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Most Important Features
 In
your notebooks – write down three
things that are the most important
features of the Middle Ages in Europe
The Height of Medieval Civilization
Early Medieval
Economic system of the Middle Ages in which land was
divided into farming communities owned by nobles and
worked by freemen and peasants called SERFS
Manors were self sufficient
 isolated
from each other
 own court of law
 church, mill, a bread
oven, and a wine press
 produced their own
food, clothing, tools
 raised sheep, cows, fruit,
 built their own houses
Advances - Iron plow and
horse harness
New Farming
Technique –
3 crop rotation
(one fallow)
Regents –
1. Which economic system is most closely
associated with the activities shown in this art
(1) manorialism
(3) communism
(2) capitalism
(4) socialism
2. With which historical setting is this art work
Most closely associated?
(1) Japan—Tokugawa shogunate
(2) Middle East—Abbasid dynasty
(3) Western Europe—Middle Ages
(4) India – Mughal Empire
Practice Question
3. The term “subsistence farmers” as used in
the Middle Ages refers to people who grow
(1) enough food to feed an entire nation
(2) food to export to other villages
(3) just enough food to meet the needs of
the immediate family
(4) a single cash crop like wheat
Growth of Towns
 Warfare
declined in western Europe during the 11th
and 12th century (Barbarians like Vikings settle
 Manor economy became more productive
 Population increased
 Trade revived and towns increased in size
 Peasants and nobles became aware of a larger
Revival of trade
Decline of feudal warfare
Easier to trade using old Roman roads and
During the Crusades trade expanded into
the east.
Wool was the main trade item. Towns
became the collecting and distributing
point for these items
English/Flemish…. sheep
Antwerp and Bruges….weavers
Milan and Florence…. trade cloth
Italian fleets gain control of the Mediterranean
from the Muslims because of strategic location.
Travel was expensive
Barter system was gradually replaced by a money
Trade Fairs and the Hanseatic
 Champagne
Fair, France)
 Nobles provided
protection, rented
booths, and hired
money changers
 Fairs became a
magnet for goods
and ideas
 Trade
fairs become
elaborate events
 Mixing place of
languages, and
 Gradual decline
due to competition
from the Hanseatic
League, but also
the rents were too
Hanseatic League
Group of over 80 towns/cites fronting the Baltic Sea protective trade alliance (fur, timber, fish), immense power
– coin own money, treaties, warships
Hanseatic Towns:
Became quite
powerful and
Bruges, Belgium
“Venice of the North”
Medieval Guilds
 Merchants
artisans given the
right to form
 Governed prices,
wages, standards,
disputes and
 Only guild members
could practice their
Guild Practices
 Protected
 ‘Just Price’ for goods
 Set work week, hours,
 Social welfare
programs – workmen
 Entertainment and
religious feasts
 Training
; apprentice,
journeyman and
master craftsman.
 Could take 7 to 20
 Guilds prevented
 Passed down through
the family
Practice Regents Question –
4. Which statement best characterizes Europe during the early
Middle Ages?
(1) A centralized government provided law and order.
(2) Manorialism developed to meet the people’s economic
(3) People adopted humanism and questioned the Church.
(4) A standardized currency promoted international trade.
Practice Regents
5. During the European Middle Ages, guilds were
created to
(1) obtain better working conditions in factories
(2) standardize goods and prices
(3) regulate the money supply
(4) increase competition
Medieval Church
Powerful institution:
had its own
•Taxation System
Church and Feudalism –
Church owned large tracts
of land (papal state) led
by pope
High Church Officials
were Feudal Lords
Gave blessings for
“Peace/Truce of God” to
curb feudal warfare
Church’s Control of Daily Life –
Sacraments –
1. Baptism
2. Holy Eucharist
3. Confirmation
4. Penance
5. Ordination
6. Matrimony
7. Anointing of the Sick
Excommunication – can not receive sacraments and
treated like outcasts (lose property)
Tithe – giving alms
Practice Regents Question
6. During the early Middle Ages, western
European societies were most influenced by
(1) national monarchies
(2) the Roman Catholic Church
(3) elected parliaments
(4) the Byzantine emperors
Monasteries –
Seat of Education
Copy Greek & Latin
manuscripts – ex.
Book of Kells
Charities: sick,
orphans, and
How did the Church’s involvement in political
affairs open the door to corruption?
•Contact with wealth and power often tempted
church officials to ignore vows of poverty and
•Simony (buying and selling of religious orders)
•Lay Investiture (when secular or non-religious rulers gave the symbols of office to the bishop
they appointed)
Late Medieval - Monarchs begin to actively
oppose Church’s power – especially in areas of:
- priests following church laws not country’s
- priests not paying tax on property
•Babylonian Captivity (1294, King Philip IV of
France kidnaps Pope who refused to pay taxes.
Philip elects new pope who rule from Avignon,
France) lasted from 1309-1378
•Great Schism (pope in Rome and pope in Avignon – results in
France no longer papal fief, pope stays in Rome, popular discontent)
Spanish Inquisition
Isabella and Ferdinand strengthen ties with
church in Late Medieval to fight off Muslims
and expel Jews. (1492) used the special
Church court to try people of heresy
(holding beliefs other than those of Catholic
Practice Regents Questions
7. Which statement below best describes the role of
the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the
Middle Ages?
1 The Church encouraged individuals to question
2 Church leaders were only involved in spiritual
3 The Church gained influence as people became
more interested in secular affairs.
4 The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and
Medieval Europe –
Development of Scholasticism
 Thomas
Aquinas (1225-1274), Summa
Theologica (teachings of Christ can be
compatible with human reason and logic)
 Vernacular literature (written in the language
of the people – not Latin) – Boccacio’s
Decameron and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
(regarding plague); Dante’s Divine Comedy
Architectural Style
Rounded Arches.
