Download Chemolithotrophic proteobacteria S and Iron oxidizing

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Chemolithotrophic proteobacteria
S and Iron oxidizing
(SCIENCE 284: 16 April 1999)
Thiomargarita namibiensis
Beggiatoa (Winogradsky column)
endosymbionts of deep-sea vent
1. Why is 16S rRNA such a good molecule for
making phylogenetic trees (give 2 good reasons).
2. What is the evolutionary distance between these
two sequences. You may define it as a %.
3. Chloroplasts were originally _______, and are
proof for theory of ________ (2)
4. Name three different ways to define a bacterial
• Nitrosonomas and Nitrobacter
• Winogradsky
Hydrogen oxidizers
• Alcaligenes ”Knallgas reaction“
• 2 H2 + O2 ---- 2 H2O
Methanotrophs and
• Not all methylotrophs are methanotrophs
• Use methanol, methylamine, formate and
• Type 1 (ribulose monophosphate pathway) and II
(serine pathway), membranes differ too
– Type 1 membranes are throughout cell
– Type II on periphery of cell
Endosymbionts in deep-sea vent mussels
Photosynthetic proteobacteria
• Purple phototrophic proteobacteria
(bacteriochlorophylls and
• Purple sulfur, eg. Chromatium
• Below is Chromatium tempedium from
Yellowstone, that grows above 50C. Notice
the phase-bright sulfur granules
• Purple non-sulfur (photoheterotrophs)
(other groups in the Bacteria that
photosynthesize?, green sulfur, green
filamentous, cyanobacteria)
• Spirillum _some magnetotactic e.g.
Magnetospirillum p 487
• Bdellovibrio, attack gram – bacteria, see
developmental cycle
Sulfate/sulfur reducers
• Desulfurovibrio, Desulfuromonoas, anoxic
habitats, compete with methanogens
use, H2, lactate as e'donors and sulfate or
sulfur as e'acceptor. What is the product?
Budding and stalked
• Hyphomicrobium (methylotroph), budding
• Caulobacter, stalked, see cycle
Sheathed Proteobacteria:
• e.g Leptothrix
• Mn 2+ + 0.5 O2 + H2O --- Mn O2 + 2H+ delta G –68kJ
Fermentative rods and vibrios
1.Enterics (gamma)
• Gram -, nonsporulating, facultative aerobes,
fermentative, opportunistic pathogens
2 types: mixed acid fermenters (produce acid)
E. coli
OR 2,3-butanediol fermenters (produce neutral
products) Enterobacter aerogenes/Erwinia
Salmonella typhi- typhoid fever
Serratia marcescens (Bright red pigment- prodigiosin)
Xenorhabdus (bioluminescence)
Klebsiella pneumoniae (not normally pathogenic)
Vibrio, Photobacterium
• V. cholerae
• Photobacterium
– O2 required for luciferase activity
– Quorum sensing
– FMNH2 + O2 +RCHO ---- FMN +RCOOH +
H2O + hv
– Need flavin mononucleotide, aliphatic
aldehyde, O2, and enzyme. E- donor is NADH
Oxidative rods and cocci
• Pseudomonads (human pathogens, biodegraders,
plant pathogens)
Azotobacter and free-living N-fixers
Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium: symbiotic Nfixers
• Agrobacterium, crown gall
• Acetobacter and Gluconobacter
• Legionella,
• Neisseria
Rickettsia obligate parasite, Rocky mountain
spotted fever
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