Download midterm jeopardy

Document related concepts
If the contestant (group) answers correctly,
control of the board is retained. If answered
incorrectly, control of the board goes to a
selected back-up group.
If the back-up group answers correctly they will get
half of the money and gain control of the board.
Back-up group writes answer on piece of paper
If control of the board is lost, a new group is
Contestant has 35 seconds to respond, at which
time the music will stop.
• If you select Double Jeopardy the dollar
values double.
$100 x 2 = $200
Final Jeopardy
• Contestant must have a score greater than
zero to play in Final Jeopardy.
• Contestant makes a minimum wager ($1),
or the maximum wager which is the
contestant’s current game score.
• Contestant has two minutes to respond.
• Contestant writes the answer on a piece
of paper.
• If the answer is correct…
and soil
Rocks &
Layers of
Inside earth
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Category 1
What is the breaking down of rock by
physical means called?
$100 Answer from Category 1
What is mechanical weathering?
$200 Question from Category 1
What is the breaking down of rock by chemical
means called?
$200 Answer from Category 1
What is chemical weathering ?
$300 Question from Category 3
Changing a field that is on a steep hill into a
series of smaller fields for planting.
$300 Answer from Category 1
What is terracing?
$400 Question from Category 1
Layer of rock above the bedrock?
$400 Answer from Category 1
What is weathered parent material?
$500 Question from Category 1
Depositing of sediment at the mouth of a
$500 Answer from Category 1
What is Delta ?
$100 Question from
Category 2
What type of rock is formed under intense heat?
$100 Answer from
Category 2
What is igneous rock?
$200 Question from
Category 2
What is rock formed under intense heat and
$200 Answer from
Category 2
What is metamorphic rock?
$300 Question from
Category 2
What is rock that goes through the process of WEDCC?
$300 Answer from
Category 2
What is sedimentary rock ?
$400 Question from
Category 2
What is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid, that has
a definite chemical composition and crystal structure ?
$400 Answer from
Category 2
What is a mineral?
$500 Question from Category 2
What is WEDCC?
$500 Answer from
Category 2
What is weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction,
and cementation
$100 Question from
Category 3
Which layer is the thickest?
$100 Answer from
Category 3
What is mantle?
$200 Question from
Category 3
Which layer is the 2nd most dense?
$200 Answer from
Category 3
What is outer core?
$300 Question from
Category 3
What layer is the coolest?
$300 Answer from
Category 3
What is a crust?
$400 Question from
Category 3
Which layer is made of silicon, aluminum, magnesium,
calcium, iron, nickel, potassium, granite, basalt?
$400 Answer from
Category 3
What is an crust?
$500 Question from
Category 3
What layer(s) is made of only iron and
$500 Answer from
Category 3
What is outer core and inner core?
$100 Question from Category 4
What is the name of the guy who came up with
$100 Answer from Category 4
Who is Wegener?
$200 Question from Category 4
What is the name of the evidence that said that the
mountains in South America and Africa appear to
line up with each other?
$200 Answer from Category 4
What is evidence from landforms?
$300 Question from Category 4
What is the name of the evidence that showed that
Antartica was once tropical?
$300 Answer from Category 4
What is climate evidence?
$400 Question from Category 4
Why did fellow scientists not believe Wegener?
$400 Answer from Category 4
What is: He did not have the mechanism for movement of the plates?
$500 Question from Category 4
What theory about the ocean floor helped prove Wegener’s
Continental drift?
$500 Answer from Category 4
What is seafloor spreading?
$100 Question from Category 5
What is the longest under water divergent
boundary mountain chain?
$100 Answer from Category 5
What is the Mid-ocean ridge?
$200 Question from Category 5
The theory that the crust is broken into large pieces that
constantly move over the surface of the earth?
$200 Answer from Category 5
What is Plate Tectonics?
$300 Question from Category 5
What is molten fluid rock formed inside the earth?
$300 Answer from Category 5
What is magma?
$400 Question from Category 5
What is a break in a body of rock?
$400 Answer from Category 5
What is a fault?
$500 Question from Category 5
What is the force/stress of stretching or
straining something?
$500 Answer from Category 5
What is tension?
Final Jeopardy
What type of fault is caused by
Compression in the Earth’s
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is a reverse fault?