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2nd Semester Meeting 2
Matt Bernstein, Paul Capelli, Jared Segal
January 22, 2008
Obtained Access to Server hardware
Selected subversion system
Selected J2EE Webserver – Geronimo
Modeled Object Oriented Structure of
Wrote short SQL scripts for application
Obtained Access to MySQL on server
Got with Guy, obtained access to server
(permission from Guy, login, password)
Logged into server successfully
Server is entirely Linux based (no GUI)
Server currently has some PHP code already in
its HTML directory (meaning someone is using
Do not have permission to visit site
Server Todo
What can we / can we not do on our server (Will
have to ask guy how far we can go in terms of
installing software)
Can we install our subversion system on the
server as well?
Risks: Linux command line (its not fun but Jared
knows it), dedicated hosting?
Java's fully J2EE 5 compatible web server
Easy to use
Comes with console web application to
manage mySQL configuration, application
EARs, ports
May not be the best, can be cumbersome as it
is very out of box
May have speed issues, we shall see
Strongest Advantage of Geronimo
Can compile your code using Eclipse or
Netbeans into EAR (Enterprise Archive file)
This is an easily deployed bundle containing
your entire web APPLICATION
Can go online to Geronimo console and simply
redeploy your EAR on each build
Can connect databases to Geronimo (to use
out-of-box J2EE database configuration)
Object Oriented Model
We discussed this last time but...
Model – View – Controller
Controller – web.xml and will
forward requests based on POST data and
URL and call model classes
Model classes will inherit from base class –
perform action and forward data to view
View will be JSP with tags in it to take data
from model object passed to page
MVC Diagram
Model Class
Corresponding view.JSP
MySQL Scripts
Paul, the mastermind behind our data
dictionary, has constructed short SQL scripts for
our mySQL database
Currently create the required tables
R&D to be performed to determine where
relationships may be necessary, indexing,
primary/secondary keys, etc
Potential Risks
Deployment of Geronimo to Server (medium)
Getting permission from Guy to do a lot of what
we are hoping to do (medium)
Successful implementation of SVN on server
Linux command line only? (low)
Deployment of EAR to actual VUSE web server
(medium but a long time from now)
Next Steps
Install Geronimo on server and test
Deploy a Hello World EAR on geronimo server
Hello World to request data from
database/write to database
SVN on server
Meet with David Lynn to discuss if an EAR is a
good means of proving him our final code
Code, code, code
Prepare for PDR (discussion on what a good
group will have...)