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“Take the Test: Not the Risk”
HPV and Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer is
What is cervical cancer?
Anatomy review
The cervix
Cervix with cancer
We now know what causes cervical cancer!
(human papillomavirus)
So how do we tell if a woman has HPV?
The HPV test
(in conjunction with the Pap)
Protect yourself! Get the right combination of tests
Should all women be tested for HPV along
with their Pap?
One of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
recommendations is that:
All women age 30 or older
Get the HPV test
along with a Pap
The latest development
The FDA recently approved
the first vaccine to protect against the most
common types of
HPV infection
What the vaccine can and cannot do
It can:
 Protect against two (of approximately 13) types of HPV that most often
cause cervical cancer -- if you have not yet been exposed through
sexual contact
It cannot:
 Provide complete protection
* Screening with the Pap and (if you are age 30+) the
HPV test is still essential
Take action
Stay aware and up-to-date on cancer prevention
Ask your nurse or doctor about the HPV test at your next annual visit
Share this information with your friends and family
 (visit the site’s National HPV and Cervical Cancer
Prevention Resource Center)
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