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period Cancer Slideshow
Unfortunately, there
is no way to tell a
patient with CUP
how long they are
expected to live
because we are
unsure of where the
cancer even started.
There are no causes for
Cancer of Unknown
Primary because you don’t
know where it started!
The only way to know if you have cancer of
unknown primary is to get tested by your
doctor. They can tell that its Cancer of
Unknown Primary because this is the only
type of cancer where the primary site is
Treatments for this
type of cancer
depends on the
location of the
cancerous cells or
the tumor.
Rachel Martini
Works Cited Editorial
Board, ed. "Unknown
16 Nov. 2007.
American Society of
Clinical Oncology. 7
Nov. 2008
• Iridectomy:
Risk factor:
•Mostly occurs in people •Having trouble seeing
•Losing part of the field of
over the age of 50
•More common in white
•Seeing flashes of light
•Seeing spots, squiggly
•Equal number of men
lines, or floating objects
and women
•Having a dark spot on the
•Sun light or certain
•Doesn’t really run in
"Risk Factors." Eye Cancer. 02 Sept. 2008.
the family
Removal of part of
the iris
• Iridocyclectomy:
Removal of part of
the iris and ciliary
Surgery to remove
the tumor while
keeping the eye
Removal of the eye
•Laser therapy
American Society of Clinical Oncology. 12 Nov.
“Treatment." Eye Cancer. 02 Sept. 2008.
“Symptoms." Eye Cancer. 02 Sept. 2008. American Society
American Society of Clinical Oncology 12
Clinical Oncology 12 Nov.. 2008
Nov.. 2008
Ashley Pujda
Melanoma is located in the deep layer of the epidermis. It
originates in your eye, intestines, a growth or mole.
Melanoma is caused by lack of melanin in your skin.
Some risk factors include smoking, long term
exposure to UVA rays, sunburn and fair skin, fair eyes,
or fair hair.
Melanoma is usually treated by surgery. Chemotherapy
and radiation can also be used to cure melanoma.
Symptoms of melanoma include firm shiny bumps
and irregular moles.
Melanoma is one of the most common types of
cancer. There are about 62,480 cases a year. About
8,420 of those cases result in death.
Patton, Donna. "What is cancer?" Kids Health. Aug. 2005. 7 Nov. 2008
"Melanoma." National Cancer Institue. 7 Nov. 2008
"Melanoma." 17 Aug. 2007. American Society of Clinical Oncology. 10 Nov. 2008
• The exact cause of Salivary
Gland Cancer is not known. In
some cases the cancer may
come from DNA damage,
which happens after years of
tobacco use or radiation and
heredity has a part in it too
• Some symptoms of this cancer
include a lump on the face,
neck, or mouth; numbness on
your face; and a difference in
the looks on opposite sides of
the face
• Some treatments for this
cancer are you can have it
removed by surgery or you
could have radiation therapies
By: Kellyn Cotton
Most common
type of cancer
Lung Cancer. Web MD
"Lung Cancer." National Cancer Institute. U.S. National Institutes of
Health. <>
Understanding Lung Cancer - The Basics." Web MD.
"Lung >. "Lung Cancer."
Gallbladder Cancer
Treatment: Surgery called a cholecystectomy,
Fractionated-dose chemotherapy, Intensity Modulated
Radiation Therapy (IMRT) "Gallbladder Cancer Center." Cancer Treatment Centers of
America. 2 Nov. 2007. Cancer treatment center. 10 Nov. 2008 <>.
