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EQ: What are some ways
that humans can conserve
natural resources?
Conserving Natural Resources
• Vital resources in danger:
– Soil has become unfit for growing crops
– Water unhealthy to drink, cook with, wash in
– Air has become polluted with substances
Natural resources can be kept healthy in two
– Conserved - saved before it turns bad
– Reclaimed - made healthy again after it has
turned bad
Soil Conservation
• Methods used to keep topsoil from being
swept away by flowing water and wind.
• Rolls of trees, called windbreaks, are
planted along the edge of farmland to
block winds.
• In terracing, farmers cut level areas into
the sides of mountains to block or slow
down the downward rushing water.
Soil Conservation
• To make land healthy again, people can
plant grasses that can live through a
• Grasses will die and decay and add
nutrients to the soil.
• The roots of the living grasses hold the soil
in place.
Water Conservation
• The main threats to our supply of healthy water
are pollution and waste.
• To conserve water:
– Replace old showerheads and faucets with
water saving showerheads and faucets
– Replace old toilets with water-saving toilets
that uses less water per flush
– Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth.
– Turn on the dishwasher only when you have a
full load of dishes.
Water Conservation
• Water pollution comes from different
– Sewage treatment plants should not pour
untreated sewage into bodies of water.
– Factories and mines must be prevented from
dumping harmful chemicals into bodies of
– Methods must be used to prevent fertilizers
from washing off of farmlands into bodies of
Air Conservation
• Air is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21%
oxygen, and 1% other gases.
• We need oxygen to live.
• Human activities put gases into the air that
can harm you.
• Air pollution describes air that holds
harmful gases.
• Harmful substances in air, water, or soil
are called pollutants.
Air Conservation
• Two sources of air pollutants:
– vehicles that burn gasoline or oil
– Industries whose smokestacks pour
chemicals and bits of dirt into the air
Passed laws to protect air from pollution.
Put filters on smokestacks.
Air Conservation
Laws require car manufactures to put in
exhaust systems.
State laws require the use of fuels in
vehicles that lessen the amounts of
pollutants that enter the air.
States require steps to reduce harmful
vehicle emissions.
Terracing is a method used to conserve
A windbreak conserves
For a family of four, what indoor use of water
consumes the MOST water per day?
Washing dishes
Doing laundry
Drinking and cooking
Flushing toilets
What would reduce automobile air pollution
the MOST?
A.Putting filters on car exhaust systems
B.Driving fewer miles
C.Switching to cars that run on electricity
D.Driving cars that use less fuel
How is farming MOST LIKELY to produce
water pollution?
A. Fertilizers may enter bodies of water.
B. Foods may enter bodies of water.
C. Soil may enter bodies of water.
D. Gases may enter bodies of water.
Summary of Plate Tectonics
Quick Check
When two plates converge, one plate is usually forced
to slide under the other. Oceanic plates are more
dense than continental plates. If an oceanic plate
collides with a continental plate, what will be the
likely result?
A. The continental plate will slide under the oceanic
plate, generating an oceanic trench.
B. The oceanic plate will slide under the continental
plate, generating an oceanic trench.
C. The continental plate will slide under the oceanic
plate, generating an earthquake.
D. The oceanic plate will slide under the continental
plate, generating an earthquake.
Quick Check
If two plates meet at a convergent
boundary and do not form a subduction
zone, they may
A. fold.
B. fault.
C. weather.
D. erupt.
Quick Check
• The process of seafloor spreading
occurs at what kind of plate boundary?
A. divergent
B. convergent
C. transform
D. at both convergent and transform
Quick Check
Where does magma come from?
A. the inner core
B. the outer core
C. the mantle
D. the lithosphere
Quick Check
The ancient supercontinent,
Pangea, once contained
A. all of the Earth’s tectonic plates.
B. all of Earth’s crust.
C. all of Earth’s continental crust.
D. all of Earth’s oceanic crust