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ECT 250: Survey of e-commerce technology
Searching, tables, and markup languages
The topics for today’s lecture:
1. Searching the web
2. FrontPage tables
3. A survey of markup languages
Searching the WWW
• Exploring the Web can be very time-consuming.
• Search engines and directories enable you to locate
relevant web pages more quickly and efficiently.
• A search engine is software that allows you to type
in keywords. The engine scans a database of
Web pages and displays a list of pages that meet
your criteria.
• A directory organizes Web pages into categories.
You can click on appropriate categories until you
find a Web page that matches your chosen topic.
Search engines/directories
• Altavista (
• Excite (
• DirectHit (
• Fast Search (
• Go (
• Google (
• HotBot (
• Northern Light (
• Yahoo (
• Web Crawler (
Naïve searches
• A single keyword search can yield thousands
of sites, many of which are irrelevant.
Example: a search on
for climbing yields 900,000+ hits
• Multiple keywords can help.
Example: Illinois, Wisconsin, climbing on yields 11,000 hits
• To save time and effort it pays to construct a
more sophisticated search that will yield fewer
hits with a higher percentage of relevant pages.
Searching tips
• Use a directory to find information on a general
topic. Use keywords in a search engine for
specific information or narrow topics.
• Read the searching tips to help you construct a
more precise query.
• Use multiple, specific keywords.
• Try using different words and synonyms.
• Use advanced search features to make your query
more focused.
• Try multiple search engines/directories.
Advanced search options
• Special operators (and, or, not, near)
• Search for phrases, not just keywords
• Domain specific searches: include or exclude
pages based on their domain
• Specify the language of the search
• Page specific searches: pages that link to or are
similar to a given page
• Give a bound on the most recent update
• Specify whether the site contains images, audio,
or visual information
Search engines examine only a fraction of the web
pages available on the World Wide Web.
A study released in 1998 estimated that the best
engines indexed only 33% of the publicly indexable
Web. The 1999 follow-up study found the coverage
had decreased to only 16%.
More important may be the techniques used by the
search engine in ranking and updating pages.
The topics for today’s lecture:
1. Searching the web
2. FrontPage tables
3. A survey of markup languages
Tables are used on Web pages to:
• Place a table of contents or other important
information in a specific location
• Keep images and text aligned properly
• Divide the page into columns
Although it is not always apparent, many pages
use tables within other tables for layout.
Tables consist of rows, columns, and cells.
Creating a table
1. Click on the Insert Table toolbar button.
2. Use the mouse to highlight the desired number
of rows and columns on the Insert Table grid.
3. Release the mouse button and the table will
4. The table will have a default size and style that
you can modify.
Once the table has been created, text can be typed
and images inserted into cells of the table.
Table and cell properties
• The properties of a table determine its alignment,
border, width, colors, etc.
• To change table properties, right click on the table
and select Table Properties from the menu.
• The properties of cells include layout, colors, width,
height, etc.
• Individual cell properties can be changed by rightclicking on the inside a cell to reach the Cell
Properties dialog box.
Table properties
• Alignment: The alignment of the entire table on
the Web page. One of Default, Left, Right,
Center, or Justify.
• Cell padding: The number of pixels between the
cell contents and border. Default is 1 pixel.
• Cell spacing: The number of pixels between the
two cell borders. Default is 2 pixels.
• Width and height: Dimensions in either pixels
or percentage of the browser window. Default
is to fit the contents of the cell.
Table properties
• Border size: Width of border in pixels.
Default is 0.
• Border colors: One or two colors used for the
border of all cells. Only visible if the border
size is non-zero.
• Background color or picture: Used in the background of all cells unless otherwise specified.
Default is to use the page background.
Formatting with tables
• Tables with border width zero can be used to
arrange information on a Web page.
• To use a table to lay out an entire Web page,
select a table of the appropriate size and
then create additional tables inside the main
• Example: Format the header of my sample
home page using a table. See also my home
page on
for more formatting with tables.
Cell properties
• Horizontal alignment: One of Default, Left, Right,
Center, or Justify. Default is usually Left.
• Vertical alignment: One of Default, Top, Middle,
Baseline, or Bottom. Default is usually Middle.
• Rows and columns spanned: Changes the size of
the cell. Default is one row and one column.
• Header cell: Makes the contents of the cell bold and
centered. Default is to not be a header cell.
• No wrap: Prevents cell contents from wrapping if
if it exceeds the width of the cell.
Cell properties
• Width and height: Measured in either pixels or a
percentage of the browser window. The default
is an even division of the table size between the
cells. Width changes affect the entire column,
and height changes affect the entire row.
• Border colors: Specify one or two different colors
for the cell border. The automatic setting uses
the same colors as the rest of the table.
• Background color or picture: Specifies a different
color or image from the rest of the table.
Modifying table structure
It is often necessary to change the structure of a
table after it has been created.
Modifications include:
• Inserting rows and columns
• Deleting rows and columns
• Merging cells: combine a rectangular group of
cells into a single, larger cell
• Splitting cells
Inserting/deleting rows/columns
Inserting rows or columns:
• Move the insertion point inside the row or column
closest to where the new row or column should
be placed.
• Select Insert Rows or Columns from the Table
• Specify how many rows or columns to insert and
where they should be located. Click OK.
Deleting rows or columns:
• Select the appropriate row or column.
• Select Delete Cells from the Table menu.
Merging/splitting cells
• Merging cells combines a rectangular group of
cells into one cell. It is used when the contents
of a table are not a uniform size.
• To merge cells, select all the appropriate cells,
then choose Merge Cells from the Table menu.
