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Chapter 16
A Vast Land: Climate &
Geography of Russia
Chapter 16
Section 1
Notes Outline
I. A Vast Expanse
II. Bodies of Water
III. Climate
IV. One Country, Two Continents
V. North European Plain: European Russia
VI. Siberia: Asian Russia
VII.Kamchatka Peninsula
I. A Vast Expanse
• World’s largest country
• Almost twice size of U.S.
• “Eurasian” country: Russia lies on both Europe
& Asia
• Borders 14 countries
• 11 time zones
II. Bodies of Water
• North: Arctic Ocean
• East: Pacific Ocean
• Caspian Sea & Black Sea form natural borders
between southwestern Russia & Western
– Caspian Sea: size of CA/largest inland saltwater
body in the world
Lake Baikal in Siberia is world’s largest freshwater lake holding 20%
of world’s unfrozen freshwater. (oldest lake in the world)
The Volga River is the longest river in Europe & a vital
transportation route.
III. Climate
• Four climate zones: steppe, humid continental,
sub arctic & tundra
• Western Russia: summers are warm/rainy;
winters are cold/snowy
• Eastern Russia: summers are short/cool; winters
are long/snowy
• Most ports are closed parts of the year due to ice
(except Kaliningrad)
Climate map
Europe or Asia?
Ural Mountains
North European
IV. One country, Two continents
• Russia lies on two continents
• Ural Mountains act as a separation between two
– Europe
– Asia
Ural Mountains
Ural Mountains
North European
V. North European Plain:
European Russia
75% of Russia’s population lives here
Mild climate
Majority of Russia’s industry & agriculture
Good farmland (the steppe)
Caucasus Mountains form southern border with
Georgia & Azerbaijan
Caucasus Mountains
Caucasus Mountains
Ural Mountains
North European
VI. Siberia: Asian Russia
• Located east of Ural Mountains
• One of world’s coldest climate
Northern Siberia: Tundra & permafrost cover
40% of Russia; taiga in the south
– Fishing, hunting seals & walruses, herding reindeer
– Few people
Southern Siberia: Plains, plateaus & mountains
– Home to Siberian Tiger (endangered), bear, reindeer,
lynx, wolf, elk, etc.
Endangered Siberian Tiger
Kamchatka Peninsula
VII. Kamchatka Peninsula
• Mountainous
• Over 120 volcanoes (20 active)
• Part of “Ring of Fire”
(zone of active volcanoes that forms the
western, northern, and eastern edges of Pacific)
Kronotsky volcano, an 11,975-foot volcanic peak.
A Troubled History
Chapter 16
Section 2
8.2 Outline
I. Early Russia
a) Rise of the Czars
II. The Soviet Era
Russian Revolution
Growth of Soviet Power
USSR under Stalin
The Cold War
Problems in the Soviet Union
Gorbachev tries to fix the problems
Collapse of the Soviet Union
I. Early Russia
A. Rise of the Czars
• Czar :Russian ruler with total
control over government
• Czars ruled Russia from 1500s1917
• Expanded Russia’s borders
(page 383)
• Westernized Russia by
encouraging industrialization
– Industrialization: economy
relies on manufacturing
(rather than farming)
Peter the Great (1672-1725)
St. Petersburg:
• “Venice of the
• Served as capital of
Russia until 1917
when it was moved to
II. The Soviet Era
A. The Russian Revolution
• 1914 WWI affects all of Europe
• food shortages blamed on Czar
• Vladimir Lenin leads political revolution to
overthrow Czar Nicholas II *LAST CZAR*
The 300-year-old Romanov dynasty ended on June 17, 1918 when the entire royal
family was murdered. Nicholas II was the last czar of Russia.
II. The Soviet Era (continued)
B. Growth of Soviet Power
1. Lenin sets up a Communist state
Communist state: strong government control of economy &
2. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, called
3. Formed in 1922
4. 15 republics (including Russia)
Yellow area: Russia/Green areas: former Soviet Union
II. The Soviet Era (continued)
C. USSR Under Stalin
1. Lenin dies in 1924 & Joseph Stalin
becomes leader until after WWII
2. Government takes complete control of
economy: Command /Communist Economy
3. Those who opposed/disagreed with
Stalin sent to prison camps in Siberia
II. The Soviet Era (continued)
D. The Cold War: 1940- late 1980s
1. After WWII, Stalin setup communist governments in
neighboring countries
2. These became satellite nations controlled by USSR-said to
be behind an “iron curtain.”
3. US & USSR engage in competition for world influence
without any actual fighting (ex. Space Race)
II. The Soviet Era (continued)
E. Problems in the Soviet Union
1. Lack of competition in economy caused governmentowned factories to be inefficient & produce poor-quality
2. Government spent too much money on military causing
scarcity (not enough) of food
3. Many different ethnic groups resent/dislike Russian
control of government
II. The Soviet Era (continued)
F. Gorbachev attempts to fix the
1. Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader in
2. Introduces changes such as perestroika
& glasnost to help economy:
– Perestroika: “restructuring”;
loosened government control of
– Glasnost: “openness”; people
allowed to speak freely
II. The Soviet Era (continued)
G. Collapse of the Soviet Union
1. Gorbachev’s reforms only cause more distrust of
communist government
2. Late 1980s: protests erupt in satellite nations
3. By 1991 USSR collapses
4. Russia is largest & most powerful of all former USSR