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Chapter 9
Measuring and
Managing Real
Exchange Risk
Slides prepared by
April Knill, Ph.D., Florida State University
9.1 How Real Exchange Rates Affect
Real Profitability
• The real profitability of an exporting firm
• Real profitability: the purchasing power of a firm’s
nominal profits
• U.S. firm’s nominal profit = $ revenueU.S. + $ revenueU.K.
– Firm’s $ costs
• Example: Apples Galore (A = Apples)
• $ RevenueU.S.= P(A,$) * Q(A,U.S.)
• $ RevenueU.K.= S($/£) * P(A,£) * Q(A,U.K.)
• $ Costs = C(A,$) * [Q(A,U.S.) + Q(A,U.K.)]
• Relative prices and components of real profit
• Divide nominal profit by price level in U.S.: P($)
• Real RevenueU.S.=
P( A,$)  Q( A,U .S .) P( A,$)
 Q( A,U .S .)
• Real Costs = [C(A,$)/P($)] * [Q(A,U.S.) + Q(A,U.K.)]
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9.1 How Real Exchange Rates Affect
Real Profitability
• Revenue: to keep relative prices constant, the firm
must ensure that the nominal price of apples
increases at the IU.S.
• Costs: if its nominal average cost per unit increases at
IU.S., its real average costs are constant and the
Apples Galore’s total real costs are the same when the
same amount is produced
– Firm’s reaction to exchange rate changes:
• Real revenueU.K.=
S ($ / GBP)  ( P( A, GBP)  Q( A,U .K .))
• Real costs = C(A,$)/P($) * [Q(A,U.S.) + Q(A,U.K.)]
• Exchange rate pass-through: how do management
respond with regard to its pricing when real exchange
rates change?
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9.2 Real Exchange Risk at Exporters,
Importers and Domestic Firms
• Real exchange risk – profitability of a firm can
change because of fluctuations in real exchange
• The real exchange rate risk of a net exporter
– A competitive dilemma:
• Raise prices – lose market share
• Lower prices – lose profits
• Major factor that determines a firm’s response:
• Price elasticity of demand for its product
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9.2 Real Exchange Risk at Exporters,
Importers and Domestic Firms
Olympia Communication Exporters (OCE) manufactures cell phones in
Greece and sells them in the U.S. at $79. The company is selling 2M phones
per year.
S = $1.25/€.
Revenue€=$79 (per phone) * 2M * €1/$1.25 = €126,400,000
InflationU.S. forecasted @ 5.5%
InflationU.K. forecasted @ 1%
Interest Rate Parity Formula
Fh/f = (1 + ih)
Sh/f (1 + if )
$1.3057/€ = $1.25/€ * 1.055/1.01
The change just offsets the inflation differential and leaves the real
exchange rate unchanged. If demand curve is constant in U.S., what $ price
should OCE charge to earn same real revenue?
The price should increase by 5.5%: $79/phone * 1.055 = $83.35/phone
Revenue would increase to: $83.35 * 2M * €1/$1.3057 = €127,670,981
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9.2 Real Exchange Risk at Exporters,
Importers and Domestic Firms
Trans-Malaysian Airlines (TMA) flies mostly domestic routes (Malaysia). It imports
its fuel from Singapore @ $3.50/gallon.
Last year TMA imported 250M gallons (S=MYR4/$) or MYR3.5B. Its revenue net
of other costs was MYR4B. Profit was therefore MYR0.5B.
TMA is regulated and cannot raise prices above inflation rate (15% this yr). What
if fuel cost increases by U.S. inflation rate – 4%. By how much will real profits fall
if there is a 10% real appreciation of the dollar relative to the ringgit (i.e.,
causing their costs to increase)?
