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Ch 8: Profit Max Under
Perfect Competition
• Three assumptions in p.c. model:
• 1) Price-taking: many small firms,
none can affect mkt P by ing Q 
no mkt power;
• 2) Product homogeneity: each firm
produces nearly identical product
• 3) Free entry and exit: assures big
number of firms in industry.
More on Perfect
• Real-life examples:
– Agricultural products
– Oil.
• P.C. is an ideal; useful starting
• Also assume:
Profit Maximization
• Profit-max extends beyond just
p.c. mkt structure.
• Define profit = TR – TC
• (q) = R(q) – C(q), or
 = R – C.
• So firm picks q* where
difference between TR and TC
is greatest.
• With graphs of TR and TC:
Three Curves
in Figure 8.1
• TR: slope is MR
• TC: slope is MC.
•  function: see inverse U-shape:
• Max  where:
– 1)
– 2)
– 3) Rule:
• pick -max q* where MR = MC.
Review Implications of
Perfect Competition
• First: keep terms straight:
• Market D is downward sloping
but demand curve faced by
individual firm is perfectly
elastic (horizontal).
• So: firm demand curve is same
is its MR curve.
Further Implications
• Recall: firm’s demand curve is
its MR curve.
• This means that P = MR.
• So profit-max rule: pick -max
q* where MC = MR = P.
• Also, since P = MR for each q,
then P = MR = AR.
• Revise rule: pick -max q*
where MR = MC AND MC is
• Note:
• Short Run profit for p.c. firm:
• P - ATC at q* = avg profit per
unit of q.
• Explain:
• Total  at q* = q*  avg. .
Firm’s SR
Shutdown Decision
• Situation: What if the SR max q* results in losses?
• Firm must choose (1) vs (2):
• 1) Continue producing at q*:
• 2) Shutdown in SR:
SR Shutdown Rule
• Firm must know: at q*, what is:
– P,
– ATC, and
– AVC.
• Rule: If   0 in SR:
– continuing producing q* as long
as P  AVC.
• In LR:
Competitive Firm’s
SR Supply Curve
• Supply Curve: shows q
produced at each possible price.
• SR supply curve: the firm’s MC
curve for all points where
– I.e., -max q* is where P  AVC.
• Remember “trigger” for
shutdown in SR  implies that
MC curve has an irrelevant part
(where MC  P).
Firm’s Response to
 Price of Input
• Consider:  price input 
causes  MC at each q  shift
up to left of MC curve.
• See Figure 8.7:
– Start at P = $5 with MC1; so
= q1.
– Now: price input causes  MC:
– Shifts MC up to left.
– Causes  q*.
SR Market
Supply Curve
• Shows: amount of Q the
industry will produce in SR at
each possible price.
• Sum SR supply curves for firms
using horizontal summation.
• That is: at each possible price,
sum up total quantity supplied
by each firm.
• See Figure 8.9.
• (Note: for each firm: as q es,
individual MC curves no .).
Price Elasticity of
Market Supply
• ES = %Qs/1%P =
(Q/Q) / (P/P).
• ES  0 always because SMC
slopes upward.
• If MC  a lot in response to Q,
then ES is low.
• Extreme cases:
– Perfectly inelastic S:
– Perfect elastic S:
Producer Surplus in SR
• Concept analogous to CS.
• For rising MC: P  MC for
every unit of q except last one
• For a firm (see Figure 8.11):
– For all units produced (up to q*):
– Measures area above MC
schedule (S curve) and below mkt
LR Competitive
• If each firm earns zero
economic , each firm is in LR
• Three conditions:
– 1. All firms in industry are profitmaximizing.
– 2. No firm has incentive to enter
or leave industry (due to  = 0).
– 3. P is that which equates
QS = QD in market.
Adjustment from SR to
LR Equilibrium
• Firm starts in SR equilibrium.
• Positive profits induce new firms to
entire industry.
• This causes market P to fall.
• This causes firm’s MR line to fall,
until profits = 0 again.
– Key: firms enter as long as P  AVC
• Note: in this case, MC no shift due
to constant cost assumption.
• LR choice of q*:
– where LMC = P = MR = LAC.
– Key is LMC=LAC.
Economic Rent
• Economic Rent:
• For an industry: economic rent
same as LR producer surplus.
• For a fairly fixed factor (like
• In LR in a competitive mkt:
Industry’s LR
Supply Curve
• Cannot just sum horizontally
because as price es, # firms in
industry es. Must connect the
zero-profit points.
• Shape of LR supply curve: depends
on whether (and in what direction)
the es in each firm’s q causes es
in input prices.
• Constant cost industry: As q and Q
, input prices no  so firm’s MC,
AVC, and ATC NO shift as q
• SO: LR industry supply curve is flat
(perfectly horizontal).