java Virtual Machine
RPC versus RMI
 RPC’s
Support Procedural Programming Style
Supports Object-Oriented Programming Style
 Parameters
to RPCs are Ordinary Data Structures
 Parameters
to RMI are Objects
Stubs and Skeletons
 “Stub”
is a proxy for the remote object – resides on
 The stub “marshalls” the parameters and sends
them to the server
 “Skeleton” is on server side
 Skeleton “unmarshalls” the parameters and delivers
them to the server
Marshalling Parameters
Local (non-remote) objects
are passed by copy using
object serialization
Remote objects are passed
by reference
 Remote objects are
declared by specifying
an interface that extends
 Every method must
is Java-to-Java Technology
 CORBA is middleware that allows heterogeneous
client and server applications to communicate
 Interface Definition Language (IDL) is a generic
way to describe an interface to a service a remote
object provides
 Object Request Broker (ORB) allows client and
server to communicate through IDL.
 Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP) is a protocol
specifying how the ORBs can communicate.
Cobra Model
Registration Services
 Registration
Service Allows Remote Objects to
“register” Their Services.
 RMI,
CORBA Require Registration Services