New price of fuel: $3.50/gallon * 1.04 = $3.64/gallon
New spot rate: (MYR4/$ * 1.10) * (1.15/1.04) = MYR4.8654/$
$3.64 * 250M gallons * MYR4.8654/$ = MYR4.428B
New Profit = MYR4B * (1.15) - MYR4.428B = MYR0.172B
Instead of increasing by 15%, which they would have if there was no real
appreciation in the value of the $ (or equivalently, depreciation in the ringgit),
nominal profits have fallen by 65.6%!
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9.2 Real Exchange Risk at Exporters,
Importers and Domestic Firms
• Measuring real exchange risk exposure
– The present value of a firm’s profits
– Who doesn’t have real exchange risk?
• A completely domestic firm? Well, sort of – these firms may
not face forex risk in the short-term, but may very well in
the longer-term.
• Example: a restaurant in Miami that does not deal with
foreign currency could suffer a drop in customers if the value
of the Euro is weak.
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9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
• Safe Air’s (SA) situation
– Small U.S. company that sells air tanks with “safe” air to
fire departments
– CEO needs to prove leadership since earnings are
• Metallwerke A.G.’s proposal
– German firm that manufactures similar product prepared
to manufacture tanks for SA
• Same or better quality of current supplier
• Lock in low dollar price
• Want a TEN year contract with indexing formula!
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9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
The indexing formula allows for annual changes in the
base dollar price under the following contingencies:
The base dollar price will be increased at the U.S. annual rate
of inflation, as indicated by the U.S. producer price index
If the dollar depreciates relative to the euro, the percentage
change in the base dollar price will equal the U.S. rate of
inflation plus an additional percentage equal to on-half the
rate of depreciation of the dollar relative to the euro
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9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
• Basic data an analysis
– Some basic prices and notations (the zeros indicate
current-period values) related to the deal proposed by
• Safe Air’s contractual base purchase price = B(0,$) = $400 per tank
• Safe Air’s other variable production costs = C(0,$) = $313 per tank
• Safe Air’s retail sales price = T(0,$) = $856 per tank
• Safe Air’s profit margin = M(0,$) = 20%
• U.S. price level = P(0,$) = $140 per U.S. general good
• Exchange rate = S(0,€/$) = €1.40/$
• German price level = P(0,€) = €100 per German general good
• Metallwerke’s profit margin M(0,€) = 20%
• Metallwerke’s production cost = C(0,€) = €238 per tank
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Exhibit 9.1 Profitability When the Price per
Tank Is Contractually Fixed
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Exhibit 9.2 Profitability Under
Metallwerke’s Proposed Contract
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Exhibit 9.3 Profitability Under a Contract
That Shares Real Exchange Risk
Safe Air loses some if $ falls
but gains some if $ rises
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Metallwerke trades off some
profit when $ rises for a higher
profit when $ falls
9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
• Analyzing contracts when inflation and real exchange rates
are changing:
– Profits with a constant real exchange rate
• Real cost per tank – increases in the base price that are
larger (smaller) than the U.S. rate of inflation increase
(decrease) real imported part costs
– Safe Air’s real revenue per tank
• Will remain the same only if SA is able to raise prices by rate
of inflation
– Metallwerke’s real revenue per tank
• This is written in the contract as constant (but they would
like this changed!)
– Metallwerke’s real cost per tank
• This is constant as long as the cost of production rises at the
German rate of inflation
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9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
• If relative PPP does NOT hold (likely), both parties are
exposed to real exchange rate risk
• Designing a contract that shares the real exchange risk
– Let the base dollar price of the product increase one for
one with the U.S. inflation rate
– Adjust for changes in real exchange rate
• Increase base price by one-half of any real depreciation of
the dollar relative to the euro
• Decrease base price by one-half of any real appreciation of
the dollar relative to the euro
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9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
• Evaluating the proposal
– If relative PPP holds and IU.S.>IGermany (e.g., 10% and 5%,
respectively, the $ will depreciate relative to the €
• [1-d(€/$)] = [1+I(€)]/[1+I($)] = 1.05/1.1 = 0.0455
– Proposal suggests that the change in price be adjusted by
inflation plus half of the depreciation
– ∆Base price = 1 + (IU.S.+0.5d) = 1.1228 or an increase of
• SA’s per tank cost: increase by 2.07% (=1.1228/1.10)
• M’s real per tank revenue: increase by 2.07% (=[(1-0.0455)
* (1+0.1228)]/(1+0.05))
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9.3 Sharing the Real Exchange Risk:
An Example
• Should the redesigned contract be adopted?
