Download Queensborough Community College City University of New York CURRICULUM COMMITTEE

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Queensborough Community College
City University of New York
of the Academic Senate
Minutes of the Meeting held on December 15th , 2015
T. Bayer, B. Bonous-Smit, J. Carroll, L. Ellis (Chair), D. Klarberg, N. Matsimela
(Student Representative), L. Reesman (President’s Designee), A. Salis (Academic
Affairs; Health, Physical Education & Dance), A. Srivastava (Biology), E. Tai, M.
Trujillo (Biology Chair), E. Volchok, R. Yuster
P. Wallach (Secretary)
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm in H-115.
2. Dr. Monica Trujillo (Chair) and Dr. Anuradha Srivastava (Biology) were invited to the
committee to discuss the new course revisions for BI-503: General Epidemiology and BI-505:
The Environmental Health Professional, and the new course, BI-521: Public Health Biology for
the Public Health Program.
a) The committee had questions regarding the rationale for BI-503, BI-505 and BI-505.
b) The Topic sequence for BI-503: 2nd week of classes: Adolescent Suicide needed
c) The “Attendance/Absence Policy” on the syllabi for BI-503 and BI-505 needed revision.
d) The pre-requisite or co-requisite for BI-520 needed to be specified.
e) The committee tabled voting on the courses until the January 5, 2016 provided the
revisions will be submitted.
f) The Public Health Program proposal, forwarded by Dr. Trujillo to Dr. Ellis on December
14, was not on the December 15 agenda because of the short notice and it was not clear if
the submission was official since the dates of the departmental approval had not been
The minutes of the December 8th, 2015 meeting were approved by the committee.
4. The committee reviewed and discussed the proposals for CH 116: Introduction to Nanoscience
Lecture and CH 117: Introduction to Nanoscience Laboratory. After discussing the proposals
the committee voted and the proposals were unanimously approved pending revision of the
“Attendance/Absence Policy.”
5. The revised Curriculum Guide was distributed and committee members will send comments and
suggestions to Dr. Ellis before the January 5, 2016 meeting. The revised versions of Form 1:
New Course Proposal Guidelines/Template and Form 4: Syllabus Template were reviewed and
discussed by the committee. Included was Dr. P. Pecorino’s proposal to amend the Form 4
Minutes of the CC Meeting held on December 15th , 2015
(Syllabus). It was decided to add a link to Student Life, services as an optional item at the
bottom of the syllabus (Form4) after Item17. Disabilities
OPTIONAL (May be included by instructors.)
Student Life, services
Single Stop:
On Item 15 of the syllabus, it was decided to include “Attendance/Absence Policy” to Form 4.
6. The committee reviewed and discussed some of the new courses submitted by the department of
history: HIST-186: Introduction to Legal History I; HIST-187: Introduction to Legal History II,
HIST-281: History of Nationalism and the Politics of Identity, and HIST-292: History of
Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. After discussing the proposals the committee voted and the
proposals were unanimously approved pending minor revisions.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Bonous-Smit