Symptoms: Jaundice
Abdominal pain
Nausea and vomiting
Lumps in the abdomen
"Gallbladder Cancer." Cancer Net. 21 Apr. 2008. Cancer Net. 10 Nov. 2008
Causes: Gallbladder cancer is a disease in which
malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the
gallbladder. "Gallbladder Cancer." Cancer Net. 21 Apr. 2008. Cancer
Net. 10 Nov. 2008
4th period
Eyelid Cancer:
A skin cancer on or in the eyelid
•Epithelial tumor from fat, sweat, or apocrine •
•Exposure to sun, radiation, or x-rays
•Bowen’s Disease or Muir-Torre Syndrome
Watch for any changes in the color, shape, or •Immediate removal of the tumor (if the cancer is caught early
size of a mole or birthmark that occur within a enough, this may be enough to cure it)
few weeks to a month
•Staging is a process that is used to determine how far the
Follow the ABCD’s:
cancer has progressed if removing the tumor isn’t enough
•Curing in the more advanced stages in unlikely
•Burns on the skin including chemical burns
Border irregularity
•Chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, or surgery may be
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Break in skin or pain from a mole or other skin
Swollen lymph nodes
Colorless lump of thickening under the skin
Unexplainable loss of weight
Gray skin, chronic cough, headaches, or seizure
Works Cited
Basilioma. The EyePathologist. Duke University. 10 Nov. 2008
"Eyelid Cancer." 2 Sept. 2008. American Society of Oncology. 7 Nov.
2008 <>.
"Melanoma and Skin Cancer Symptoms." WebMD. 11 Jan. 2007. 10 Nov. 2008
"Melanoma and Skin Cancer Treatment Overview." WebMD. 11 Jan. 2007. 10
Nov. 2008 <>.
• This is a cancer that
forms in the tissues of the
• Caused by the over
productive growth of a
germ cell.
• The symptoms are
swelling or enlargement
of a testicle, pain in a
testicle or the scrotum,
and a feeling of
heaviness in the scrotum.
• Usually occurs in young
or middle-aged men.
Can be treated by
surgery, fractionated
dose chemotherapy, and
National Cancer Institute U. S. National Institutes of Health. 10 Nov. 2008 10 May 2007. American Society of Clinical Oncology. 10 Nov.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America 10 Jan. 2007. Testicular Cancer
Center. 12Nov. 2008 <>
Ian Peterson
Osteosarcoma is one of
the most common
bone cancers but no
one is quite sure what
causes it
• Pain and Swelling
around cancer
• Weakened bones
lead to fractures
• Limb, Salvage
Surgery (Amputation)
• Chemotherapy
Gilbert, Jeremy. Terry Fox Running In Toronto. 12 June 1980. Public Domain, Canada Jack, Toronto.
Jeremy Gilbert
running a marathon,
after being treated for
• Radiation Treatment
The cause(s) of
have not yet been
Neuroblastoma can be
treated by either radiation
or chemotherapy.
However, radiation is used
less often because of the
wide range of effect it can
have. Because children’s
bodies are so small, all of
their body parts are
located near their vital
organs. If the doctors
used radiation therapy, the
child’s brain, lungs, or
heart might very well be
damaged severely.
Austin Bryan
symptoms are:
Neoroblastoma is a
childhood cancer,
meaning that it is
extremely uncommon in
people above the age of
ten. Most victims of
Neuroblastoma are 5
years or younger. If a
child has neuroblastoma,
that usually means that
they were born with it.
Usually it is only
diagnosed with a CT scan
or an MRI, and it is not
common to use these on
babies without reason.
•Child has
bulging eyes with
dark circles
around them
•Large noticeable
tumors located
on the child’s
body usually
located near the
spinal cord and
the abdomen.
"Cancer: Overview." 7 Nov. 2008 <>.
"Neuroblastoma." National Cancer Institute. 7 Nov. 2008 <>.
Vapiwala, Neha, and John P. Plastaras. "Neuroblastoma: Overview." Oncolink. 22 Aug. 2007. 7 Nov. 2008
sa%3DG 2008
SymptomsJaundice (The yellowing of the
skin and whitening of the
eyes.), pain in the abdomen,
fever, and itchy skin. Jaundice
is not caused by Bile Duct
Cancer, but by a stone
escaping the gallbladder and
becoming entrapped and
blocking the bile duct.
By Thomas Coleman
Treatment- Treatments
include surgery,
chemotherapy, and
radiation treatment.
"Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer Treatment (PDQ®) - General
Information About Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer." WebMD. 5
Feb. 2008. National Cancer Institute. 7 Nov. 2008
Causes- Bile Duct
Cancer is caused
from the excessive
build up of cancer
cells on the bile
duct located
outside the liver.
Risk Factors
include: Primary
Chronic ulcerative
Choledochal cysts,
Infection with a
Chinese liver fluke
"Bile Duct Cancer Treatment Options." Cancer
Center. 24 Apr. 2008. Cancer Treatment Centers
of America. 10 Nov. 2008
"Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer Symptoms." Cancer Center. 24 Apr. 2008. Cancer Treatment
Centers of America. 10 Nov. 2008 <>.
Cancer: the mutation and rapid growth of
Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, is found
in the large intestine or rectum
Possible causes include: high fat intake, a
family history of the cancer and polyps, as
well as the presence of polyps, and chronic
ulcerative colitis.
Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain,
weight loss, etc. are all symptoms of colon
Radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are
all methods of ridding the body of this and
other cancers
Specific surgeries for this cancer are
colectomies, proctectomies, and
In the United States, colon cancer is one of
the most common types of cancer, in both
men and women
Usually diagnosed in older people
A diet high in fiber and low in fat/cholesterol
is one way to prevent yourself from getting
the cancer
Works Cited
"What Is Cancer?" National Cancer Institute. 8
Apr. 2008. U.S. National Institutes of
Health. 10 Nov. 2008
< cancer>.
“Types of Cancer Teens Get." Teens Health.
2008. Nemours Foundation. 7 Nov. 2008
“Colon Cancer Information.” Cancer Treatment
Center. 21 Apr. 2008. Cancer Treatment
Centers of America. 10 Nov. 2008
Lee, Dennis. "Colon Cancer." Ed. Jay Marks.
2008. Medicine Net. 10 Nov. 2008
Easy Bib. 2008. 10 Nov. 2008.
By: David Meagher 11/10
Melanoma starts in
cells called Melanocytes
which are located
in the epidermis.
By: Tiffany Wannamaker
The cause of Melanoma is normally
ultraviolet radiation. The sun’s rays are
a major concern here. Some symptoms
are changes in a mole or freckle which
include color, size, and texture. Melanoma can be
cancerous or non-cancerous.
Melanoma can spread throughout the body if
it is not treated.
Treatment of Melanoma
includes surgery, immunotherapy,
chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
produce melanin which
gives the skin its natural color.
Melanoma can also be
found on the eye and
in the intestines.
Citation Information:
What You Need to Know About Melanoma. 1-40.
National Cancer Institute. <>. noma>.
Forms of Treatment:
The thyroid makes hormones
that help control heart rate, blood
pressure, body temperature, and
•Chemotherapy-rarely used, as most
thyroid cancers are benign
•Removal of tumor-difficult, because there
are so many blood vessels in the neck
•Radiation-only certain people are eligible
for this treatment, but it is by far the most
effective, with only temporary side effects
Causes and Risk Factors
Brian Saunders
•Exposure to radiation
•Lack of iodine
Symptoms include:
Estimated (per year):
New cases: 37,340
Hoarseness, swollen glands, lump/pain in neck,
perennial cough, difficulty breathing and
difficulty swallowing.
Deaths: 1,590
Kathryn Zachary
Childhood disease where malignant cells form in the muscle and bone.
Photo provided
In most cases of
Rhabdomyosarcomas, the cause is
Risk factors include but
are not limited to:
•Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Symptoms of Rhabdomyosarcomas:
•Neurofibromatosis Type 1
•A lump or swelling that does not go away or continues to
•Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
•Blood in your urine
•Noonan Syndrome
•A headache
•Bleeding in the nose, throat, vagina or rectum
•Bulging of the eye
•Having bowel movements or urinating
Symptoms may occur anywhere.
•Costello Syndrome
All of which are hereditary diseases.
After a diagnostic test is performed to find the stage
of the cancer, the tumor is removed and all cells
surrounding it are checked tested. Along with the
lymph nodes to insure that all cancerous cells are
removed from the body.
