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The Web Wizard’s Guide To
Chapter 9
Applied Web Programming
Chapter Objectives
• To learn how to use a triple nested loop to generate an
interactive table of Web-safe colors
• To discover how to combine JavaScript with client-side
image mapping to enhance the user interface of your Web
• To find out how to detect the visitor’s browser and
• To understand how to change the text displayed in the
visitor’s status bar to provide your own content
• To learn how to create scrolling text in a text field
• To get a glimpse of how Dynamic HTML and Cascading
Style Sheets can boost the power of your JavaScript
Generating Content with Nested
• You can use a short group of nested loops to
create lengthy and complex tables that
include background colors and JavaScript
• When you include quotes within quotes
within quotes, you may need to escape the
most deeply nested quote using the
backslash character.
JavaScript and Client-Side Image
• By using client-side image
maps with JavaScript, you can
create novel and compelling
user interfaces that involve
substantial interactivity.
• You can use pseudo-URLs and
onclick handlers to execute
JavaScript code when links
and map areas are clicked.
Browser Detection
• Browser detection is often necessary to
deliver different content for different
browsers and platforms.
• Browser detection scripts (sniffers) are ideal
candidates for placement in external code
libraries such as your mylibrary.js file.
Text in the Status Bar
• You can control the text that is displayed in
the status bar of visitors’ computers.
• To avoid interfering with status messages
coming from the browser, be sure to place
only temporary information in the status
bar. An example is a short message that
appears when visitors move the mouse over
a link.
Scrolling Text in a Field
Scrolling text in a
form field is an
economical, lowbandwidth way to
attract the attention
of visitors to
announcements on
your page.
What’s Next?
• Your new skills in JavaScript programming will
assist you in creating Dynamic HTML and using
authoring environments such as Flash and
• Dynamic HTML is the combination of JavaScript,
HTML 4, and Cascading Style Sheets.
• Flash and Director are two of many products that
use JavaScript or JavaScript-like languages to
create interactivity.