Barrel vaults.
Thick walls.
Darker, simplistic interiors.
Small windows, usually at the top of the wall.
Architectural Style
Pointed arches.
High, narrow
Thinner walls.
Flying buttresses.
Elaborate, ornate,
airier interiors.
Stained-glass windows.
“Flying” Buttresses
Parts of a Medieval Castle
Late Medieval Town Dwellings
Medieval Universities
Medieval England
 After
collapse of Roman Empire, pagan Germanic
tribes of Angles and Saxons invaded (late 5th-6th
centuries) – legends of King Arthur to battle them,
converted to Christianity
 1066 – William the Conqueror (Normandy, France)
conquers England, destroyed Anglo-Saxon
monarchy, grants fiefs to Norman knights
 English & French politics now have close political
and cultural ties – but also conflict
William the Conqueror:
Battle of Hastings, 1066
(Bayeaux Tapestry)
How can a country limit the
power of a king?
 King John I at
monarchs were not
above the law.
 kings had to
consult a council of
 kings could not tax
Limited the power of the
Monarchy !!!
Creation of Parliament (1295)
 Two knights from every county Two residents
from each town meeting Law made in
consultation with representatives
by 1400, two chambers evolved:
House of Lords  nobles & clergy.
House of Commons  knights and
True Power rests in the fact
that they control taxes – king
can not go to war without
getting money from
Practice Question Regents
8. Which institution became stronger and
limited the monarchy in order to end
absolutism in England?
(1) banks
(2) Parliament
(3) guilds
(4) Anglican Church
Hundred Years’ War 1337-1452
•William the Conqueror (from
Normandy, France) in 1066 took
over England (Battle of Hastings)
•Elite were French speaking,
peasants spoke German dialect
English control of French
Land (Eleanor of Aquitaine’s
was divorced by King Louis
of France, she then marries
Henry II of England)
Economic Trade Rivals
Edward III of England
claims throne of France
when French king dies
without heir.
•Early victories for England due to invention of
English Longbow.
•They also
had cannons
powered by
Joan of Arc
At 12yrs, she began hearing
voices of saints who told her
to free France from the
She cut her hair and dressed
as a man. English tried her
as a witch.
She was burned at the stake
in 1431 at 19yrs of age. She
was canonized in 1920.
Result of the 100 Years War:
Decline of Feudalism
•Growing sense of national pride and loyalty to king
•King had power to raise taxes for standing army
•Power of feudal lords limited under Louis XI
•King could rule without consulting Estate General
•Controlled most of modern-day France
•Lost French lands
•Growing power of King over nobles
•Parliament bargained for more rights as King needed money.
•Civil War (War of the Roses) arose in which most of feudal
lords killed off
Black Death
•1300s – Economic and
Social Problems
•1348 – Bubonic Plague
(“Black Death”) arrives
in Europe via fleas on
rats from Asia, following
trade routes.
•By 1350 - European
population declines by
17.5 million (about 1/3
of the total population)
Practice Regents – 1/2014
10. In general, in which direction did the
Death spread during the 14th century?
(1) from Europe to the Americas
(2) from Africa to Southeast Asia
(3) from Asia to Europe
(4) from the Americas to Asia
of the Bubonic Plague:
Some of the things that can happen to you are:
•Intolerance to light
•Pain in the back and limbs
•White coating on the tongue
Probably the most tell tale sign is when the lymph nodes
swell with puss, causing hard lumps to appear called
BUBOES. Blood vessels break under the skin causing
internal bleeding, and the blood begins to dry and turns the
skin black, therefore the name THE BLACK DEATH.
“Ring-Around-the Rosie”
Original Lyrics, 14th century
Ring-a-ring o’roses
A pocket full of Posies
Atish-oo! Atish-oo
We all fall down.
Some of the CRAZY ways they had to cure the disease
are as follows:
•Bathing in human urine.
•Wearing of human excrement.
•Placing dead animals in the home.
•Drinking molten gold and powdered emeralds.
•Eat figs before six in the morning.
•Chop a snake up everyday.
•Try to fall asleep on the left side of the bed.
•Do not exercise.
•Do not eat any desserts.
Population Loss – (in Europe) about 1/3
• After exposure 75% chance of dying.
•Florence, Italy – 75% of population wiped out
•Higher Rate certain professions – doctors, clergy
•Speed High – consecrated river to sink corpses, no time to
bury (500-600 a day in Venice)
•Farms abandoned (rent could not be collected)
•Trade declined
Cultural Effects
•Whole communities of scholars (16 of 40
professors at Cambridge died. People fled
towns to avoid. Left school.
•Churches collapsed
•Moral collapse
•Art – becomes morbid,
chivalrous scenes replaced
by dancing macabre
(death) intermingling in
daily scenes
Practice Regents Questions
11. What was a direct result of the Black Death
in Europe?
(1) The rate of urbanization increased.
(2) A shortage of workers developed.
(3) Food crops had to be imported from the
(4) German states dominated trade in the
eastern Mediterranean.
Decline of Feudalism:
•Strong Monarchs and nation-states replace nobles
•Standing professional army raised through taxes
replace need for warrior class
•Growth of towns and money economy hurt manorial
economic basis of feudalism
•Nature of Warfare changed – longbow made heavy
armored knight useless, cannons meant castles were
Practice Regents Questions
12. Which factor contributed to the decline in
the power of the European nobles in the late
Middle Ages?
(1) decreasing importance of towns and cities
(2) collapse of international trade
(3) rise of nation-states
(4) increase in the influence of serfs