"Defining Cancer." What is Cancer? National Cancer Institute. 7 Nov. 2008 <>.
"General Information About Childhood Rha
bdomyosarcoma." Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma Treatment. 2005. WebMD. 10 Nov. 2008 <>.
"General Information About Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma." Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomas Tretment. 25 Sept. 2008. National Cancer Institute. 7 No
2008 <>.
Miller, Robin E., ed. "Types of Cancer Teens Get." Teen Health. June 2077. Nemours Foundation. 7 Nov. 2008
Rhabdomyosarcoma Age Distribution. 2001. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Practice of Pediatric Orthopedics. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. 2008. Seat
Children's. 11 Nov. 2008 <>.
AML could be caused by previous
treatment with Chemo or radiation,
working in Nuclear Plants, and exposure
to benzene by smoking increases your
risk for AML
Chemotherapy, Radiation, Stem Cell
Transplants, Biotherapy/Immunotherapy
(prevents Leukemia from spreading, Boosts
your immune system, Make cancer cells more
fever, infections, easy bruising or
bleeding, shortness of breath, weakness…
Katie Davidson
Starts in plasma cells, a
type of white blood
Forms tumors inside the
bone marrow. When it is
located in more than one
area, it is then technically
“multiple” myeloma.
Men, blacks, and people over 60
are most susceptible.
Symptoms include:
Fatigue, anemia,
kidney failure, blood
clots, confusion,
excessive thirst, bone
pain, weight loss,
and hypercalcemia.
Multiple Myeloma
Blood clotting in the fingers is a rare side
effect of multiple myeloma. (The black is
Picture grabbed from:
Treatments include: radiation, chemotherapy, and bone marrow
transplants. Some alternative treatments are red blood cell transfusions
and treatments to increase bone density. Rest, exercise, and a
balanced diet are recommended.
It is very deadly:
The survival rate is
estimated to be 34%.
Emma Shipman
"Multiple Myeloma." Cancer.Net. 2006-2008. American Society of Clinical Oncology. 10 Nov. 2008
"Multiple Myeloma/Other Plasma Cell Neoplams." National Cancer Institute. National Cancer Institute: U.S.
National Institutes of Health. 10 Nov. 2008 <>.
"What is multiple myeloma?" The Multiple Myeloma Center at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Cancer
Treatment Centers of America. 10 Nov. 2008 <
Jared Churchwell
•Night sweats
"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma." National Cancer Institute. 12 Feb. 2008. U.S.
National Institutes of Health. 7 Nov. 2008
"WebMD Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Center." WebMD. 2008. 10 Nov.
2008 <>.
Patton, Donna, ed. "What is Cancer?" Kids Health. Aug. 2005. 10 Nov.
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
What happens:
-Leukemic blasts, which are irregular white blood
cells, fill the bone marrow and sometimes enter
the blood stream.
-These white blood cells don’t act the way normal
white blood cells do; they don’t protect the body
against infection.
-The out of control numbers of these abnormal
white blood cells take over the bone marrow and
interact with the production of other cells.
Miller, Robin E. "Types of Cancer Teens Get." Teens Health. June 2007.
Nemours Foundation. 7 Nov. 2008
"Diagnosis." Cancer.Net. May 2008. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
8 Nov. 2008 <>.
"Diagnosis." Cancer.Net. May 2008. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
8 Nov. 2008 <>.
By: Darcy Dirksen.
Stomach Cancer
•cancer forming
in the tissue of
the stomach
5 year survival rate
estimated to be 24%
(Risk Factors)
-Estimated per year-
•second most
fatal cancer in
the world
•If you are over 35 years of age
•2 times more likely in men
•Have a family history of
stomach cancer
•More likely in African
Americans than Caucasians
•Diet high in salt and preserved
•Diet low in fruits and
•H. plori bacteria infection
•Previous stomach surgeries
•Job Exposures (like mining)
•Increased tobacco and
alcoholic use
•depends on how far the
cancer has spread and how
large the tumor is
 removes parts of the
stomach, sometimes all of
it, in some cases tissues
around the stomach
•radiation therapy
Minor symptoms
•indigestion and heartburn
•pain in the abdomen
•diarrhea / constipation
•loss of appetite
Cancer more serious and
definite if you…
•are weak and tired often
•are vomiting blood or see
blood in your #2
•have weight loss that you
cannot explain
Works Cited
"H. pylori and Cancer: Fact Sheet." 17 Oct. 2006. National Cancer Institution. <>.
