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IT 117 - Introduction to
Website Development
Welcome to Unit 5!
Images and Colors
This week’s reading:
Read Lesson 4 and work through the labs
Be sure to read the PDF file Working With
Graphics, Resolution and Color
Unit 5 is about graphical elements and how to add images to
your Web pages. You will review image file paths, file formats,
image attributes. You will also learn how to include horizontal
rules in your Web pages to separate sections of data.
Review Key Terms On the Reading page
Read Assigned Text On the Reading page
Respond to the Discussion Board
30 Points
Lists, Cascading Style Sheets, and Deprecated Tags
Complete the unit project and upload to assignment
dropbox In unit 6 for grading
50 Points
On the Assignment page
Attend the Weekly Seminar or complete the FLA quiz
20 Points
Log in from Student's Home page
Readings Overview
Read Lesson 4 and work through the labs. You do not need to
work lab 4.6: Formatting text with the <font> tag, because the
<font> tag has been deprecated in favor of using CSS. You
should however look the lab over so you will be familiar with
the use of the <font> tag. You are sure to encounter in your
Readings Overview
Textbook Reading Summary:
Lesson 4 and its labs will review file formats, image size and
resolution, and inserting images on a web page. It will also
explore how to format text around your images, alignment and
the use of horizontal rules.
Seminar Overview
This week’s Seminar session is about editing and adding images to
your Web pages. We will review file paths, file formats, and discuss
Images in Web Pages
Has anyone tried adding an image to the
What HTML tag would you use to insert an
Images in Web Pages
Use the <img> tag to insert an image
file using either of two formats to close
the tag:
<img src="imagefile.gif"> </img>
<img src="imagefile.gif"/>
Images in Web Pages
Image file formats
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Comparing Image File Formats
Images and the alt Attribute
In XHTML, every image must follow
good coding practice by including the
alt attribute with a corresponding value
Code will not validate as XHTML
without this attribute
Browsers and screen-reader
technology can read alt description and
render it in audio for disabled users
<img src="image.gif" alt="Alternative
Images in Web Pages
You can store images in the root
directory, or create the "images" folder
<img src="imagefile.gif"/>
<img src="images/imagefile.gif"/>
The path will reflect your folder
Combining Background
Images and Colors
The bgcolor attribute:
The background attribute:
Specifies background colors
Inserts an image as a background
If you use both the bgcolor and
background attributes in a <body> tag,
then only the attribute specified last in
the tag will render
Aligning Images
Relative to Text
The align attribute positions images
relative to text
<img src="imagefile.gif" align="alignment
Values include:
Aligning Images
Relative to Text
The align attribute has been
deprecated in favor of style sheets,
but can still be used; code will still
validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional
The <img> tag embeds an image in
an HTML page.
Notice that images are not technically
inserted into an HTML page, images
are linked to HTML pages. The <img>
tag creates a holding space for the
referenced image.
The <img> tag has two required
attributes: src and alt.
In HTML the <img> tag has no end
In XHTML the <img> tag must be
properly closed.
Src - Specifies the URL (the
LOCATION) of an image, including
the file name
What other properties can you specify
for an image?
Specifying Colors
Colors can be specified by name or by
Hexadecimal "Red Green Blue (RGB)" value
Web-Safe Color Palette
A set of 216 colors guaranteed to render properly
Ensures that colors in pages render as expected
 If you specify a color not supported by the
monitor or operating system, the system will
approximate the color, a process called dithering
 Unexpected results may occur as the result of
Page Colors and Backgrounds
Specifying page colors:
<body bgcolor="colorNameOrCode">
Specifying text color on the page:
 <body text="colorNameOrCode">
Specifying color of unvisited links:
 <body alink="colorNameOrCode">
Specifying color of visited links:
 <body vlink="colorNameOrCode">
Providing a background image:
 <body background="image.png">
Web Design Issues
Color combinations
 Popular color combinations
 Consider existing sites
 Habitat for Humanity (
 Microsoft (
 Red Hat (
 Cultural and audience concerns
Web Design Issues
Page layout
 Layout guidelines
 Document structure, the <div> tag and style
 Relative path names
 White space, the <img> tag and XHTML
HTML <hr> Tag
Definition and Usage
The <hr> tag creates a horizontal line in an HTML
The hr element can be used to separate content in an
HTML page.
HTML <hr> Tag
<p>This is some text.</p>
<hr />
<p>This is some text.</p>
Project 5
Unit Outcomes:
Integrate an image into a Web page.
Apply the “alt” tag to a web image
Apply alignment of images relative to text with XHTML
Course Outcome:
IT117-2: Create web sites using web page building blocks.
Project 5
Project Instructions:
For the Unit 5 project, you will be adding images to your Web
pages. All images for this project must be either GIF or JPEG
files. Images should be sized to fit appropriately on each Web
page. Your images should be contextual or related to the page
topic. In other words, make sure the images you add to the
page, add value to the page and are not a distraction. The
labs you worked through in lesson 4 will have prepared you for
this project.
Tip: All images must be uploaded to the appropriate
subfolder located on your server and the file path must be
correct in your code.
Project 5
Create a subfolder named images within the folder
you previously created to hold your web files on
your computer. Plan to save all your jpg and gif
files here. Your path to images will be
Create a subfolder on your web server space and
name it images. Plan to upload all your jpg and gif
files to this folder. Your path to images will be
images/imagename.jpg. (Refer back to the topic
“Relative path names” in lesson 4, if needed).
Project 5
Insert a horizontal rule somewhere on your
index.html page. (See lab 4.1).
Insert one image on your index page and a second
image on your bio page. These can be a graphic or
photo of your choice, but it would be great to
include your headshot on your bio page! (see lab
Add the alt attribute within each image tag. Choose
your own alt text to appear with each image. (see
lab 4.2)
Project 5
Align images relative to text with XHTML. (see lab
Upload the index.html and bio.htm pages plus your
two image files to your Web server space. Make
sure you place your image files in the images
Test your online pages by going to each complete
URL to ensure your images display as expected.
Project 5 - Grading Rubrics
1. Added an image to the index.html page : 0-10Z
2. Added an image to the bio.htm page : 0-10
3. Aligned both images to text with xhtml : 0-10
4. Applied the alt attribute to both images : 0-10
5. Added a horizontal rule to index.html : 0-10
Thank you!
Feel free to contact me with any questions!
[email protected]
Use the Virtual Office to post questions throughout the week,
as well as to upload your zipped folder if you need me to look
at the code!