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Solid Waste:
The Throwaway Society
Solid Waste
• Any discarded material that is not liquid or
– 56% - Manufacturing Waste
– 26% - Mining Waste
– 9% - Agricultural Waste
– 6% - Hazardous Waste
– 2% - Municipal Solid Waste****
– 1% - Other
Biodegradable Waste
• A material that can be broken down by
decomposers (fungus & bacteria).
• Created from living things.
– Newspapers
– Paper Bags
– Cotton
– Food
– Leather
Non-biodegradable Waste
• Materials that cannot be degraded by
living things.
• Made from oil, but chemically rearranged.
– Nylon
– Polyester
– Plastic
– Fleece
2005 MSW by TYPE (EPA)
Paper - 34%
Yard Trimmings - 13%
Food Scraps - 12%
Plastics - 12%
Metals - 8%
Rubber, Leather & Textiles - 7%
Glass - 5%
Wood - 5%
Other - 4%
How is waste processed on Earth?
• 57% Landfills
• 28% Recovered, Recycled or
• 15% Incinerated (burned)
Solid Waste Management
Modern waste-disposal facility where wastes
are put on plastic-lined ground and covered
each day with a layer of dirt & plastic.
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