"Stomach Cancer." Cancer Net. American Society of Clinical Oncology. <>.
"Stomach Cancer." WebMD. The Cleveland Clinic Department of Gastroenterology. <>.
"Vitamins, Anti-Bacterials May Prevent Stomach Cancer." 6 Dec. 2000. National Cancer Institution.
Yellow ribbon is for sarcoma
Bone cancer
People treated with radiation have a
higher risk of getting bone cancer
while genetics rarely increase the
2300 diagnosed a year having this
Deaths – 1470 (annually)
Usually there is extreme pain
alerting the person to the potential
Treatment includes- surgery,
chemo, radiation, immunotherapy,
and vaccine therapy.
Limb amputation is rarely needed
with today’s technology.
Different types of bone cancer
include osteosarcoma, Erwings
sarcoma, and Chondrosarcoma
makes up less than 1% of cancer
Works Cited "Bone cancer." Bone
cancer. National cancer institute.
ertopics/types/bone/>. "Bone
cancer: questions and answers."
Bone cancer. National cancer
Metastatic Brain Cancer is a type of
cancer that does not originate from a
tumor in the brain. It is from another
tumor in your body. The word metastatic
means that the cancerous cells travel to
other body parts. The cells spread by
entering into your blood stream of your
lymphatic system. The cells form new
tumors in the brain. The Metastatic
Brain Cancer usually originates from lung
cancer. 1 of every 5000 people in
America get Metastatic Brain Cancer.
Treatments for Metastatic Brain
Cancer include: chemotherapy,
radiation therapy, biological therapy,
hormone therapy, surgery, and
cryosurgery. If one treatment is not
enough, then a combination of
treatments are used. Any treatment
for a patient all depends on the size
of the tumor, the location, and what
the primary cancer was. The health
of the patient and the treatment that
was already issued to the patient also
determines what treatments they get.
This picture is of a girl with a
headache. A headache is one
symptom of Metastatic Brain Cancer.
This is a picture of a girl’s head from above.
The yellow arrow is pointing to the brain
cancer inside her head.
Sometimes, there are no symptoms while undergoing
Metastatic Brain Cancer. But if you do have this
cancer, your first symptoms are headaches,
seizures, vomiting, loss of appetite, unsteadiness. A
new tumor found in a person who had already had
cancer is Metastatic Brain Cancer.
“Brain Cancer Types, Causes, and Pictures.” Webmd. Webmd.<>.
"Metastatic Cancer: Questions and Answers." Http:// National Cancer
"Metastatic Cancer." Http:// Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
MRI Brain Cancer Picture. Digital image. <>.
Headache. Digital image. 17 Oct. 2006. <>.
Breast cancer is defined
as cancer that forms in the
tissue of breast (ducts and
Breast Cancer
Mary Baker
Very rare for men to have
breast cancer. (250 have
died in 2008)
•Radiation therapy
Early detection is key to
the treatment and ridding of
•Targeted therapies
Self-exams are strongly
encouraged to be done
once a month.
•Other treatments
are still developing
There has been a decline
in the number of diagnosis.
Romero, Don. Pink Breast
Cancer Ribbon.
AllPosters. 12 Nov. 2008
•In 2008 alone over
40,000 women have
died from breast
•Over 200,000 new
diagnosis are made
each year.
Risk factors include race,
age, child bearing, and
even height!
Sitetation: "Breast Cancer."
Breast Cancer. 30 July 2005.
National Cancer Institution. 7
Nov. 2008
Brinker, Nancy G. "Susan G.
Komen for the Cure." Susan G.
Komen for the Cure. 12 Nov. 2008