– Other factors affecting costs
• Wage pressure when the buying power of employees at SA is
squeezed (i.e., when domestic currency is weak in real terms relative
to foreign currency)
• Solution: smaller increase in base price when $ is weak and smaller
decrease when the dollar is strong
– Competitiveness and pricing ability
• Demand is fairly elastic given budgets of fire departments! This
means SA is not able to increase prices above inflation
• Foreign competitors complicate matters in that they become
aggressive when $ is strong. Could fix this by allowing SA to receive
>50% of benefit when $ is strong
– Relative bargaining strength – who gets what has a lot to
do with who has more bargaining power
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Pricing-to-Market Strategies
• Pricing to market
• Occurs when a producer charges different prices for the
same good in different markets
• Some examples of pricing-to-market strategies
• Luxury cars in the 1980s - $ very strong; European
manufacturers chose to keep prices high and fatten
profits instead of gaining market share
• Japanese consumer electronics - $ weak; Japanese
manufactures kept prices low to maintain market share
• French handbags: Louis Vuitton bags cost 40% more in
Japan than in Europe
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Exhibit 9.4 A Monopolistic Exporter
20% real appreciation of foreign currency
Monopolist will want to sell more in foreign market
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Exhibit 9.5 A Monopolistic Exporter When
20% real appreciation of foreign currency
Monopolist will want to sell more in foreign market
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Exhibit 9.6 A Monopolist with Imported
20% Real depreciation of foreign currency
Monopolist will want to produce more in foreign market
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9.5 Evaluating the Performance of a
Foreign Subsidiary
• Evaluation the performance of a foreign subsidiary
– tough because of the effect of real changes in
• Example: three Japanese subsidiaries operating in
• The neutral firm – RiceNoodle serves the Thai market
with no export revenues or foreign costs but has
Japanese owners
• The net importer – ThaiComp imports personal computer
parts from Japan, assembles and sells mostly in Thailand
• The net exporter – WeRToys produces and mostly exports
toys from Japan to Thailand
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Exhibit 9.7 Operating Profit with a One-to-One Real
Exchange Rate Between the Baht and the Yen
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Exhibit 9.8 Actual Operating Profit After a 10%
Real Appreciation of the Yen
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Exhibit 9.9 Operating Profit After a 10% Real
Appreciation of the Yen: No Response by Managers
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Exhibit 9.10 Operating Profit After a 10% Real
Appreciation of the Yen: Managers Respond
*arrows indicate direction of change from levels in Exhibit 9.7
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Exhibit 9.11 Actual Versus Optimal Operating
Profit After a 10% Real Appreciation of the Yen
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Exhibit 9.12 Operating Profit After a 10% Real
Depreciation of the Yen: Managers Respond
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9.6 Strategies for Managing Real
Exchange Risk
• Transitory versus permanent changes in real exchange
rates – how long is change supposed to persist?
• Production management
• Production scheduling – use inventory to avoid paying
employees overtime to meet excess demand
• Input sourcing – weighing ability to switch back and forth
between domestic/foreign suppliers and the value of
long-term relationships
• Plant location
• Expand locations
• Shift production among existing locations
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9.6 Strategies for Managing Real
Exchange Risk
• Marketing management
• Pricing policies
• The frequency of price adjustments
• Market entry decisions
• Brand loyalty
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Exhibit 9.13 A Checklist for Managers of
Real Exchange Risk
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