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Sec. 2: Earth’s Bodies of Water
Streams and Rivers
 Bodies of water that
flow over land
 Sources vary from
snow melt, glacier
melt, or over flowing
 Small streams =
 River systems are
made up of a river
and its tributaries
 Longest river=Nile
 Largest river system
 Rivers drain the land
around them= drainage
Most of the world’s
early population settled
along rivers
 rivers provide water for
drinking, cleaning,
source of food, energy
and good for
transportation and trade
Lake formation
 Exist on all continents
except Antarctica
 Often lakes were
formed by the holes
that glaciers gouged
out of the mountain
 Lakes can also form
when rainwater
collects in huge holes
created by:
○ Extinct volcanoes
○ In Rifts –large cracks
in the Earth’s crust
Manmade lake
 Reservoir- the lake
that forms once a
dam has been built
on a river
Earth’s Ocean
The four oceans by
 Pacific, Atlantic,
Indian, Artic
 Deepest is the
Mariana Trench
Land beneath the
surface of the ocean
 Mountains
 Broad plains and
 Long deep valleys
Trenches are deep
valleys beneath the
○ 7 Miles Deep
Current-Streams of
ocean water
 Started by the wind
 Move Clockwise in
NH and counter
clockwise in the SH
Ocean Waves- Can
Be small or very
 Tidal Waves- are
giant waves caused
by earthquakes and
severe storms
Tides- caused by
the pull of the moon
and sun
 Tides are the regular,
rhythmic rise and fall
of the ocean waters
Other parts of the
ocean are made up
of . . .
 Smaller bodies of
water called seas,
straits, gulfs, and
○ These are located
around the edge of
the ocean
○ They are salt water
 6% of the Earth’s
The water we Drink
fresh water is in lakes
and rivers
 The ocean covers
more than 140 Million
Square miles
 99% of the worlds
water supply is
unsafe to drink
○ Ocean water =Too
 Glaciers contain 70%
of the Earth’s fresh
water and we cannot
access it
The Water Cycle
 Replaces fresh water
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