• To split a cell into multiple ones, move into the
cell, then select Split cells from the Table menu.
At the Split Cells dialog box, indicate the desired
number of rows and columns.
The topics for today’s lecture:
1. Searching the web
2. FrontPage tables
3. A survey of markup languages
Markup languages
• FrontPage is an HTML editor.
• HTML stands for hypertext markup language.
• It is an example of a markup language.
• Historically markup has described annotations
and handwritten notes found on manuscript
pages that tell a typist how a particular page
should be laid out or typeset.
• Electronic markup languages are marked with
tags to govern the display, formatting, and
organization of text elements.
Three markup languages
Three markup languages are of particular interest:
1. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
is the parent language from which the other two
are derived. It is a meta language used to define
other markup languages.
2. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
3. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is another
descendent of SGML. It defines data structures
important for a wide range of data exchange
An HTML document contains both document
content and tags.
• The content consists of all the information that
appears in the browser window, including
text, graphics, and video.
• Tags are the HTML codes that specify how a
the document should be formatted.
HTML tags
• Each HTML tag is enclosed in angle brackets.
• Two-sided HTML tags come in pairs.
The general form of a two-sided tag is:
<tagname properties>Content</tagname>
The opening tag is <tagname properties>.
The closing tag is </tagname>.
• Some HTML tags are one-sided, requiring
only the opening tag.
• Tags are not case-sensitive.
Types of tags
There are a large number of tags. Some examples:
• Document tags: specify the parts of the document
such as the heading, title, body.
<title></title>, <html></html>
• Text structure tags: determine the layout of the
text found in the body of the document.
<h1></h1>, <p></p>, <br>
• Style tags: specify how text will be shown by the
browser. <center></center>, <em></em>
• Image tag: <img src=“name” other-properties>
• Anchor tag: <a href = “URL”></a>
The meta tag
Search engines catalog sites by following links from
page to page and saving identification information
for each page visited.
The main HTML element that interacts with search
engines is the Meta tag.
Using the Meta tag you can list information about
your page that allows a search engine to better
classify the contents of your page.
Attributes of the meta tag
The Meta tag has two attributes that should always
be used:
1. The Name attribute identifies the type of Meta
tag you are including.
2. The Content attribute provides information the
search engine will be cataloging about your site.
<Meta Name = “keywords” Content = “algorithms,
complexity, quantum, information, retrieval,
kolmogorov, security, arrays, cryptography, faculty,
History of HTML
• HTML 1.0: Introduced in 1991 by Berners-Lee.
At that time there was no standard for HTML.
• HTML 2.0: Released in 1995.
Began to move to a standard. Released at the
same time were MS IE 2.0 and Netscape’s
Navigator 2.0.
Recall that the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) serves as a leader in maintaining Web
standards and common protocols. It was founded
in 1994.
History of HTML
• HTML 3.2: Introduced in 1997 by the W3C.
Supported tables, complex numbers, and text
flow around images.
• HTML 4.0: Released by W3C in 1997.
Included support for cascading style sheets,
and added international features such as the
ability to render text right to left.
• HTML 4.01: Released by W3C in 1999.
Supported more multimedia options,
scripting languages, and documents more
accessible to users with disabilities
History of HTML
• XHTML Basic: Released in December 2000 by
W3C, incorporating elements of XML into
HTML to allow development on a wider set
of devices such as TVs, PDAs, pagers, and
cellular phones.
• Coming soon from W3C: XHTML 1.0, which is
a reformulation of HTML 4.0 in XML.
• Work on the definition of a Generalized Markup
Language for describing electronic documents
and their format was begun in the 1960s.
• In 1986, the International Standards Organization
(ISO) adopted a version of the standard called
Standard Generalized Markup Language.
• SGML includes a standard that defines deviceindependent and machine-independent methods
for representing electronic documents.
Advantages of SGML
• SGML is good for organizations with special or
complex requirements for the management of
documents. Examples: U.S. DOD, HP
• It is stable since it was standardized in 1986.
• It is platform independent and will outlive most
current applications.
• It supports user-defined tags and architecture.
Why is SGML not used by everyone?
Disadvantages of SGML
• SGML’s tools are relatively expensive when
compared to HTML.
• SGML has a steep learning curve.
• It is costly to set up and maintain, requiring
extensive training and expertise.
• Creating document type definitions with SGML
can be expensive in terms of human labor.
• Extensible Markup Language is also derived from
SGML, although it is newer than HTML.
• It represents an effort to define what information
is on a Web page. This contrasts with HTML
where the emphasis is on the format of the data.
• XML allows designers to easily describe and
deliver structured data from any application in
a standard, consistent way.
Idea behind XML
• XML is both a markup language and meta
markup language.
• XML allows you to create new tags for each
type of document you are storing.
• In this way, XML stores information in a
structured manner.
• It is also interoperable with both HTML and
SGML. This allows data stored in XML to
be displayed (using HTML) and integrated
with SGML documents.
XML example I
<title>Some XML</title>
<date>January 29, 2001</date>
<summary>Sample XML</summary>
<content>XML is not for displaying information
but for managing information.
XML example II
<position>network administrator</position>
<position>web designer</position>
• Just Enough Unix, Andersen, McGraw Hill, 2000, ISBN
• HTML: The Definitive Guide, Musciano & Kennedy,
O’Reilly, 1998, ISBN 1-56592-492-4.
•Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, Dietel &
Nieto, Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-12-016143-8.
• Getting Started: Web page design with Microsoft FrontPage
2000, Morley, Dryden, 2000, ISBN 0-03-026123-6.
• Running Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Buyens, Microsoft,
1999, ISBN 1-57231-947-X.