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(Mon) City engineers don’t normally make buildings and
highways earthquake-proof. Why don’t they make them
earthquake-proof and what do engineers do to make
these structures safer? (5 min / 4 pts)
(Mon) City engineers don’t normally make buildings and
highways earthquake-proof. Why don’t they make them
earthquake-proof and what do engineers do to make
these structures safer? (5 min / 4 pts)
It is too expensive to make a building
What do they do?
They reinforce the buildings, highways
and bridges to make them earthquakeresistant
(Tue) Earthquake/Rocks/Hazards Quiz – no warm up
(Wed) The Atlantic Mid-Ocean ridge is a special kind of
plate boundary. What type of boundary is it and what
are 3 ways to tell that it is this kind of boundary?
(8 min / 8 pts)
(Wed) The Atlantic Mid-Ocean ridge is a special kind of
plate boundary. What type of boundary is it and what
are 3 ways to tell that it is this kind of boundary?
(8 min / 8 pts)
Divergent Plate Boundary
3 Ways to Tell:
Age of the Rocks – They get older the
farther away you get from the boundary
Magnetic Striping – Magnetic signature of
the rocks change in zebra striped patterns
Thickness of the Crust – Oceanic crust is
thinner near the boundary and thicker
farther away
(Thu) End of Geology Exam – no warm up
(Fri) Earthquakes make 3 main types of waves. What
are the names for these 3 types and what direction does
the earth move compared to the direction the wave
moves? (8 min / 12 pts)
(Fri) Earthquakes make 3 main types of waves. What
are the names for these 3 types and what direction does
the earth move compared to the direction the wave
moves? (8 min / 12 pts)
Primary, P or Longitudinal
Secondary, S or Transverse
Surface or Combination
Earth moves same
direction as wave
Earth moves
perpendicular or at right
angles to wave motion
Combination of same
and at right angles to
wave motion
End of Week Procedures:
1. Add up all the points you got this
2. Put the total number of points at the
top of your page (out of 24 points)
3. List any dates you were absent or
tardy (and why)
4. Make sure your name and period # is
on the top of the page
5. Turn in your papers