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Utah Cancer Action Network
What Is Cancer?
 Cancer
is a large group
of diseases (over 200)
characterized by
uncontrolled growth and
spread of abnormal
*American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2005
Normal Cells Vs. Cancer Cells
Cancer cells:
 Lose control over growth
and multiplication
Do not self-destruct when
they become worn out or
Crowd out healthy cells
Growth of Cancer Cells
 Cancer cells reproduce
every 2-6 weeks.
2-6 weeks
2-6 weeks
Size of cancer cells:
 One million cancer
cells = head of a pin
2-6 weeks
One billion cancer
cells = a small grape
230 = 1,073,741,824
= 1 billion cells
Signs and Symptoms of
Change in bowel habits or bladder functions
Sores that do not heal
Unusual bleeding or discharge
Lumps or thickening of breast or other parts of
the body
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
Recent change in wart or mole
Persistent coughing or hoarseness
Types of Cancers
 Carcinomas (cells
that cover internal and
external body surfaces)
(Blood Cells)
(Lymph nodes &tissues)
Cells in supportive
tissues – bones &
What Causes Cancer?
Family History
Lifestyle Risks
Diet high fat and low in
fruits and vegetables
Lack of exercise
Unprotected exposure
to the sun, (UV) rays
Environmental Risks
Second hand smoke
Air pollution
Industrial pollution
Chemical exposures
Inherited Risks
Less than 15% of
cancers are inherited
Gene mutations are
linked to some
inherited cancers
Cancers that may be
caused by inherited
gene mutations are:
 Colon cancer
 Breast cancer
 Ovarian
 Prostate cancer
 Skin cancer
Screening Tests and
Screening tests:
 Colon
 Breast
 Cervical
 Prostate
 Testicular
 Skin
Why Screening Tests?
The treatment of cancer is
most successful when the
cancer is detected as early
as possible, often before
symptoms occur.
Colon Cancer
Most colon cancers
start as a polyp
• A polyp
Removing polyps
can prevent colon
• Advanced
Colon Cancer Screening
Age of 50 and older; younger if
there is a family history
Yearly fecal occult blood test (FOBT) or
Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years or
Yearly FOBT and sigmoidoscopy every 5 years or
Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years or
Colonoscopy every 10 years
Of the options above ACS prefers yearly FOBT and Sigmoidoscopy every five years
Breast Cancer
Screening Guidelines
Yearly mammograms starting at age 40
and continuing for as long as a woman
is in good health.
 Clinical breast exams (CBE) should be
part of a periodic health exam, about
every three years for women in their 20s
and 30s and every year for women 40
and over.
Breast Cancer
Screening Guidelines
Women should report any breast change
promptly to their health care providers. Breast
self-exam (BSE) is an option for women for
women starting in their 20s.
 Women at increased risk (e.g., family history,
genetic tendency, past breast cancer ) should
talk with their doctors about the benefits and
limitations of starting mammography
screening earlier, having additional tests
(e.g., breast ultrasound or MRI), or having
more frequent exams.
Cervical Cancer
Screening Guidelines
Annual pap testing should
begin with the onset of
sexual activity or at age 18
 Investigate pros & cons of
new HPV vaccine
 Pap testing should continue
less frequently at the
discretion of the medical
provider and patient after
three or more annual tests
have been normal
Prostate Cancer
Screening Guidelines
Men should speak to their doctor about the
pros and cons of prostate cancer screening
Both prostate specific antigen (PSA) and
digital rectal examinations (DRE) are
recommended for men over 50 and who
choose to undergo screening for prostate
Testicular Cancer
Screening Guidelines
Doctors agree that examination of a man’s
testicles is an important part of a general
physical exam. It is recommended that a
testicular exam be conducted during routine
cancer-related checkups.
It is believed that it is important to make men
aware of testicular cancer and that any unusual
mass should be evaluated by a health care
provider immediately.
Skin Cancer
The ABCD’s of melanoma (skin
Asymmetry: one half is not like the
Border: the edges are jagged or
Color: the color is varied, tan, red,
black ect
Diameter: the diameter is larger than
8mm (the top of a pencil eraser
Skin Cancer Prevention
It is important to:
Protect your skin with hats, long sleeves
and sunscreen
 Do a self examination of your skin monthly
 Become familiar with any moles, freckles or
other abnormalities on your skin
 Check for changes once a month. Show
any suspicious or changing areas to your
health care provider.
Good News!
Other Ways to Reduce
the Risks of Developing
How Far Have We Come ?
Five year survival rate:
 1913 - 10%
2003 - 66%
Advances in cancer
research continue
The Fight Will Continue
Because…in 2007
Cancer is the second
leading cause of death in
Utah and the nation
7660* Utahns diagnosed
2690* Utahns will die
7 Utahns die of cancer
every day
*American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2007
Avoid Smoking or Chewing
Cigarette smoking is the
leading cause of preventable
death in the US
 Second hand smoke affects
Fruits and Vegetables
Decrease Cancer Risks
Cancer rates could
decline by up to
20% if everyone
consumed 5 fruits and
vegetables a day!*
 Cancer fighting
*American Institute for Cancer Research, 1998.
Dietary fiber
Limit Alcohol to No More Than
Men – 2 drinks per
Women - 1 drink per
Reduce Your Skin Exposure to
the Sun
Limit time outside,
between 10 a.m. & 4 p.m.
Wear protective clothing.
Use wide-brimmed hats
and sunglasses.
Prevent sunburns,
especially for children
under 18. Use
waterproof sunscreen of
SPF 15 or higher.
Reapply as directed.
Avoid tanning beds.
Be Active…Often
Exercise for 30 minutes or
more at least 4 days a
The number of lives that could be
saved each year if we ate a healthy
diet and exercised regularly
The number of lives that could be
saved each year with no tobacco
American Cancer Society
Utah Cancer Action Network